Weekend Check-in Saturday, August 10th & Sunday, August 11th, 2024

Good Saturday Morning Friends in Fitness,

Today I did more CG - Lower body heavy weight for 35 minutes (warm-up included). I added on 10 minutes of a Cathe Live - Slam it Hiit. I am drenched after those 10 minutes. wow.

Thanks for sharing the apps you subscribe to Linda. Annette, I guess you 'subscribe' to the gym :) and, Nora, you enjoy YT and dvd workouts which offers plenty of variety.

Have a great day everyone.
'Morning girls! Nice start to Saturday, Siobhan, with CG Lower body heavy weight for 35 minutes & 10 minutes of a Cathe Live - Slam it Hiit.

Everyone have a good weekend!
Hey ladies,

Today I did 5 minutes of a boxing workout which I stopped because it was very beginner, then I found Boxing For Cardio which was 22 minutes of sweat. Sylvia Nasser is the young lady's name. So I did a Saturday workout yay me!!

In the middle of washing all our blankets and sheets due to fleas. Cats both got seen yesterday and 1 had active fleas, sigh.

Nice workouts ladies!

Plus add up and down the steps delivering and retrieving laundry , so Laundry Max!
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Happy Saturday everyone:)

Siobhan- Thanks for starting us off! Good job on today's workout with:

CG App-- Lower body heavy weight = 35 Min w/warm up- Good Stuff!
Plus added on Cathe Live-- Slam it HiiT= 10 min - Sounds tough.

Annette- Nicely done today. with:

Boxing workout sorry the first boxing workout was disappoint. Then you found another one with Sylvia Nasser, sounds like you liked that one better. Nice cardio today with Boxing, love it! Sorry to hear about the fleas, that' no fun.
Enjoy rest of your day;)

Linda- Enjoy your weekend.

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength-30-minute Full Body Strength Training w/ Dumbbells -TRISETS FOR DEFINITION!= 34 Min

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- LIVE Cycle class = 48 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn= 21 Min

Have a great weekend:)

Nice workout Nora with YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength-30-minute Full Body Strength Training w/ Dumbbells -TRISETS FOR DEFINITION & LIVE Cycle class = 48 Min plus
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn
Good Sunday Morning Everyone,

Today I did a mix of CG for upper body (no biceps) - 35 minutes. I added on 10 minutes of CG non-stop cardio. It was fun. Now, to stretch.

Nice to see us all checking in this weekend. Great workouts Nora and Annette! And sorry to read about your flea problem Annette. That sounds like a lot of work :(

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday.
Rest day here after 5 loads of laundry yesterday. We bought more flea stuff today after church. Bought a flea powder for the carpet since the spray really smelled bad and took more than a day to go away. The cats aren't scratching as much and appear to be doing better so that is good.

Our local pool is only open during the week this next week then it closes and is only open on weekends. So I may go to the pool tomorrow.

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