Hi Annette,
Happy Birthday to you! You are in amazing health. Your class yesterday sounds interesting.
Today I did the final day of Caroline G's Epic 2. I used light weights (12 pounds in each hand). It was a total body workout - no cardio.
I saw my physiotherapist yesterday (this woman is the bomb!). She helped my lower back/leg discomfort and said I am barely at stage 2 for a prolapsed bladder. She said I can workout but no jumping, running, pounding and I shouldn't go too heavy with weights (fine with me as long as I can workout). She also helped me with my pelvic floor muscle exercises. I feel a bit relieved.
Have a great weekend Annette and a great birthday!
Happy Birthday to you! You are in amazing health. Your class yesterday sounds interesting.
Today I did the final day of Caroline G's Epic 2. I used light weights (12 pounds in each hand). It was a total body workout - no cardio.
I saw my physiotherapist yesterday (this woman is the bomb!). She helped my lower back/leg discomfort and said I am barely at stage 2 for a prolapsed bladder. She said I can workout but no jumping, running, pounding and I shouldn't go too heavy with weights (fine with me as long as I can workout). She also helped me with my pelvic floor muscle exercises. I feel a bit relieved.
Have a great weekend Annette and a great birthday!