Watercoolers ~~~~This and That Thursday~~~~

Good Morning Ladies,

Never made it back after my excellent massage. Apparently, our router is working fine now. It thundered something fierce along with heavy rains, strong winds and hail!!! Crazy!!! I had to drive in that mess on my way home from my massage.

It was so worth the wait! She focused on my arms instead of my back. Boy did that hurt... in a good way. Next week, she's going to use those cup thingies on the trigger points on the muscles near the scapula. I've got a major trigger point that I think is causing most of my problems on my rear delts that is just too painful to release. So, it's slow and steady. I've just got to rest more. UGH. I may make an appointment with a chiro for a shoulder alignment. First, I need to find a trustworthy one... one who won't try to schedule me for a series of adjustments.

Okay, enough about me... What's going on round the cooler...

Patricia: I took a peek at your picturetrail. Your son is sooo adorable with his baby doll eyes. Looks like you guys had a lot of room in your rv. Glad you had a relaxing time instead of going to the main races. Sometimes, it does a body good to just rest. You know with those pounds I lost on 1300 calories, I quickly gained them back when I increased my calories to normal. LOL I am going to have to be diligent for a longer period of time with a more suitable caloric intake to level out my metabolism. Maybe when I get back from T.O. I can start focusing on clean eating again. I can't wait to check out your new mat!!! My Harmony mat is heavy too. But, I only use it for power heated yoga class. At home, I use my skidless towel since it clings to the carpet perfectly.

Jeanette: When is your next golf lesson? Can't beat the price!!! Oh Jeanette, I wish you were going to T.O. too!!! Knowing Debra, she's found a winery nearby already!!!:7 :+ No need to congratulate me on the weight loss. As soon as I bagged those measly calories, I gained it all back. It's probably water weight from lack of carbs. I really missed my carbs!!! Have fun with your sister!!! Will she go biking with you during her stay? Congrats on the arm definition!!! You could create a new workout titled... AxWomen.:) :) :)

Laurie: Forgive my ignorance, what's a tempo run? Guess what I saw out my window about 10 minutes ago? A jogger!!! It's 6 in the morning!!! Dang, that's some determination!!! Glad to hear your insurance coverage is good. Dental bills sure do add up fast! ^^5^^ on the vb win!!! How long does vb season last? If you decide to cook for Cami, why not make a batch of rice every three to four days and store the leftovers in the fridge? You could heat up the portions in the microwave when needed? Do you have a rice maker? I asked our vet about dog food. He told me that dogs do best on a steady diet. If you go changing the food around, it's not good for them because the digestive enzymes haven't built up in their system. Whatever? We feed Baby Iams dog food since that is what she ate for months during her stay at the shelter. We also feed her scraps. When our friend had her over the winter, she ate pancakes ladled with gravy everyday!!! I came home to a spoiled, fat Baby!!!!:7

Kim: How scary to have your asthma get out of whack! My eldest son had asthma. The doctors said that he outgrew it. But, I don't think so. It wouldn't surprise me if another doctor down the road tells him differently. But, ds won't pursue treatment of any kind. He's hardheaded that way!!!

Okay ladies, I need to make a packing list and get at it. I leave the house tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn so I can make it to T.O. by noon.

Oh! Patricia, can you email me your cell phone number again. I can't find the email you sent me with it. I'm so disorganized!!!

Ballistic Hugs To ALL!!
Morning Coolers on this wet wet Thursday.

Got a good nights sleep last night so feeling much better. And hey Jeanette today's my Friday too!!:p :p Have to pack tonight too but shouldn't take too long to throw in w/o clothes.

Kim - I agree with you on needing the rest. You never know about the asthma going away. My brother had a bit of it when he was young and as an adult never had a re-occurrence - and he smokes too! So fingers x-d. When DS was one he had bronchilitis (sp?) and the DR thought he might have asthma but no more flare ups since then so I don't think we'll have an issue with him. So glad b/c it can be such a life long pain as I'm sure you're aware.

Jeanette - cudos on the arm def.:p Jealous in only a good way. Now just tell me how to get that layer of fat hiding mine will you? What kind of plans do you have this weekend for your GM's memorial? I'm sure it will be nice spending time with your family though (as a way of looking at things on the bright side).

Wendy - I sent you an email. Your massage sounds so painful but in a good way. Clean Eating - what's that? I guess I'll find out after this weekend. I was so good on my trip so I can eat whatever I want this weekend.:p

Morning to everyone else as they get going for the day.
No workout for me this morning. Just didn't feel like it, but not that it was a bad thing. I'll do my walk during my break today. Tomorrow will be a day off from work so hopefully will work out with my sister in the morning.

Patricia, enjoy your Friday today. I have a few things that really need to get done today in prep for my 3 days off from work. Are you driving or flying to Toronto? I need to look on a map and see where Winnipeg is distance wise from Toronto. My arms are fairly lean, but as Debra and Wendy will attest, my big problem area is my lower body, so don't be too jealous. Mom is planning some kind of a lunch get together for the family on Saturday. Will be cold cuts and salads. She's asking me to do a cake or cookies, which I'll probably do on Friday sometime. Then I believe it will be like an open time to reflect on Grandma's life and influence on us. Yep, looking forward to the family time together. My Mom's sister will be traveling down from Seattle today. I hope I don't say anything bad to her as she never lifted a finger to ever help Grandma or Mom out in the care of Grandma. Her email a few days ago to my mom only wanted to know Grandma's financial status. She's in it for the $$$. Clean eating, hmmmm, the best I did yesterday was stand at the vending machine at work and decide on a trail mix instead of that bag of M&M's. Know you girls will have an awesome, awesome time together!!! Oh yeah, enjoy the yoga too.

Wendy, glad the internet is working again. Whenever we have a power outage, it takes a while before the internet comes back up. What are the cup thingies she's going to put on your back? I'm picturing the suction things from a snake bite kit. I hadn't thought about biking with my sister, but I think that's a great idea. Hope we have some time. They will only be here from tonite to Monday morning. Friday is golf with her DH, Saturday is the memorial, Sunday is an all day 4 wheeler ride. Maybe biking could fit in tomorrow. Hmmmm. I think it would be fun. You made me laugh with the Ax Women workout comment LOL!!! Only equipment needed for it would be a splitting mall, wedge, gloves and a 6 pack of beer. Oh yes, my next lesson is a week from today, after work.

Wendy, Debra and Patricia, hope you all have a great time in Toronto. We'll be waiting to hear of your antics, and with Debra and Wendy, I know there will be. Patricia may be made of the same cloth so it will be increased antics!!

Hi Laurie, yep, what's a tempo run?

Hey Jeanette - I kinda wished I was flying as it would only be 1hr flight from here, but no - driving. It takes between 3-4 hrs depending on how many stops I take along the way... Oh, I don't live in Winnipeg - thats Kim. I'm in North Bay - Northern Ontario. Maybe you've heard of Algonquin Park? Its a huge park in Northern ON and I'm about 1.5hr drive north of that.
Hi all!! How is everyone this morning?? CBL and I had a great day yesterday. We ended up just walking around the city some and going to a couple of different pubs/restaurants. We walked a lot through Chinatown...It was very cool to see all of the different meats hanging in the shop windows. They also had some assortments of dried things....but I have NO idea what they were!! Everything was written in Chinese...and I really didn't want to ask since some things were a little scary...lol. Then back to the hotel for a bit of a nap...Then we headed out to dinner. We started at a place called Rodney's Oyster House...and I had the best oysters I have ever had in my entire life! They were awesome! They also had freshly grated horseradish to go on them...Amazing. We met a local gal at the bar there, and she gave us lots of suggestions for things to do and places to eat while we are here. Then we went to a fusion type tapas place....and although we didn't really like the atmosphere, the food was phenominal! We had a duck dish that can't be described, scallops and some other meats...lamb, beef, etc. We also had some Asian slaw. No desserts, though, Jeanette! Wonderful meal...the atmosphere was a little cramped, though. So from there we walked around the theater district and ended up at a hole in the wall eaterie/bar and listened to a reggae/blues band for the rest of the evening.

We are going to head out here again in a bit...maybe to Greektown or maybe the the Queen Street district, which is supposed to have some good boutique shopping. I am sure the afternoon will include a nap, too! I had planned on doing some yoga this morning, but since we are just rolling out of the bed at 10, I don't think it is in the cards today. I am going to make some appointments for the spa today, though.

Sorry this is so self centered...but just thought you guys would want to hear about this new city I am discovering! The people here have been soooooo friendly and helpful. Wonderful for tourists who have no idea where they are!

Wendy and Patricia...
Can't wait to see you guys!!!!!

kisses to all....


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Morning Coolers,

Todays workout was a 2m Run with Cami, and Abs/Core Plus. Will get in Upper Plus later tonight.

Tomorrow I need to get myself to work early again. We are going to the Nascar Truck race and Saturday is the Nation Wide Series here in Milwaukee. I'm looking forward to this time with the family. :D Have to remember to get some munchies tonight. :9

Well ladies it has happened, and it seems to have happened like a roller coaster. Oldest DD has a boyfriend. I'm not letting her date yet, but she has been chatting with Marco (with some Italian last name, I need to get that last name so I can google the parents!:7 :7) on the phone every day this week. This is a new experience for me, so be warned that I just might explode one of these days. }( }( DH is having a harder time than I am. He warned DD that his sword is getting sharpened! :7 :7 :7

Wendy, So glad your massage was a good one. You are right to be picky about a chiro, a bad one could make terrible adjustments. I to am curious as to what the cup thingies are. What I am picturing is what they did in the Ren time with heating up the cup and placing it on your body. Literally burning your skin. :eek: This is how Runner's World describes a tempo run. For a 5m run you warm up for 1 mile then run the next 3 miles at a steady pace, then you do a cool down for 1 mile. The steady pace is usually at a faster pace than I would normally run. Hope that helps. Oh I want to get a rice maker so badly. I have been reading about them for the last year, and have never gotten the will power to buy one. I'm always afraid that I won't use it. :7 :7 Or that I would get one that doesn't work that well. Hey I was running with Cami at 5am this morning. ;-)

Patricia, Glad you are feeling much better today, a good nights sleep can do a body good. :D You are going to have a great time with Wendy and Debra. They will let you know what the Clean Eating is all about. I'm sort of a semi-clean eater, because I can't restrict myself to much. :D I had to LOL about how your DH is with his teeth. My brother was the same way, I don't think that he had any problems with a tooth until he hit his 30's. I used to get so mad, because I would brush and he never did. WTG on getting a workout in.

Jeanette, Hey sometimes we all need a break from the workouts. Just not feeling like it is how I feel sometimes too. In fact mine was on Tuesday. :D Sounds like your GM's memorial is going to be a nice family time. Just don't get your Aunt in a headlock with those awesome arms you have right now! :D Or maybe that is what she will need if she starts talking $$$ instead of remembering that the gathering is for a rememberance of GM. ;-) Apparently the chicken in Science Diet is not from the best parts of the chicken. But when you read the ingredient labels on other dog foods, if it has chicken in it, the label says chicken pieces. I always thought SD was ok too. We will see about changing up Cami's diet, because I was always under the impression (like Wendy said from her vet) that dogs should not be changing there diet. Even if you change the food you have to introduce it slowly.

Debra, Glad to see that you arrived safe in Toronto. It sure sounds like you and CBL are having a great time. Nice that you talked to someone from the area to get some good tips. Have fun with whatever you decide to do today. I vote for shopping of course.

Kim, Yipee on getting the asthma under control. I'm sure that when it isn't you are not having a great day at all. I will be waiting for you on the + workouts when you are ready. :D Oh my on the co-worker. What in the world happened? Yes when the sitter comes over she will give Cami a 1/2 hour walk. I think that should be good enough until we get home from faire. Yes I am thankful that we have dental insurance. In fact both DH and I have it from work, so we end up having to pay about 20% of the bill in the end. So not to bad.

Have a great day!

Good morning ladies!!! Thought I would pop my head in to see what has been going on here in watercooler land. It sounds so far like everyone is doing all right, though I have only read todays post.

I hope everyone is enjoying themselves and that you all have a fantastic summer. Stay cool out there.

Getting the house clean---er and laundry finished before we take off for the weekend. Usually company motivates me to clean. Since we're all outta here, I don't know who this is for... the burglar maybe? I figure he can relax when he sees there's nothing to steal!:D :+ Oh well, at least we'll come home to a clean house.

Lea!:) Hey!!! That's it. A Hello-Goodbye?!?!?! What's new with you? Did you and your family go on a South American cruise yet? How's the clean eating? Did you go back to raw or vegetarian? or coffee? :eek: ;) How did your friends do with the Anthony Bourdain video submission? Stop by when you can chat.

Laurie: OH NO!!! I don't know! Everyone looks at me like I'm Amish when we tell them that our girls are not allowed to date.:7 Then they look at me like I'm a freak of nature when I divulge that we don't do sleepovers either. If Lindy is around, she launches off into a tirade of defenses that could nominate me for Over-Protective Parent of the Year. :7 I didn't know that you didn't allow dating. But, whatcha gonna do? Kids, they have these crushes. Very sweet. I don't envy you. Let me know how this works because I'll be facing this with the girls in ~6 years. (I hope not less!!!) Marco best be worried if he thinks of crossing the line. You could kickbox his Italian butt outta there before dh has a chance to grab his sword!}( :+ About the rice maker... We used to use ours more when we ate white rice. Now, it's just as easy to make it on the stove top. Thanks for explaining the tempo run. Still not motivated to run! :D I was gonna ask if that was you out there running in front of my house.;) But this lady was solo, no GS running alongside her as protection.

Patricia: Thanks for the email! I still have to pack for myself and the family. They're heading to MIL over the weekend. Oh, we can talk clean eating while we're eating and drinking without regard to cellulite this weekend! :+

Jeanette: Oh, this will be such a special time remembering your grandmother!!! Don't let the inaction of others drag you down. Just know that you were extremely blessed to be there for your grandmother and it's your aunt's loss. You most certainly have a full weekend. Maybe you and your sis could fit a bike ride around the block. :+ Only a 6 pack of beer???? For each AxWoman, right? Cuz, I'll have a beer!!!:7

Okay Ladies, the suction cup thingy... I'm not entirely sure what it entails. It came about after I asked her what a trigger point was and how to get rid of it. Cuz, I'm tired of these darn lumps of pain!!!! It's basically an old knot filled with fluid. Well, she won't burst them with her elbow despite my pleas. I wouldn't let her burst the one on my rear delt if she wanted cuz that one is PAINFUL with minimal deep pressure. But, there's a few on my back that cause me problems. I would let her burst those in a second despite how painful it would be!!! I just want to feel normal again.

So, she suggests the suction cups. It's a form of acupuncture. It will most likely leave round, deep purplish bruises on my back. She places them on the trigger point. There's a nozzle inside the middle of the cup that points directly on the trigger point. When the air is suctioned out of the cup, it pulls the skin and surrounding fluids and blood towards the skin. After 20 minutes of sucking, she takes the cups off and rubs the trigger point. It's easier to break up the trigger point with the cups and isn't as painful. In fact, some say it feels good and relaxing. We'll see. I trust her. She's never hurt me. But, she has burned somebody with hot stones when her machine malfunctioned!!!:eek: Needless to say, she doesn't offer warm stone therapy anymore. :7

I'll let you know how it goes. My suction appointment will be Thursday, July 3rd at 6:30 PM. Reminders all around the cooler please!!!!:D

Back to the grindstone.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Good Evening Coolers

Went out for dinner then did some baby shopping (no not for me). A good friend had their 2nd child a week or so ago so DH will be visiting them with a little gift from us this weekend.

Debra - wow, sounds like you've seen more of T.O. in 1 day then I did in 12 years. I love going to Chinatown too. I just don't question what I'm eating. I think we should make it your job to figure out where we eat Fri. and Sat. night at this rate!;-)

Laurie - I wonder if you'll be seeing the same Trucks that I saw on Sat.:p I think #99 won by just an inch so keep an eye out for that one. How close are you to the Green Bay Packers? Isn't that the cheeseheads? DH went there for a visit a couple years ago and came back with the cheesehead. When we found out we were pregnant he worried more about it being a girl b/c he knew he didn't want to experience the teenage/dating years. Boy, did he let out a yahoo when we found it we were having a boy.:p :p My Mom always told me she thought she would have to worry about me the most of her 5 kids during the dating years and I ended up probably causing her the least worry. I use a veggie steamer/rice cooker for brown rice and quite like it. Rarely use it for veggies but love it for the rice. Comes out perfect everytime. So that maybe an alternative to an actual rice cooker.

Wendy - stop cleaning the house right now. You're on vacation. That suction cup thingy sounds really neat. I've never heard of it and I used to go to a chiro every week for years. Have you tried acupuncture. I've had it on my feet for PF - didn't do a thing but I know others seem to like it. For everyone who has boys (and don't think this doesn't include me) always worry about getting the phone call from some girls parents to say my son's knocked up their daughter, what are you going to do about it.:7 :7 I think I have a few years yet to worry about that though.:p It'll be some groupie fawning over my future NHL'er..

Lea - hi, glad you popped in.

Jeanette & Kim - take care and hope to catch up somtime this weekend between downward dog & upward dog.

Off to see if my toes need painting and to pack.

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