weight gain



Dear Cathe,
I have been doing your PS series and Intensity strength video for around 3 weeks now. Prior to getting your videos, I only did cardio 5 days peer week, 3x step and 2x spinning. I have nevern been able to achieve a nice body. I feel stronger from doing your videos, but i don't see any outside evidence, i.e. muscle tone or development, in fact my bodystat still says fat 27%!!!
Does these videos give muscle definition, I know I posted a thread beofre asking if I can build up muscle mass and you said yes, but i would really like to see definintion, I know everybody responds diffeently to exercise, but right now I feel i must be doing something wrong as my weight has also gone fron 74Kg to 77Kg, and at 5ft 2inc, I can't afford to gain, I need to lose!! PLease help.
Hi Lynne

I'm not Cathe, but I can tell you a couple of things that have helped me get my body fat down from 24% to 17%. First of all, you have to do the cardio (like you're doing). Keep doing the strength tapes, too, just give it some more time. It takes a while for some people. And I think equal to those things is diet. In order to gain muscle and lose fat, you have to eat enough protein, like fish, chicken, and lean meat. You also have to make sure you're getting enough good fat in your diet (nuts, olive oil, peanut butter), in moderation of course. Another thing that has helped me is cutting down on carbohydrates like white bread, cereals, etc. I try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and other starches like oatmeal, brown rice. I don't have the best body in the world, but I have noticed a difference by doing these things. Hope this helps.

Hi Lynne

In addition to Emily's excellent advice I would add that (if you haven't done so already) get a medical evaluation. Sometimes medical problems such as low functioning thyroid can cause what you are experiencing. I would also add that you do not need to eat fish, chicken or meat to gain muscle and lose fat. I get plenty of protein and have been a vegetarian for many years and I also have had great strength and muscle gain. I know Emily just meant you need the protein, but I wanted to make sure you didn't think you had to eat meat to get that protein.
Hi Laura

Thanks for saying that about not needing to eat the meat. I didn't mean to forget the vegetarians out there. I tried to be vegan for a while, but I ended up not doing it very well and getting sick because I didn't have enough protein or iron. I know lots of people who can get everything they need. I did just mean that Lynne needs to eat some kind of protein, so thanks for adding the vegetarian perspective.

Hi Emily

I knew that was what you meant. I'm not vegan either. I never even attempted that because I like eggs and especially cheese. I just couldn't live without my pizza
And it definitely takes some work to make sure you're getting everything you need. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with it.
Thanks, From Lynne

Hi, it's nice to hear from you all. Firstly, I do eat properly, I have a diploma in nutrition, and I am very physically fit certified by my physician. I was concerned about the weight gain, I know muscle weighs more tham fat therefore a gain will likely take place,but i wasn't expecting 2.5 kgs gain!!!! I love how you guys all atep in to help an offer advice, it's like having pen pals, and everybody is so helpful. I am so gald I found this site and all my new friends. I am just disapointed that there doesn't appear to be much change either through body stat or on the surface, and that sometimes makes you a little dispondent, I will nevertheless endeavour to continue my fight to get muscle!!!!!!!!

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