Hmm, High Step Training also not working. Divided in 'Cycles' so cannot WB lower or upper body, plus the premixes themselves will not play. Bummer.
yep, you are right....High Step Circuit is the same, however, High Step Challenge is broken down into "chapters" in the blender....(I think I'm
right on that) Really, if those workouts that are broken down into "sections" for chapters instead of the individual exercises)were broken down
into the individual exercises in the blender, there would be so many more options. Like I mentioned before, the dvds are chaptered
individually in a menu called Mix & Match (or something like that) and then on those, the "chapter" menu are the sections or cycles, etc.
I still use a dvd player that programs chapters, so I am always able to program a workout using the title/chapter #'s for each exercise.. I don't
think they make those dvd players anymore, (5 disc) so I stocked up on them !

Most of the "middle" and newer Cathe workouts are
chaptered completely individual exercises which make for a great time in the workout blender (I have approx. 175 blender workouts to date)
Maybe sometime down the road they will go back and redo the older ones that are the other way. There is one set that came out several
years back that were not chaptered good, more into "sections" instead of individual, I believe it was FlexTrain, Lean Legs & Abs, Great
Glutes, etc. (that group) They weren't chaptered individual exercises at all (I think).