Weaning question..


Hi everyone,

I have a 13 month old who just in the last week has weaned herself. It seems that this sent my hormones on a roller coaster, because I was weepy all last week and just very down. Is this normal? I know it could be due to the end of this stage in our relationship, but I'm not normally a person who would be like that. I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced anything like this?

Hi Tricia,

Yes, this is an absolutely normal response. You are right about your hormones being in an uproar during this time. Your feelings are experienced by many women under the same circumstances. This too will pass.

Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness

Also: Formal Counseling Mom, Nursing Mothers of Raleigh
ASPO Lamaze Breastfeeding Support Specialist

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