We would love your reviews!

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! We will soon be ready to launch the new shopping cart and in addition to many of the new, exciting features, one of them will include DVD WORKOUT REVIEWS.

We would love your help in writing these reviews. If you would like to participate, simply write a review (as long or short as you like) of the featured workout. You will not need to include the workout length or equipment used since we will already be including that on the shopping cart page. Write anything that you want to share that you feel will help give the viewer the most detailed description of that workout. Feel free to include whether you enjoyed the workout, if it met your needs, etc. Picture writing it as if you yourself were reading this review to help you with your purchase decision. Write as many reviews as you wish.

When we launch the shopping cart we would like to have these reviews ready to go and that is why we are asking for your help now. If you wouldn't mind writing them and tucking them away until our launch, that would be great. When we actually launch it, there will be a section for you to copy and paste your review. It is similar to that of Amazon.com's review page if you want to check that out.

Thanks in advance for your help :*
Hi Everyone! We will soon be ready to launch the new shopping cart and in addition to many of the new, exciting features, one of them will include DVD WORKOUT REVIEWS.

We would love your help in writing these reviews. If you would like to participate, simply write a review (as long or short as you like) of the featured workout. You will not need to include the workout length or equipment used since we will already be including that on the shopping cart page. Write anything that you want to share that you feel will help give the viewer the most detailed description of that workout. Feel free to include whether you enjoyed the workout, if it met your needs, etc. Picture writing it as if you yourself were reading this review to help you with your purchase decision. Write as many reviews as you wish.

When we launch the shopping cart we would like to have these reviews ready to go and that is why we are asking for your help now. If you wouldn't mind writing them and tucking them away until our launch, that would be great. When we actually launch it, there will be a section for you to copy and paste your review. It is similar to that of Amazon.com's review page if you want to check that out.

Thanks in advance for your help :*
Cathe- Where do you want us to send the reviews? Or do you want us to post them somewhere? Or wait until the launch?

Oh never mind......I didn't read carefully, silly me...
Cathe- Where do you want us to send the reviews? Or do you want us to post them somewhere? Or wait until the launch?

Oh never mind......I didn't read carefully, silly me...
Question is....will all reviews be accepted? There's no such thing as a "perfect" workout and I find that constructive reviews are very helpful when deciding whether or not to purchase a workout. Will all reviews, both positive and negative, be allowed?
Question is....will all reviews be accepted? There's no such thing as a "perfect" workout and I find that constructive reviews are very helpful when deciding whether or not to purchase a workout. Will all reviews, both positive and negative, be allowed?
I'd like to know if all reviews will be accepted as well. I don't want to take the time to write an honest review for this site, which will possibly include negatives, if it isn't going to be posted in full. I don't know if it would make sense for Cathe to allow the negative reviews, since I'm sure the goal is to increase sales...

Cathe or SNM, what's your take on this?

I'd like to know if all reviews will be accepted as well. I don't want to take the time to write an honest review for this site, which will possibly include negatives, if it isn't going to be posted in full. I don't know if it would make sense for Cathe to allow the negative reviews, since I'm sure the goal is to increase sales...

Cathe or SNM, what's your take on this?


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