Weight issues


Well, I totally thought I had accepted the whole gaining weight and getting "fat" thing that comes with pregnancy but I don't think I have.

I emailed my sister the other day and mentioned that when I sit down, my jeans press into my tummy and make me feel like I have to pee. Well, she said something to my mom and when I spoke to my mom, she said "I heard your pants are getting tight!" Well I flew off the handle! My pants are not getting tight. They just press into my tummy when I sit!

I guess 30 years of being told that gaining weight is bad is a hard thing to recover from. I'm trying to accept the getting big idea but it's harder than I thought. Hopefully when I do start to gain weight, I will realize that it is good weight. I think once I feel the baby move, I come to understand everything. Thanks for listening.


~15 weeks
I think we all go through this. My normal weight is 155 lbs, and I'm 5'6. Last Monday I weighed in at 170 lbs. I have to laugh when I tell people this, because I really don't look like I'm carrying that kind of weight! And yes, I don't fit into regular pants anymore; even my regular jeans are uncomfortable now.

Don't fret tha gaining weight- you know the baby needs room to grow! :D

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