Sorry 'bout that......hello girls, we must get the weekend thread started sooner
Well, I got my cleaning done, and laundry, and finished a blender stability ball total body workout. I have been
Concentrating on modifications for me on the Shred cardio and mixed impact cardio workouts, actually I have
Accomplished modifications for all the Shred cardio segments where I need them, and I think the mixed impact
As well, pretty proud of myself...
. I have no sense, however, I get so focused on this stuff, I can be walking
Down my hallway, and all of a sudden, I will just stop and try out a move that hops into my head, anytime, anywhere!!! I have even tried some in the bathroom at work!!! OMG...I can get so side-tracked sometimes.
It would be nothing to see me up the street with Coco, while he's snooting around, standing there doing
Up,up, down,down on the curb!!!!!
Anyway, need to get a shower and relax. Grocery shopping (aka Walmart!) will have to be tomorrow, hopefully.