Thank you all so much for your replies. I feel so much better now. I too have had terrible withdrawal symptoms from that drug. Very sluggish, tired, no motivation....not to mention sick to my stomach, headaches, VERY moody....worse than before I went on it. My neighbor knows a nurse and she said it could take 6 weeks for the drug to finally get out of your system. And I have read that getting off of this drug is just terrible. My doctor originally wanted to wean me off in 3 weeks....from 40 mg to 3 weeks. I had to step in and say no way. I am so glad I did. I have been weaning myself off soooooo incredibly slowly...over about 2 months and I still have about 3 weeks to go yet....and I still had those terrible side effects. I can't imagine doing it in 3 weeks. I cried all the time telling my husband that I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I did NOT feel like myself. I have just started feeling better in the last week or two. I don't think my weight gain was a direct result of the Paxil...just that I was so down and miserable that I wanted to I did. I have been watching what goes into my mouth the last 3 days and I am feeling better about myself. We have a great health food store here and I am definatly going to check out that SAM-e. I still need something for my anxiety, but I will never go on another drug again.
Thanks again everyone....