****Watercoolers, Toiling Tuesday******


Good morning,
Today was GS Chest & Triceps Superset premix, then abs from BM2. A walk is on tap during my break. After work, will pick up some panels for the back yard and gate with DH and then it's mowing weeds for me. Okay, I have the day planned out now.

Wendy, I LOVE scalp massages!!! Wonder why that gal didn't want to apply much pressure in the scalp massage. When I get a full body massage, the best parts for me are my hands, feet, face and scalp to be massaged. How many days a week do you go to massage school? Oh yes, my MyChelle order should be arriving tomorrow! That's fast as I just placed it Sunday night.

Hope everyone has a great day today. Another short work week for me. Hmmmm, I could get real used to this!

Gotta go now,

Good afternoon Ladies,

I totally forgot to channel Laurie on vacation yesterday!!! I hope she's having a wonderful time!!!

And Debra: She's probably spending make-out time with CBL. :+

Guess what! It's that time of year again. The time of year when we realize the car registration is expired!!! Phil is trying to find the renewal information.

Jeanette: That is super fast shipping!!! I'll have to check out their prices. Let me know how the products look, smell, and feel when you get them. Wasn't it your yoga instructor who used to give everyone scalp massages during corpse pose? I had that at one of the relaxation/restorative yoga classes and immediately thought of you!!! Massage Foundations classes are on Mondays and Fridays. I still schedule massages with Patti. Heck, the main reason for learning how to massage is so I can afford my weekly massage!!:7 The teacher laughed when I told her that. She said that was the BEST reason she ever heard for going to massage school.:7 I'm meeting Patti earlier on Thursday to massage her scalp. She is soo good with teaching me. But, I always learn more from one on one instruction. As for my No Pressure Partner... She's a tiny- skin and bones- computer programer looking to change careers. I'm thinking she doesn't get regular massages or give loved ones massages. She might not realize that she needs to strengthen her fingers and get power from her legs. She'll soon learn. We have to switch up partners. So, others will be helping communicate that to her too. When she was massaging my scalp, the instructor came over and tried showing her how to apply more pressure. The teacher even stopped class and showed them how my whole body moved during the occipital ridge release. I thought about time I got it deep and hard!!! :7 :+

Wow, this post will be a Jeanette one. I've gotta get some things done around here before I leave for my doctor's appointment. I'll be back later to catch up with Kim, Patricia and Jeanette's late night post.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
Afternoon All:

Just getting around to chat as I eat my lunch of leftovers. yum yum, they're the best b/c you don't have to cook ;-)

Hit the snooze button a few times this a.m. so didn't get up to do my w/o. Even went to bed early last night too. Oh well, will skip dinner and do it b/4 my BB game tonight. I have on tap Legs & Back I think.

I bought a chin-up bar last night and when I asked DH to install it he had a good question. Its just a bar and if I install it above my head in the doorway how do I make sure I don't hit my head on the top of the door (when I can start pulling up - see I'm positive I will be able to one day)? The door gym wouldn't work b/c the door is in the corner of the room so no clearance for it on one side. Did anyone else have this problem? I looked at the resistance band door thingy at Walmart but it comes as part of a kit and can't buy it separately. Maybe I'll look on-line to buy it. Maybe from FWonline as I've bought from them b/4.

Jeanette - another short week for you. Good on you. Just Friday off for you or were you not in yesterday? (I may not have noticed that in your post).

Wendy - so how did it feel to "touch" a stranger. I tried giving my BF a manicure several years ago and was kinda creeped out so I don't think I could go into the service/nursing industry.

Hope everyone is having a good day so far.
Patricia: Eat!!! You want to burn fat and fuel those workouts!!! We have the P90X chin-up bar. I would think a bar mounted underneath the header of the door is fine. Even with the bar grips on the outside of the door, I don't hit my head on the grips. There's a bit of space between my hands and my head. It isn't creepy massaging a stranger's body. I'm too busy locating bones and focusing on my body position, hand position, pressure, their reaction, etc... There's so much going on that the thought of it doesn't even register. Right now, it's not about touching a person as much as it about touching a muscle. It's pretty intense.

Hey Kim and Patricia: Did you guys try out the Abs Diet? I was reading about it on OD. Interesting. I agree with what Tracy (taprice) had to say about calories vs. composition of foods.

Okay, gotta get ready to go.

Chat more later.

Wendy - I went to do the Abs Diet w/o one day last week and wasn't really in the mood to w/o. There were so many commercials at the front of the DVD b/4 you even got to the workout I got frustrated and popped something else in. Its one of those DVD's that you've got to watch the commercials for everytime. Why can't they put them at the end of the DVD. I'll watch them while I do my extra stretching. Now with doing P90X I don't know when I'll get back to it. Maybe on a day when I can only fit in a 1/2 w/o and substitute it.
Well, I don't have any bone spurs rubbing on my muscles. The doctor had me raise my arm straight up into the air while he held my scapula with one hand and wrist with the other. Yes, it hurt. The other tests he had me do (pushing against resistance and moving my arm in different directions) did not bother me. He had me place my arms by my side while he pulled down on my wrist with one hand and held my upper arm with the other hand. We both felt a little slip with both arms. He took some x-rays and said that my bones look good. He said that I'm a young, healthy woman. Too young to have rotator cuff problems. Yeah, right. Anyhow, my problem is what Patti and I expected... tendonitis. My glenohumeral joint is loose. I asked him about impingement. I don't have that from what he observed. He also said that I don't have any tears since I was strong during the examination tests.

So, he prescribed PT 2-3 times a week for the next 6 weeks. joy. He also said I should STOP all yoga and upperbody workouts if I want to heal faster. I have to be careful with giving massages too. He wants me to ice my shoulders and take advil after a deep tissue massage. I don't think he was in favor of massage therapy. But, I know if it wasn't for Patti, my shoulder would regained half of its ROM. It's not her fault that I kept working out during my recovery or that my poses suck.

I might make an appointment with the chiropractor to align my shoulders and use ultrasound or electrodes to increase the blood flow.

My first PT appointment is tomorrow before massage classes. It's conveniently located down the road from school.

Patti, I didn't realize there was a dvd that went with it.

Kim, Hopefully your ds will transition smoothly into his busy week. Yummy strawberry smoothies in the winter!!! I really can't say for sure that the pants and tank were in the suitcase when I left the hotel. I'm going to take one more look around my dresser and dirty clothes pile first. Hopefully, I find them. I'd hate it if they were taken since Lululemon doesn't sell that style anymore.

Jeanette: CONGRATS on 29 years!!! AMAZING!!! Are you guys going to plan something special for the big 3-O??? Phil and I totally forgot our anniversary this year!!!:eek: No big deal. We love each other more than the day we married. And, that's all that matters. That is strange about your saddle wearing down at the nose. I don't consider your thighs capable of that much friction without getting blisters!!! OUCH! I hope you get this new one in the right position before this Saturday!! I'm excited about coloring my hair. I really like the blog owner at Killerstrands. We've been chatting through emails and she is a real sweet, funny, smart woman!!! My heart sunk when I read that she was diagnosed with a terminal illness. I ordered all the color from her yesterday. I also ordered a conditioning treatment/supplement that helps with hair loss. I had a lot of hair loss after each pregnancy. If it works, I'll get some for my mother, who is badly balding. Anyhow, she's sending me the color and conditioner with explict instructions on what to do. I will be sure to post pictures... even if I accidentally turn my hair orange.:+

Okay ladies, Flipping Out is on tonight. It will be a late night reading about anatomy.

Good Evening All:

Got my w/o in after work - P90X legs & back then had to rush to BB where we won (but close game) and then home to do Ab Ripper and stretch.

Wendy - well good news in away maybe for the tendonitis but PT is a bit of a pain (no pun intended LOL) along w/no UP work or yoga. Since you're starting your schooling maybe not such a bad thing since you're extra busy now especially having to go to PT.;( Was your luggage locked when you went to the airport? Just trying to figure out where in the chain of events anything could of gone missing. Hey, get some more mileage out of the no UP work allowed by having the kids do all the house cleaning!!! Even the dishes, vaccuming, carrying laundry baskets....

Jeanette - I forgot to congratulate you on 29yrs. I'm only coming up on 6 but my parents are around 53yrs and I'm surprised they haven't killed each other yet. It sounds like you both like to spend time together from the camping and rhino rides to being your chauffer.

Okay bed for me.
Hi girls,
Had a good day at work today for the most part. However, I thought I lost my work keys on my walk around the track. Heart skipped many beats when I discovered this. In a prison, losing keys is a big, big, big no-no. Usually, they have to re-key the building, which is expensive and supposedly, the employee has to pay for it. I had just finished my walk, took off my mp3 player, went to grab the keys from where I normally hang them off the waist of my pants and .... no keys. I then retraced my steps all the way back around the track. I was glad all the inmates had been returned to their yards. No keys. Went to my office, asked my boss for his keys to unlock my office, looked in my purse and there they were. Big sigh of relief. That's why I have to dye my hair. Did a few errands after work, ate dinner, quick nap and mowed all the weeds on the property. Probably won't have to do it anymore this year as it's pretty dry and they've quit growing. Tomorrow will be golf after work with a girlfriend.

Wendy, hope you got that registration paid for. I remember last year when it slipped by. I have one that comes due the middle of August, which is a pain as most of them come at the end. Oh, 2 days of massage class. That's not bad. Does it go all day? You have a great memory! Yes, it was my yoga instructor that gave the mini-scalp massages. Soooooooooooooooo nice! Bet you will be an excellent massage therapist. I will keep you posted on the MyChelle products. They should be waiting for me tomorrow when I get home from work. I'm really, really liking the way my skin looks now. No joke. Even under the bad light in our ladies restroom. Thanks so much for telling me about MyChelle. Wow, I just read about your Dr.'s visit. Well, good thing there are no tears and that surgery won't be necessary. Bad that you won't be able to do any yoga or workouts. Are there just some exercises that need to be avoided but others could still be done? Yes, pictures of your hair will be nice. Years ago, my sister and I were in a silly mood. She happened to be thumbing thru a book (think it was the Prisoner of Zenda). An illustration showed a person with flaming red hair. We both just busted up at the same time because it looked like our mother with one of her hair coloring experiments gone bad. We could not stop laughing. Of course I know this won't happen to you. You and I both are hoping the saddle is doable by this coming Saturday. 70 miles is tough with your crotch on fire! I may do a short ride on Thursday afternoon to test it, but not sure that will be long enough. I'll just have to deal with it. Of course, I carry a tool in my pouch to adjust the saddle at the rest areas of the ride. Good advice from Patricia on "milking" your shoulder injury for all it's worth. Yep, that's what kids are for, to fetch things and make your life a little easier whenever possible. No special plans for a 30th anniversary yet. With the current economy, we hope we both have jobs still next year. I have been thinking about some kind of anniversary ring though...

Patricia, hope you guys won again. You should be winning the championship soon, shouldn't you? Are you guys first so far? Yes, a short week for me. I only worked 3 hours yesterday, then took my cat to the vet to be put down. I never returned to work. Actually, I looked at the undone housework and decided it would be nice to have those dishes done, vacuuming, dusting, mopping etc. before DH got home. Our anniversary and all. Seemed like a good reason not to go back to work. Thanks for the congrats on the anniversary. He's a saint for putting up with me. He's pretty laid back about most stuff. We can both get worked up about some stuff, but usually never at the same time. Which can be a good thing.

Well gals, must head to bed. Oh, I am in bed. First time using the laptop while in bed. 10 years ago, who'd have thought?


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