=====Watercoolers, Working Wednesday=====


Hi ladies,
Thought I'd start the thread early. We got back from our camping trip this morning (Tuesday) around 10 a.m. It was garbage day and we needed to set out the dumpster. I had a bike ride at 3:30 this afternoon so wanted to get home in time to unload everything, shower, etc. We had a really nice time, lots of 4 wheeler riding, relaxing, eating, family visiting time. It was nice, nice, and only smoky for a couple of the days. My folks brought their camp trailer out and stayed about 3 days. DS and DD came out with their families, also my brother and his son. Weather was nice, not too hot. Our dogs are flat pooped out and Lexxie (our German Shorthair, looks like a hunting dog again, all lean and sucked up). Wish that would happen to me!

Bike ride tonite was a good one. We did 2 nice climbs. Tomorrow is golf with another girlfriend. I practiced a bit tonite with the whiffle balls on the front lawn. DH is watching "Geronimo" right now. Looks like a good movie.

No way I can catch up with everyone, so I'll just start with today's thread (Tuesday).

Kim, a haunted tour? Sounds fascinating! How was it?

Laurie, I'm envious of your cut and color. My hair looks awful right now, but I get a weave and cut on Thursday. Can't come soon enough! It looks especially crusty over the camping trip. Dust from riding 4-wheelers on top of it all. Bet you all were laughing about your "new" dress! Hope to see a picture. How's it going with DD and the BF?

Debra, sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope tomorrow is better. DS's GF had a migraine yesterday morning, but it went away by noon and she seemed to enjoy the rest of the day. Thank goodness! I felt so sorry for her. Preggers :eek:??

Patricia, when you say body perm, my mind goes back to those horrid "Toni Home Permanents" that my mom used to give us. Know yours wouldn't be like that. I loved the country where Debra lives. Not sure about the humidity, but she doesn't seem to complain about it. It'd probably kill this dry weather gal. Whatever happened to your leg? Darn it! Enjoy P90X! I remember how excited I was. I'm getting really excited about STS.

Wendy, how were the suction cups? I have to go back and read about it. Yes, I have camping out of my system. The only bad part was that I tried out a new coffee at the "used food" store. It was bad.. I drove back to town (mind you, it's only 15 miles away) and bought some Starbuck's Verona. After that, all was well http://mysmileyz.com/s/435.gif[/img]. When do you start massage school? I made a dutch oven dessert in the oven (no campfires or charcoal were permitted). It was canned pumpkin pie mix (with eggs and evap. milk) mixed together, poured into the bottom of the dutch oven. Then, I poured a dry carrot cake mix on top. Tossed a bunch of chopped walnuts and butter slices on top. Baked for about 45 minutes. They all loved it and I served with ice cream or cool whip.

Better get off here and will check in tomorrow morning.

Morning everyone:

At work and almost finsihed my 1st cup of joe. Have BB tonight and hope we don't get rained out. Its rained here since Monday;(

Jeanette - you're alive.:p Really rough camping if you can drive into town for Starbucks. Keep doing that as I'm worried about my cousin who is an executive in Seattle w/Starbucks. With your economy these days I wonder how hard they're getting hit. Sounds like you had a really fun time and the dessert sounds delicious. How ever did you come up with that recipe? There was a time probably in the 80's that I always had a perm so every once in a while I go and get one. I really wish I had curly hair:-( I just want some wave to it as it is dead straight which I know some would love.:p Hmm, my leg - I think I may have "over did it" on Sun. I did LowMax Step Blasts only then Pyramid UP pre-mix then went to BB and did a lot of running and then not much stretching afterwards so probably just need to rest my leg for a few days and keep stretching it. BTW - what the heck is a weave?

Laurie - how did your hair turnout? Did you win at VB last night?

Okay - off for another java.
Morning Coolers,
Today's workout was GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps. Tonite will be golf with a girlfriend. Also plan on a nice walk during my break.

Patricia, I hear you on not stretching enough. I am really, really bad about that. Hope the leg loosens up and soreness dissipates quickly. I think lots of people are cutting back on the "fat" and luxuries, no doubt the Starbuck's habit being curtailed a bit. Lots of people are trying to unload horses around here. Just too expensive for hay now. I hear it's around $18/bale in some spots around here. Plus shoeing I'm sure has gone up. I paid $70 every 8 weeks up till I sold mine a few years ago. The economy is not good. This oil thing is affecting everything. A weave is what is done to "streak" your hair. The stylist isolates and dyes sections of your hair, usually using tin foil to wrap the sections. My hair is dark, with toffee colored sections. I have straight hair too, but use a curling iron on it every day to give a little curl. The dessert is just a variation of a standard camping recipe. I've used canned fruit topping (like cherries, or peaches or whatever) and pour a dry box of white or yellow cake on top, with butter and nuts. Turns out everytime. Not clean, but good.

Gotta run. Am watching the Tour De France right now. First year I could do that and type, now that I have a laptop and am wireless. yeehaw!

Morning Coolers,

Todays workout was P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. That one still is a tough workout. :)

We only won 1 of 3 games last night. :( But the games where really close. The last one ended with a 25-23 score. :) Again the group was a bunch of 20 somethings, with some really good servers.

Jeanette, Glad you are back safe and sound from your fun filled camping trip. Sounds like Lexxie was having a great time running around, since she got slim and trim. :D Have a great time watching the Tour. I wouldn't even have known that is was happening if you hadn't mentioned it. :7 We have made that recipe on camping trips also, and used canned peaches. Have you ever had pudgy pies?

Patricia, Congratulations on your P90X purchase. Hope you like Tony as much as I do. :+ My hair turned out great again, I just love the color that my stylist gives me. She straightend my hair, and my oldest said we really do look like each other. :7 I have not had a perm in about 15 years. My hair takes to curls really easily, so I end up starting out as a poodle (even with a body perm)!

Debra, Hope you are feeling better today. We are going to a waterpark in the Dells sometime in August. Thought it would be a fun break, and help the Dells area with our tourist $. They had even more rain than we had, and Lake Dalton overflowed it's banks and drained into the Wisconsin River. Kid you not, the whole lake drained. Just have to make up our minds as to which park we want to go to. :D

Wendy, Channel me sunbathing, and hope I don't burn! :7 :7 We have not really had that warm of weather, so my skin really hasn't seen the sun much! :7

Kim, How was that tour?

Have a great day,

Good morning all...I am feeling slightly better today, but really weak. I didn't have much to eat yesterday and every time I get up and move around even a little, I get out of breath and nauseous. Ugh. My headache seems to be mostly gone, though. I took 3 hour nap yesterday afternoon. We are done with the urine collection as of this morning!! Yeah!! Now I just get to send it out Fed Ex!


Sounds like you had a great time on your trip!!! When do you head back to work? Or do you have the whole week off? Sorry to hear that DS's GF suffers from migraines...I know that cannot be any fun, but I hear they have really good drugs for them now. Have a great time on your bike ride this afternoon.

Sorry to hear about your leg...Take my advice and take it easy!!! I am still nursing my hamstring/glute and it doesn't take much to throw it out of whack again. Hope your BB game isn't rained out tonight. Good going ordering the X!! We will all be here to cheer you on...and you may get Laurie to join you with a little coaxing!

Dang 20 somethings! They think they have it all over the old folks! I hope they are all sore today...LOL! I forgot about the Dells being so close to you guys. We have been there once...DD was a little young to really have a good time, but she would enjoy it now. Glad your hair is beautiful! It is so nice to have a stylist who knows how to work with your hair. They are hard to find!

Hope you are doing okay...Your post was eerily short yesterday! Just a few more days until orientation. I am sure your first week at massage school will go well. What time of day are your classes?

Okay...gotta go take the dog to the kennel in wild anticipation of actually being strong enough to drive to SC tomorrow. And then DD goes to spend the afternoon with my mom. I have an appointment with my attorney today. I am really nervous about it...I just want to get this all over with...but I am not willing to give up the things that DD and I need...and there are a few other things that XDH is asking for that I am just not comfortable with. Wish me luck. I may end up in court after all.



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Good Afternoon Ladies,

I'm waiting for a phone call from the doctor's office to schedule an appointment for my shoulder. I think I have tendinitis. I really don't think I have a tear. Who knows. Anyhow, if I do, they have cutting edge, non-surgical treatments that may help.

Classes start next Monday at 5:45. I'll be taking three classes this quarter. I'm kinda bummed that two of my favorite classes (massage foundations and anatomy/physiology/pathology) will be taught by a new teacher. Hopefully, she's more than competent.

Not sure if I'll do any workout today. If I do it'll be a CC and stretch.

Jeanette: LOL on looking like a hunting dog. Don't worry about catching up. Not much happened while you were gone. Patti forgot the sucking cups which was more than fine by me. By the time I got there, I had planned on asking her to skip it. I was wanting a deep tissue massage instead. I think you've got me hooked on Verona too. Over the weekend, my friend brewed a pot of Maxwell House. YUCK!!!! Phil drove 45 minutes to Wegmans and got me the good stuff.:7 Oooo, your dessert sounds YUMMY!!! When you say weave, do you mean ribbon highlights? Ribbon being the tin foil placement technique where the highlights are placed in streaks around the head. And, highlights... well you know what highlights are.;-)

Laurie: Too bad you weren't closer. I could give you my Dr. Haouska sunscreen lotion. It smells and works great!!! However, it makes my naturally tan skin look so white and pasty. Congrats on the win and close games . Those are always fun even if you don't win.

Debra: What did I miss? Again, I ask -- what is this urine collecting? I'm doing fine. But, you don't sound very well at all. Goodness, I hope your strength returns soon!!! Although, you don't need much strength to be a beach bum with me.;) I hope your attorney can resolve all of the divorce issues. That would suck if you had to go to court!!! Yeah, my post yesterday was short. Didn't feel like chatting to myself.

Tracy: Thinking of you today. Hope all is peaceful with your FIL. HUGS!!!

Kim: Hope you got properly frightened yesterday. ;-)

Patricia: Congrats on the X purchase.

Okay ladies, I best get some homeschooling done while I have the extra time.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Yeah, won at BB again. I was 2 for 4 at bat and got home 2x so not bad. Remembered to do some good stretching when I got home. It was really cute this morning when I dropped Matthew off at pre-school. His BF had a note for me and sat at the door waiting for me to show up to give me. It was an invite for a play-date this weekend. It's so cute watching these 2 boys interact. I'v been told that they pretty much ignore everyone else and just play together. Wonder if this will be a life long bond or just a temporary thing. Anyhow, set-up a playdate for Sun. a.m. but won't tell DS until Sat. night.

Good news - I got confirmation that my P90X has shipped so wonder if I'll have it by the end of the week? Better rest my leg in antipication of starting the program ASAP.

Hope everyone had a good day. Deb - are you feeling any better. Hope your meeting with the lawyer went okay.

Talk tomorrow.
Oooo Laurie, I just read previews about One on One with Tony over at VF. Can't wait to hear what your thoughts are after you do it once. Then I can decide if I want to subscribe or not. Are you watching Sheer Genius? OH! I am soooo happy with the loser situation tonight. Don't want to say who didn't make the cut just in case you haven't seen tonight's episode.

Patricia, What's up. Yes, I had a good day. Thank you very much for hoping. My 16 year old still shares a bond with his toddler playmate. Once in awhile, they will get together for paintball gun competitions and 4 wheeling. However, they don't hang out very much. For one, his friend was held back a year in elementary. They both hang out in different crowds. My ds hangs with the jocks, mountain bikers, and guys from civil air patrol. His friend hangs with ??? druggies, potential hs dropouts maybe??? Anyhow, ds will always consider his friend a lifelong friend because he's loyal like Debra.:D

Okay, off to CC #1 and Lunar Flow minus the meditation and breathing chapters.

Hi gals,
I'm sitting here watching the Tour de France. I really don't have a favorite to root for yet, but hoping an American wins. Or one of the American teams. Love the beautiful countryside they ride thru. Someday, I hope to go to Europe and ride my bike.

Had a good time golfing tonite. I didn't play as well as before, but I haven't had time to practice. Hoping to get another practice in before next week.

Laurie, darn those youngsters! Oh well, at least you won one of them. Okay, what are pudgie pies? I'm curious and always up for a new recipe. Glad the hair turned out good. I'm looking forward to my haircut and color tomorrow. Waaaay overdue. Hair is flat on top and hanging.

Debra, glad you are feeling better today. What was that bug that hit you? Was it some food poisoning? Guess I missed it, what is the urine collection for? The bike ride yesterday was good. Felt strong. Have a toughie next Monday night. The dreaded Janesville Grade. I measure all other climbs against this one. I think on the steepest spot I'm going 3 mph. Hope the attorney visit went well today.

Wendy, what do they do for tendonitis in the shoulder? That Phil is a peach to drive for the coffee. Now that's love. My sister turned me on to the Verona. I use about 1/3 of a cup of coffee per pot and it's one of those 8-10 cup pots. I like it strong. I guess I'm thinking a weave is the same as highlights, yes, with the tin foil. Enjoy CC#1 and the yoga. I'm doing a cardio tomorrow morning.

Patricia, how cute about your DS and his friend. Nice that they play so well together. Way to go on the 2 for 4 hits. See, you are out of your slump.

Good night all,


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