+++Watercoolers, Winning Wednesday++++


Hi girls,
Today was GS Chest & Triceps superset premix. Will do Legs & Abs tomorrow before we leave for camping trip. Have golf tonite after work with a girlfriend. Must start packing the trailer when I get home from golf. I am such a procrastinator, but have my list so packing should go pretty easily.


Morning Coolers,

Todays workout was Total Body Plus.

VB last night was fun, and we won 2 of 3 games. Again it was against 20 yr olds. :D Oh and we only play with four players, vs. their 6. Not bad for 40 yr olds. :D

Jeanette, Glad the dogs are able to take part in the camping. I know Cami loves going up north to the cabin. Just so much running around to do. :7 Hope you get the portable grill, I have never liked getting the trailer all warmed up with cooking. :D Have a great time golfing today, and I'm sure the camping will be nice and relaxing. :D

Wendy, Will make a note of the shrimp :9 at the Cheesecake Factory. That sounds like something that I would love. :9 Sounds like you may have found a good yoga studio. That top is really cute! Don't know if I could wear the So Low Yoga pants though. :7 Hope the flight issues get straightened out for your ds.

Kim, We didn't get that child free evening, our oldest had to take care of her cousin the next day. So she couldn't go down to Chicago. Last night we had DH's niece and another little girl sleep over. DH said this morning, when did our house become babysitting sleep over! :7 DD is sitting for a friend, who has a 7yr old niece. Our DD is like a big sister to her. She is also watching DH's 11 yr old niece. On Monday she will be watching my DB's two girls, plus DH's niece. The 11 yr old really just is there because her mother doesn't want her home alone all day. It is nice that everyone just brings there children to our house.

Debra, :D Now I'm curious as to what the long story is. :D

Patricia, Hope your day off was a fun one.

Have a great day

Hi Guys

Been busy but just wanted to pop in to let you know that Eoin Finn's Dad has died. There is a thread over at VF about it. Just thought you might want to know.

Here is what was posted:

Don Finn died

If you haven't heard, Eoin Finn's dad died yesterday. I got an email with the following:

July 1st was supposed to be the start of the summer schedule. in spite of the amazing weather, there will not be a class tonight. This is due to the sad departure of my dad, Don Finn, aka "the Wanz" who taught me so much about Nature, Honey, and always dancing with the wallflowers at my high school dances so no one had to feel left out.

Sorry about the cancellation. Chris Duggan is going to step up and teach class Thurs July 3 at 6pm and Sat July 5 at 9am at the Showboat. I will be back Monday afternoon for class on Monday night at 7pm. As always, check the schedule here.

Don't forget to join or pledge our yogathon Bliss Army Team or start your own. We are only 11 days out from this festive event.

If you want to do, please make a big wolf howl in his honour. It's and ancient cry that really sums up the harshness, the longing and the celebration of what it means to pass through this world.




Good morning all! Sorry I didn't get to play around yesterday...I got a letter from XDH's attorney, and it kind of threw me into a tailspin for the rest of the day. XDH is still being a bit of a jerk with the money situation...and I am just so tired of dealing with it all. Anyhoo, DD is off with one of the neighbor's girls this morning for a playdate and won't be back until this afternoon. I am still struggling to get the laundry done...and I am planning on exercising today too!!!

I am going to start personals off with Wendy today since I left her out the other day!


Sorry I left you hanging the other day! I'm sending extra kisses your way today to make up for it!!!! WTH is up with DS?????????????? I am sorry that things aren't working out for his trip....but it sounds like he should have shown a little more courtesy about letting you guys know. I am sure you will give him a big talking to if you haven't already. I know you must be hurt and disappointed, though. I am glad that your yoga class went well. The alignment workshop sounds great. I am sure that will continue to solidify Eoin's teachings. When do you start massage school??? Polly got some sort of yogurt stuff for her birthday. She was a very happy dog! You're right about me and the dishes...CBL and one of his buddies stopped by unexpectedly the other night, and I had dirty dishes in the sink...I was trying to figure out a way to hide them! The neighbors are nuts...and they are raising their very cute daughter to be nuts too. I will be glad for school to start again so that DD is hanging out with her school friends more...and I am thinking we will probably put this house on the market this fall and move out of the neighborhood altogether...not because of the neighbors, but because I won't be able to afford this house with my alimony. Ugh. Don't get me started on that!

Thanks so much for the info on Eoin's dad. What a sad time for him and his family. Hope you had a great day off yesterday. What does Canada Day celebrate exactly? Is it like our Independence Day? I know that is probably a stupid question, but you know we Americans don't care about anyone but ourselves...LOL! I can't get out of bed and workout either! I am simply not a morning person...and I am okay with that. I have learned to work my little world around my deficiencies....LOL.

So glad to see your shining face!!! I am glad to hear that you are doing well...just busy. I know those boys keep you hopping!!! Miss you...Check in whenever you get the chance!

Okay...off to do some other things around the house...first off...Calling my attorney! Anyhoo...will be back later to catch up with everyone else!

Kisses to all!


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Good Afternoon Ladies,

Last night I flew to slow flow yoga class. Got there with no time to spare. The class was full. There wasn't room for another mat! I like the instructor and flow. I enjoyed the gentle/restorative yoga class too. But, the slow flow was more intense and focused more on proper alignment. I broke out sweating about ten minutes into class. The instructor was good at breaking down the pose in order to get us into proper alignment. Just like Eoin, she made sure we pushed through the ball or heels and tuck our tailbone under. She didn't focus on the toes or not hinging like Eoin had.

Tomorrow I have a massage scheduled. I hope Patty remembers to bring the sucking cups.:D If not, I won't mind a long, deep massage.vI'm debating on which workout to do today. I might do a short CC and some Eoin this afternoon.

After my massage, we're driving up to SC for the holiday weekend. I've gotta get Phil to take the bike off the trainer and change out my rear wheel. I'll try to get a class in at the Iyengar studio while there too.

Opening up another window for personals.

Okay, I'm going to invite a person to join our check-in if it's alright with you all. Patricia and I met her when we went out to dinner with Eoin. She loved the idea of a check-in. She used to live in Manhattan and now lives out in the sticks of Canada without many around her.

Debra: I am so sorry to hear your ex is being such a jerk!!! You'd think he'd want to wait until the housing market picks up. I'm so sorry you have to deal with selling this house so soon!!! A hint someone once revealed... You can hide your dirty dishes in the oven. Ha-Ha. Not that I've ever! Never! My sins are out there for ALL to see.}( I'm starting massage school July 14th. Next week is orientation. yay. Notice my lack of enthusiasm. It will probably be a waste of time. I'm not going to buy any novels to read on the beach. I'll be skipping three nights of anatomy, ethics/communications, and massage foundations. Not to fear. I'm no slacker.;-) I figure I can study anatomy on the beach (there's lifeguards right? :7), massage techniques with Patti and Rauel while they're sunbathing, and ethics/communications with you over a glass of wine in the evening. It's all good.

Patricia: Thanks for letting us know about Eoin's father. How sad. He mentioned his father on Sunday. I wonder if there is an address we can send sympathy cards. Oh, tell Debra you're not Canada's ambassador! She can google Canada Day just like the rest of us self absorbed Americans!:p :D :+

Jeanette: LOL on squeezzing in packing after all your active hobbies.:) Glad you got your list finished. Oh, I didn't mean for you to consider Cathe's July rotation. No, I just thought it was very similar to what you and I did last month. Glad you are enjoying Fitness Freak's Lower Body rotation. I tried finding it. Do you have a link for it? Enjoy golfing and your camping trip!!!!

Laurie: Your VF team ROCKS!!!! Way to REPRESENT!!! :) :) :) What? So Low? Yes, you can! It's just a brand name. They are regular yoga pants. I love the weight and feel of them the best out of all my other yoga pants including Lululemon and Prana! They really aren't cut low. But, they are sexy.}( Phil must have commented about his sexy wife at least three times yesterday!!! He hardly ever says that out of the blue without me fishing for a comment!!!!:p :7

Kim: Have you noticed any "results" yet with X+? Tracy said she got stronger from it. So far, I like this studio. I only wished we had closer studios. I have to drive about 30 minutes to get to this one. So, I try to get errands near the studio done before or after class. Did you have a hard time getting back to work today?

Okay, off to read more about hair color.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Hello Coolers!! I just had to drop a quick note to...

Wendy....Thanks for your response to my AC post! You were the only person there who wasn't distracted by the t-shirt question LOL!!! SNM appears to have agree with your reasonable response. When do you start your masseuse training?

Wendy, Patricia, Debra....I read the reports of the Finn weekend and was green, green with envy about your experience! It sounds like it was a fantastic time!!! I loved the photo of Deb on Eoin's back. How cool was that??

Jeanette....Have a hoot camping! I got on my bike this morning, on the trainer, to do CC#8. Is it wrong that I prefer do interval rides on the trainer using Cardio Coaches, rather than long distance riding outdoors? Peter and I got out one time together a couple weeks ago. He made me pick up my pace a little, and I made him do hill repeats...repeatedly. Maybe I have a problem....

Laurie....How's the Plus rotation going?

Patricia.....Oh my! How very sad about Eoin's father! It sounds like he will be very much missed. Thank you for letting us know.

Debra....You're still dealing with the divorce settlement?! UGH!!!!! I feel for you! I hope you're using those credit cards until they smoke from overuse. If you're not going to get it in the settlement, then get it all now!

Kim....Thanks again for your advice about my elbow. Are you doing a Plus rotation, too? How's it going?

A bit of an update on me: I've been co-teaching segments of a step class at the Y, and this Monday coming up I will be teaching the whole thing. I'm excited. I'm sure it will go well......When I'm finally ready to fully take charge of the class, this instructor is going to turn the class over to me. I'm excited. Really. I am. :D :D

Have a great day!
Hi all,

Maybe if we can get Traci to pop in we can have a cyber reunion!

I've been watching Sandra's post on the STS discussion. Does it look like Cathe is not going to produce any more weight workouts after STS?

Debra - Sorry XDH is being ugly. I guess some things never change.

Jeanette - The camping trip sounds wonderful. I wish it was me!

Laurie and Kim - Are you enjoying the + rotation? I am, although I have mostly subbed running for Interval X and Kenpo X.

Sandra - Funny, I'm going to try to use the bike for SS and run my hill repeats. I just find it easier to plug along on the bike at a steady pace. I've seen some nice changes in my legs from gradually integrating the hill repeats.

I'm still studying for the ACE exam. I'm going to do CPR training on the 20th and will take the test soon after.

Hi to everyone else, Happy 4th of July *.*.*.*.*.*.*

Hi All:

Left work a little early b/c pre-school called to say DS had a swollen eye. By the time I got there is was substantially down. I think he must have just gotten something in there and started rubbing. It seems perfectly fine now.

Well the good news I got home early enough to do a late afternoon w/o.:p Did Power Push again along w/1/2hr leg and abs w/o. Feeling better but still coughing a bit and will probably be asleep pretty soon.

Lets see what everyone else has been up to:

Wendy - you must be so disappointed that DS is not coming home. He probably is too but it sure doesn't sound like it was handled properly. See you cheered yourself up with some shopping. Wait to go. LOL Tell him you want the $$ back to pay for your shopping spree! hehehe. Thanks for the Canada Day ^^^5. Glad you're able to get so much use out of the yoga conference so soon. Sounds like you've finally found some places that you're enjoying going to. Are you taking your bike with you to SC? Sounds like a fun weekend lined up. Hmm, Anatomy on the beach. You could find some young sexy buff guy and ask him if you can use his body to help illustrate all the anatomy out of your book for you. Always trying to look on the bright side of things if you've got to do "work" on vacation. I guess Phil probably wouldn't like that idea.

Laurie - sounds like you're keeping the kids busy this summer. All your hard working is coming to a head for this weekend. Hope it all turns out well. Wait to go on the VB win. You must feel over the moon beating 20 y/olds.

Kim - I too saw the July rotation and it didn't appeal to me. Her June one does now that I got Amy's Slo-Mo. I've printed it off and it's on my future to-do list. Sounds like you had a fun Canada Day. I'm going to hold off on P90X. I don't have the enough time I think to commit to it this summer w/BB and figure STS will be out come the fall so will work with what I have and stop spending $$. At least that's my mind set right now. It's subject to change:p :p

Jeanette - you must not start work until 9am? I start at 8 so not much time to get up early and wait 1hr like you. BB is a short season here - over by end of August. We have 3 rain out games to make up for so far and they've been crammed into July so thats why 3 games / week at the moment. I am such a procastinator. Just starting thinking about Matthew's birthday party. It's at my parents so had Mom order a cake in the cars theme and I bought all the paper plates etc. Just need to wrap a couple presents tonight and DH & I are going shopping at lunch on Thurs. to see what else we can buy. Since we've moved we really haven't met too many people so not throwing a party w/kids this year. Will probably next year. Ugg Loot Bags - not looking forward to having to entertain kids. I'm so bad about riding my bicycle. At least I can put my fan on me in the basement so the heat doesn't affect me. Matthew has finally started to at least sit on his bicycle and has figured out how to brake, just not how to go forward. He likes to watch me cycle though. Hope you had fun at golf tonight and that it doesn't take too long to pack the trailer.

Debra - Canada Day is our country's birthday just like your July 4th. I think we're 146 y/old. What a disappointment you must feel after getting that letter. Things never seem to let up for you. Laughing at the dirty dishes in the oven. I totally agree w/Wendy. If I don't have time to clean the cookie sheets I throw them in there until I do.:p :p

Sandra - Happy Belated Canada Day. Sounds like your teaching is coming along. Hope everything is getting easier for you.

Tracy - I can imagine how much you're studying these days for the ACE. I thought about taking it years ago and I know its not easy.

Okay, better post b/4 I lose this thing.

See you tomorrow.
Oh, just wanted to say that the Workout show that's on your Bravo is premiering on our Slice t.v tonight. Really looking forward to what all the hoopla is about.
Just checking in, busy day at work today. DH beat me home as the kids took along time to pick up at daycare so he made supper which was nice. Did UB+/Abs, watched X-Weighted and some of the new Workout show. DD was in the room though and "Workout" was pretty risque so had to turn it off.

Jeanette Hope you have a good golf game. What time are you heading out tomorrow?

Laurie WTG on the VB game!

Debra- So sorry to hear that your XDH is still being a jerk, do you think it will get settled soon? Canada Day is Canada's birthday. We were 141 years old.

Wendy I haven't really noticed any changes with the + yet but it's only week 2. My real problem is always my eating. If I could lose 15 lbs I could really show off the hard earned muscles that I know are under there. Ohh, I didn't realize school started so soon for you.

Sandra Good luck with teaching your first full class! Yes, I'm doing a + rotation but only on week 2.

Traci Always nice to see you check in.

Hi ladies,
Sounds like everyone is busy and getting in their workouts. Had a very nice golf game after work. The night was beautiful, smoke not too bad and the company was good. I didn't play as well as last week, but had one fantastic putt that Tiger would have been proud of LOL! She and I will play again next Wednesday night.

Got home and DH and I got busy loading stuff up for our trip tomorrow. "Trip" sounds like we're traveling a distance. Truth is the camping spot takes about 15 minutes from our house to get to. I know because I timed it last time we were there. Oh well, at least we won't be burning a lot of that high priced diesel to get to a camping spot. DH bought a propane grill today as campfires are not allowed in the woods, unless in a designated campground. We try to avoid designated campgrounds as much as possible and prefer camping out by ourselves or with other family members. I have a dutch oven dessert planned, but will bake it in the trailer oven. We still have the generator, water jugs and my electric coffee maker (very important item) to load up in the morning. DH would like to get out there around noon so a leg and ab workout it will be for me in the morning. I've got a load of laundry going right now. Will throw in the squeaky dryer before heading to bed tonite.

Laurie, you guys are really doing well with your volleyball team this year. Is it the same players as last year? Does your DH play too? Have fun with the babysitting. Better you than me. Our dogs LOVE, LOVE, LOVE camping. They are pretty active on the first day. By the third day, their previous gallop is now a trot. They love to dig, dig, dig.

Patricia, I read that Eoin's father had passed on Video Fitness forum. Always hard losing a family member.

Debra, so sorry about the bad news from the lawyer. Know you will get thru this (((hugs)))). Not a fun time right now. Hang in there. I have dirty dishes on the counter right now. Manana...

Wendy, glad you enjoyed the yoga. I'm envious you have so many opportunities and instructors to go to. Don't think we have a single yoga class in our town right now. Hope you enjoy that massage. Don't forget it, okay? There's no way I'd forget something like that. Is your DS going to end up seeing you? Can't wait to "meet" the new gal you invited to the checkin. Here is the link to the leg rotation I'm doing
Hope you have a good time this weekend in SC. Going to ride that bike? Has it been a little while? I'd change the tire/wheel for you if I was there. It's pretty easy really. So when will you be dying your hair? Mine needs to be done so bad I can hardly stand looking at myself. Skin is looking better though.

Sandra, nice to hear from you! Hope the kids are fine. Glad you are enjoying the instructing. Know your Monday solo will go well. I bought CC#3, but have yet to download it to my mp3 player. Was it good?

Tracy, miss you on here. How is your FIL doing? Is your DS still running with you? Trip still planned to do hiking?

Patricia, glad your DS's eye wasn't too serious. I remember once when I was shucking corn (when I was in high school), I touched my eye after handling the silk. Really irritated my eye and it swelled up huge (the tissues). Scared me. I get up at 4 a.m. each morning, workout from 5-6 thereabouts, eat/post/read on the computer until 6:45, then shower and dress from 6:45 to 7:25, leave for work at 7:40 and start at 8:00 a.m. When I was working four 10 hour days, I'd get up at 2 something, workout from 3-4, veg for a while, shower,etc. and arrive at work at 6 a.m. Don't want to go back to that again. I like getting to bed a little later each night. Well, at least little Matthew is sitting on his bike. I think he'll like it later on. When we were kids, we rode bikes everywhere, stayed out all day, went across town, etc. Parents never worried.

Kim, how nice that your DH made dinner. What did he cook? We're leaving around noon or sooner tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it greatly.

Having a hard time with these heavy eyelids. Got to go now.



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