*** Weekender Watercoolers ******


Morning Everyone:

Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend so far. Down at my parents now and getting ready for Matthew's b.d. party. Got a Car theme happening here with balloons and banners and matching paper plates and cups. He is really excited.

I did get home on my lunch yesterday and did a 1/2hr circuit w/o by Michelle Dozois. Left work early too. Certainly didn't work a full week last week. Next week back to normal and will probably feel like a shock. I don't think I worked a full week in June at all.:p :p

After the party this afternoon driving back up north about 1hr to DH's family to their cottage and will go out for dinner at a restaurant that you can only get to by boat. They have really good fish dishes so looking forward to it. Hope to get swimming tomorrow in the lake.

I'm taking today as a rest day and have BB tomorrow night but will try to get some cardio in I think somehow tomorrow too.

Take care. Not sure if I can get back today or not.
I guess it's going to be mainly Canadians hanging out here this weekend. Good luck with the birthday party Patricia, hope Mattheew has lots of fun! I agree that next week will be a shock, I only worked 2 days this past week.

Well, went with my friend and did a 4.5 mile run this morning. My neice and nephew have been here since last night so the kids are having fun playing. DH is starting to work at preparing the basement for painting so should go help.;-) Kim
Hi all! Just stopping by for a big weekend wave! Just hanging out with DD today and watching movies...We are all pretty beat here. We are headed to an amusement park tomorrow that also has a water park...So we obviously need to take it easy today. We had a good time on the 4th....shot off some fireworks at our place and DD played with the neighbor kids for a while...All good!

Better go and pay attention to the movie before DD starts asking questions!!

Kisses to all!


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

I guess everyone is off having fun!

My mom wanted us to go to the lake this weekend but decided to get some stuff done around the house. On Friday I bought a porch swing to put on our new driveway by the front door, the kids love it! They have spent so much time just hanging out on the swing, they also did lots of swimming with their cousins yesterday.

Mike and I moved stuff in the basement, peeled off old wallpaper, removed baseboards, wash walls and taped. So many hours of work and still no paint on the wall ;) Mike just needs to do some drywall touch ups and then he can get started on the painting today. In the evening I took the kids to see the movie "Get Smart", ds thought it was hilarious. It sure is expensive to go to a first run theatre with 3 people (DH was out with friends). We usually rent or wait until the movies are at the cheap theatre. Also finished writing the annual report for the board I volunteer on, feels good to have that done.

I picked up the book "Abs Diet for Women" yesterday. Started reading it, seems interesting. Anyone else read it??

Today is TB+, church and painting. Maybe we'll see some of the holidayers back later today.:7 Kim
Good Afternoon Ladies,

Never made it to the yoga classes. Decided to stay at the house and do Shiva's Lunar Flow minus the meditation and breathing instead. Can I just say that I love Eoin for helping me understand her a bit better! I truly enjoy the Lunar Flow!!! My rotator cuffs are not happy from sleeping on the mattress here. I might ice and do nothing today.

I've been reading Eat, Pray, Love. I flew through Italy. Now I'm stuck reading about her spiritual experience at an Ashram in India. SANDRA! If you're lurking and have read this book, let me know. If not, get it, read it, and let's chat about it!:+ Debra, you too!!!:+ Heck, everyone at the cooler, let's discuss this book. India is a bit out there for me to want to wrap my mind around. On second thought, it might be a bad idea for me to say what I really think. I best keep my mouth shut.:7 :+

We'll be heading home late tonight. Tomorrow night is orientation. I guess there's no backing out now.:+

Debra: Have a great time at the water park today!!! Oh! I finally ordered Pure and Simple from Amazon. I needed to buy something more with a book I wanted to get free shipping. I should have it this week.

Patricia: How was the party? Hope it made for good memories!!!

Kim: Yep, most painting projects involve a lot of prep work!!! I haven't read the Abs Diet book. I've learned over the years, diet books don't work very well for me. What does the Abs Diet recommend in a nutshell?

Okay, going back to plow through India and start reading about her balancing act in Indonesia with some medicine man.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Good Evening Everyone:

Well, a busy weekend for me. Matthew's party was a success. I bought him a sprinkler to run thru and he just loved it and he gots of other toys to play with. He ended up having 2 cakes. One at my parents w/my family and one at the in-laws. Went to the in-laws cottage Sat. night and took the boat out to a restaurant you can only get to by boat. Matthew had fun getting a turn at driving it. He just loves boats. Got home Sun. at lunch and during his nap I got a w/o in. All the blasts from Low Max and then the UP pre-mix of Pyramids minus the abs. Won at BB tonight too. Couldn't have asked for a better weekend and even the weather was beautiful.

Hope everyone enjoyed theirs.

Kim - I've seen that book and now see the w/o DVD at Zellers. I think it is short HIT w/o's but not sure. Maybe you can let me know what they recommend in the book. Thought I would try some 30min cardio w/o's this week along the lines of HIT.

I updated my www.picturetrail.com/mommapew with a pic of the birthday boy.

Okay - off to give myself a pedi.

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