Weaknesses and Strengths


I thought it might be fun to see which muscles we think are our 'good' ones, and which our bad. - and if we can share top tips for overcoming hurdles.

So, I will outline my strengths, my weaknesses, and my 'top tips'.

For me, I am proud at what my Biceps can curl, and what my chest can press/push up.

I struggle with back, particularly pull ups. I believe this partly comes from weak rear delts aswell. I also really struggle with Barbell rows.

My top tips: For back, even though my back is weak, I have found using bands on my pull up bar invaluable. For biceps, I have found that using split workouts - therefore working my biceps for longer in one workout - gave them the endurance and the strength to lift heavy in a way that total body workouts weren't doing.

I look forward to reading your strengths/weaknesses and any tips :)
My biceps are definitely my weakest link though I was lifting heavier then I ever thought I could with them thanks to STS!

I love working back and feel mine is pretty strong. Pull/chin ups are tough nuts to crack. I was able to do a few unassisted chin ups years ago thanks to P90X but as soon as I stopped doing mad amounts of them I lost that ability. I'm ok with that though.

Tips: The only way to truly get better at things like pull/chin ups and push ups is to just keep doing them. Practice truly does make perfect where these exercises are concerned. I saw proof of it when doing P90X and am once again seeing proof in my current rotation.
Weakness...biceps, shoulders and triceps

Strengths...legs, chest and back

I need to get these arms stronger! I have okay definition but I can't lift very heavy at all :( I'm moving into Meso 3 soon so hope I'll be able to up my weight loads for arms.
Unfortunately I would say my biggest weakness is my core, seemingly anything involving side planking stuff, my body just won't do it.

Overall I feel my upper body and thighs are strong. I tend not to like back work all that much, so I have to make sure to push myself there and not lighten up to make it easier.

Tip, adding kettlebell swings and presses has noticeably increased my arm and shoulder strength.
Great tip with thhe kettlebells swings and presses! I will try that.

I seem to have the opposite problem - no more definition, but I see strength improvements.

I think for me Meso 3 really did do wonders for my strength. I hope it does for you too!

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