Way OT-Gardening Question


I planted Morning Glory seeds in my garden, and now they have sprouted and are starting to grow up the lattice I have placed in the garden. For the past few days, I've noticed that the leaves on the vines have been drying up, and upon further investigation, I've noticed that chipmunks have been biting off the vines!!! I looked at various gardening sites, but have not been successful in finding out how to repel these cute, but naughty rodents. If there are any avid garderners out there, can you offer any suggestions?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-02 AT 06:16PM (Est)[/font][p]Well you can try a replent, like whats used for deer. My MIL used tabsco sauce, it worked for her. Or maybe something like chicken fence (wire) flat on the ground. I know racoons don't like this because it's senstive to their feet. I used moth balls when I had a mole problem. Maybe you can put moth balls at the base of your vine. Rodents can't stand the ordor. It worked great for me.
Yeah, my husband uses moth balls to keep the neighbourhood cats out of his veggie garden. When the moth balls were in the same room as my guinea pig, he definietly didn't like them. Good for you both for trying humane ways to get rid of your gardening problems! I've known some people who've set out poison without a second thought.
I'd try the tabasco sauce. Powdered hot pepper keeps squirrels from raiding sunflower seeds out of my birdfeeder, so tabasco should work for chipmunks. I wouldn't recommend mothballs (for this or any other purpose, such as in your house) because they are very toxic and the chemicals might have an adverse effect on other living critters.
Here's another vote for mothballs...worked great for us with the rodent types. HOWEVER, the deer & fox took no notice at all!

Anyone have a suggestion for them? (Fence is useless.)

Thanks for all the great ideas! I will try the tobasco sauce. I'll also try it to keep squirrels away from my birdfeeder too. I gave up on filling my birdfeeders, I just throw seed on the ground and they all can enjoy it.
Squirrels vs. birds

Until I got the "squirrel away" powder, I was fighting a losing battle with a local squirrel "gang". When I hung up my finch feeders (net bags filled with bird food) and used sunflower seeds or a mix containing them, I would go out several hours later and find that the squirrels had either chewed a hole in the bottom of the bags so all the seed went on the ground, or chewed off the tie that was holding the bag on its pole, and run off with the bag! One time when I had run out of the hot powder, I hung up some new bags anyway (after all, the squirrels had gotten used to not bothering them, right?) and found them missing or holey in about 2 hours.

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