Hello from Insomnia Land!
The neighbors were fairly quiet last night, but I heard them at around 11:00 and finally shut off the light to see what they were up too--it certainly didn't sound like the skate board. They were on their roof, which is parallel to our bedroom window. Well, this may be TMI, but I was still in my birthday suit after our latest attempt to induce labor naturally
, and there had been a slight crack in the curtains, which means they could have got an eyeful.
. When I peaked out (with the lights off, of course), they were just running around, but still...I'm a little stressed about it. I'll have to be extra careful about the curtains.
I think DH will have to go talk to them about the noise level. This is 2 nights in a row.
I'm getting a ton done....
Kate--sounds like you had a fun and productive shopping trip. I plan to do a little retail therapy if my induction gets bumped. I've already warned dh.
JenM--have fun with dh tonight. I would love to learn cake decorating. Maybe my girls and I could learn it together when everyone is just a bit older. When we had our first baby, we were dirt poor, so everything was handed down to me. Now I'm a good-will kind of gal by choice--our family is just so hard on everything. If I get it already dinged up, I don't feel bad if something happens to it
. But I wish you success in finding the baby furniture you want.
on the medical bills. I'm happy for insurance too, but this is going to be an expensive year, even with it.
Stephanie--I don't mind sharing about my weight gains. I figure there are women who enjoy working out who need to hear the other side--not just from the those who gain very small amounts. I look forward to checking in with you post partum. Sorry about the tax woes. We do Turbo Tax and this was a more complicated year because I inherited some money from my grandfather and I worry that I did not do some things right....I guess the dear old IRS will let us know!
Melanie--(((hugs)))--I'm glad you are getting back in the swing of things. Let us know how the new job is going--and congrats on the weight loss
Jen--Extra pay--yesssss....And I can just hear my dh's voice in my head saying, "Listen to your husband". He says this to me all the time and it's not as condescending as it sounds. Anyway--I'm sure you do take care of yourself, but husbands can have a different perspective and they worry about us sometimes.
HI everyone else!
39 weeks, 2 days