*** Watercoolers - Not Eating Clean Friday ****


Morning All

When I saw the name of another check-in thread I laughed as I bit into my Fri. morning donut. I don't think I qualify for that check-in.:p :p Had several pieces of birthday cake too this week but I think that's allowed.;-)

Had a nice surprise in my mailbox last night. P90X is in the house! Skimmed the manual already and watched the Bring it Video so all ready to start the program. I set my alarm clock for 5am and just hit snooze this a.m.;( I have BB tonight so trying to get a w/o in b/4 the game. Maybe not eat dinner with the family tonight. Either that or just start tomorrow.

Jeanette - doesn't doing just anything with your hair make you feel better? I'v been curling all week and it makes me feel like a new woman. $75 for all that? That's cheap. I'm used to paying closer to $100 so that's why my highlights are a solid line mid-way down my head}( Sounds like a busy weekend for you. DH is going to the cottage for the weekend to work so other than my playdate on Sun. no plans as yet. I have a turkey lasagna recipe I want to try so maybe Sat.

Wendy - Just tell Phil that it's all "start-up" costs and after that he'll start to see savings.;-) I swear sometimes the more I try to save $$ I spend.;( You'v done a lot research for this doctor. Amazing what we can find out about now. When I was getting Lasik I did the same thing for researching the surgeon. Good thing I also live in a smaller community so lots of people knew him too!

Debra - hope you have a fun time this weekend with your GF.

Laurie, Kim - A big hello. Hope all is well.
Good morning,
Today was S&H Legs (without calf work). I'm planning on a Cardio Coach on the bike later this evening when it cools down.

Patricia, must have been exciting to watch the Bring It DVD for P90X. I remember combing though each page on the manual when I got it. Which rotation are you doing? I did the Classic and got some good results, mostly in my core. You will become well acquainted with Ab.. Rippper..X! I remember being just famished the first 3 days of the program for some reason. Birthday cake, yep, can't go without a piece of that either. I resisted the dark chocolate M&M's at the store yesterday. I'm trying to eat cleaner and hoping to see a difference. However, my breakfast of whole eggs, a little grated cheese and enchilada sauce on top probably isn't going to do the trick. I'm trying to get out of the oatmeal thing for a while. Talk about a rut I can get myself into. Hope the BB game is a good one.

Must run,

Just stopping by to wave good bye on my way out of town! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Morning Coolers,

Well yesterday I didn't do anything. :( So this morning I did a 4m run on the TM, because it was raining. Will try to get in Legs & Back after work.

Patricia, Sounds like you are enjoying your Friday donut. Good luck with your BB game tonight. Have a great time with your P90X purchase. Hope you find Tony just as funny as I do.

Jeanette, Hope you can find one of those irons, because you bet those kids would love them. My DD's dunk their warm pudgies in frosting too. :9 Have to admit that is really good. :9 Glad that your cut and color makes you feel like yourself again. :D I have never had a Mojito either. But friends of mine have had them. For a mixed drink I usually tend to go to the margarita! :9 Makes me want to have a taco night some time next week, up at the cabin. Should bring some mix with me. :9

Wendy, I went to VF to read the reviews. I don't know how I will feel about Tony spitting during the workout. ;-) My crush may come to an end. :D Who am I kidding, if the workout is as tough as it sounds, I'll be playing that DVD a lot! :D Sounds like it might work well with the STS series too. :D Is Charlie the blad one with the funkie glasses. I don't care for him either. I really didn't like his Marge Simpson doo at all, but the judges seemed to like it. Go figure. DD did have a pain free visit to the dentist. She still has another appointment to go through yet. I'm hoping that is the last one, but I'm betting not. She really has bad, bad teeth. x( LOL about Phil's comment about saving money on the hair. Be interest to know if that scalp serum works for the gray hair!

Debra, Have a great weekend with your BFF! Cami loves having people over, gives her more attention. She was at doggy daycare yesterday, and a 10 week old black lab would not let her rest. :7 :7 She was very tired last night. :7

Have a great day!

P90X+ Lean Rotation Week 3 Day 6 Core Synergistics, well I haven't done it yet, but I will.

Almost to my first rest week! Would be more excited but it starts off with YogaX which I just did yesterday ;) I did toy with the idea of doing the 4ds on the recovery week and just having a total break from Tony but I guess I'll stay with the program.

Patricia- I can't believe you got P90X already, that really was a fast delivery! I hope you enjoy it, you sound excited! With it coming so fast maybe you'll get a round of it in before STS arrives on your doorstep! Did you find a gift for DH? I find that as ds is older now (11) and he has lots of similar interests as his dad, he often knows what we should buy him. I do work out in our basement, which is a real mess right now because we're not going to clean up much since we're justing waiting on the carpet.
How's the leg?? Very cute story about ds's friend arranging a play date.

Wendy WTG on doing all the research to find a doctor. I find that my patients often ask me to give them my opinions on different surgeons which is kind of awkward. The doctor you found sounds very qualified, I'm surprised he doesn't have a lengthy wait list. I read you post on the OD the other day, I don't think I realized the severity of your injury, I sure hope he can give you some answers. I read the reviews on the one to one and don't think it's something I want but we'll see. I was just thinking that you asked me last week what the show X-Weighted was and I don't think I answered. It's a Canadian show which features a person or a couple that's trying to lose weight. The show is one hour and they show the whole 6 month journey in the one hour. So one person/one show, I do learn alot as the get advice from a personal trainer, a dietician, and a self esteem person. I prefer it over biggest loser, etc as it's not made into a game show and just done in a natural normal way. This weeks was filmed in my hometown, Winnipeg, it was two stay at home moms who lived next door to each other.

Debra I sure hope you're feeling better and really enjoy your trip with your BFF. It sounds like you need some relaxation time with a good friend. We still don't have a date for ds's surgery, I've phoned the office a few times and they keep saying that they'll get back to me :-( My MIL is a retired nurse from Children's Hospital (she still does casual work) I was talking to her last night and she's going to talk with the nurse at the clinic and she what she can find out.

Jeanette Glad to see you back after your camping adventure. LOL on being able to drive into Starbucks from you campsite. I glad that hair turned out nice! After we get the basement done this summer, the computer will be in the rec room so I can be on the computer and watch tv at the same time. DH is also talking about getting a famly laptop computer for a family Christmas gift as the kids are on the computer more and more.

Laurie When do you leave for holidays? How did you find the X workouts, I'm doing the lean rotations so those aren't included in the rest weeks. Are you able to up the weights on the X workouts?

For those of you who asked, the Haunted Tour was lots of fun, ds wants to go back to their "murder and Mayhem" tour :eek: It contained a lot of the city's history, like stopping at an old house whose original owner had died on the Titanic and supposedly his footsteps are still heard in the house looking for his family. My friends and I often run past that house and never knew that the original family perish on the Titanic. Makes you look at these buildings differently. They took us around on a little bus and we got out at a few locations.

Need to get moving as house is a disaster and want to do CS.
Good Afternoon!

I'm meeting Patti for Thai food :9 in a couple of hours before my massage appointment. :)

The only reason I have time to post is because I'm making dd do the dishes that I never got around to doing last night.:eek:}( Instead, I painted my fingernails. Yes, I realize this makes me a bad mother.:p ;-)

Laurie: L&B was one of my favorite X workouts when I first started the X. Because of the assisted pull-ups, I didn't get winded. }( Yeah, I doubt a little spitting would tarnish my feelings for Tony too. It makes me want to say to people who think it's too much of a rest for them when he takes time to do that.... Why don't you do some plyo moves like everyone recommends for those Strike Zone chapter breaks!:p }( :+ Yep that's Charlie. Here's what is evil of me... If he was handsome or cute, I might find his Bi!chiness funny. But, it comes of as bitter and mean as a result of being picked during his formative years.:eek: :7 Ahhh, poor thing. Hopefully, her teeth won't get worse as she ages!!! I will let you know how the serum works. I have to get myself into the habit of using it twice a day!!! And, I already forgot to apply it this morning. x(

Kim: I've been wondering where you've been. Love CS!!! I don't know why, but I like that one more than most of my Cathe dvds!!!:eek: OTOH, I'm not a YogaX fan! ^^5^^ to you for pushing play on that one!!!:7 You, Laurie, Tracy and Jeanette are sooo good with sticking to a rotation program. I still can't believe Laurie did the X THREE times!!! I'm still in awe!!! You know, dd's art teacher didn't know that I hurt myself. I just assumed that everyone knows the depths of my anguish because I feel like I complain about it ALL the time. It's ALWAYS on my mind because the pain never goes away for longer than a few moments here and there. I'm just so tired of dealing with it. I'm hoping he can pinpoint the root cause for this pain too. Thanks for explaining X-Weighted. There's something similar to it here with Dr.Oz on Discovery Health Channel. There's another show like it on BBC America... I forget the name of it. It'll come to me when least expected.:7 Your ds would like the haunted house tour in Savannah, GA. It's the town from the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I remember Anthony Bourdain going on a haunted type tour in Portland OR. OH! This reminds me of that haunted house show on the Travel Channel. I never watched it because I'm not into that stuff. My mind is dramatic enough on its own without feeding more spookiness to it. Just ask the Retreaters!!!:7 :+

Okay, I'll have to come back for the rest of personals.

Debra: have a safe trip!!!

Chat later tonight!!!

Evening All:

Just finished Chest & Back and the Ab Ripper. I'm going to do the Classic Rotation. I think I might have to invest in a pull-up bar. Since I have all the bands I thought I would be able to get away w/o one but I have nothing to hook the bands to in my ceiling. So will check them out at Walmart or Sears (the only major dept stores around here):eek: Tony is quite the funny guy but definetly more low key then the one other w/o I tried of his from P90.

Anyhow, have to eat some dinner then play w/Matthew b/4 going to play BB so will touch base later with everyone.

Lunch was :9 :9 :9 !!! I got my regular: chicken spring rolls, spicy chicken salad, and sticky rice. We each had banana cake (black beans on top of sweet sticky rice steamed in coconut milk wrapped around a banana and steamed again inside a banana leaf). Then we split a dessert of sesame seeded mango with sticky rice topped with coconut cream. It was my favorite dessert while in Thailand. My sister and I would walk to the neighborhood flea market every Friday night and buy a HUGE take out box of it for less than a dollar!!! It's surprising I lost weight there!!!

I feel too heavy to do anything tonight. I'm taking a real rest except for restorative type yoga until I see the doctor. I don't want any additional inflammation to interfere with the examination.

Patricia: Did you order from BB? Because that was SUPER FAST shipping? Did you have it overnighted???? I think it's smart to do your first rotation a classic. If you want to use bands, you can buy a little looped strap with a wedge on one end. The strap slides under the TOP of your door with the wedge on the outside of the door. Close the door and loop your bands through the strap at the top of the door. If you decide to go this route, make sure you LOCK the door. My mom opened the door in the middle of me pulling on the band. It's a miracle the band didn't hit me in the face when it snapped back!!! Scared both of us!!!

Jeanette: It's been FOREVER since I did S&H Legs. I almost forget it except for the calf work. How could anyone forget that torture!!!}( You crack me up with watching tv while typing. I see where your priorities lie!;) :+ Oh! It's a great feeling walking out of the salon with a freshened up hairdo!!! I'm learning to color my hair because my gray hair shows up way before my 4 week appointment. If I color my own, I can touch up my roots every couple of weeks. Even if I went to the salon for root touch-ups, it would still cost the same amount $120!!! That's without the tip!!! So, yeah, it's to cut costs too. I've been learning so much... The shampoo I bought is a MILLION times better than the stuff my stylist recommended (Pureology). And, she tried selling me a hot iron and metal round brush!!!x( Just a FYI, did you know that you don't need to know anything about hair color to get licensed in CA!!!!! NOT one question about hair color is on their license test. And, CA has one of the most rigorous licensing exams. Go figure. I'll post before and after pictures of my hair in a couple of weeks. Oh, DS never did make it home for my lengthy lecture. He had to hear it over the phone instead!!!:p :+ He wanted to deposit the money back into my account, but I told him to wait until he comes back home. He's going to have to wait until the holidays before he take off enough time to come home. :-( I wasn't a big fan of the pumpkin peel. Thanks for reminding me about MyChelle. I need to buy some Tropical Skin Smoother soon.

Debra: Luv, hope you are drinking one for me!!!:) I am so not excited to start massage school. Don't get me wrong. I'm excited about learning. Just not thrilled with having to practice massage techniques with a room full of strangers. I got a peek at them at orientation. And, well... I just pray to God that I don't get paired up with the buggy eyed guy when it's glute night!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: Of course you will be my guinea pig this August. By the end of the week, you'll be begging me to take my hands off you!!!:p :7 ;)

Okay ladies, off to surf the net and then beg Phil to rub my knots.

Hi gals,
Sitting here again watching the Tour with DH. He likes saying the word "peleton". Silly man.

Did Cardio Coach #3 on the bike tonite. Was a good workout. Like those short sprints in it. I've downloaded CC#7, #8 and the Pump workouts. I need to get busy and load them on my mp3 player. That will be on my "to do" list this week.

Kim, hope you enjoy the rest week. I got to where I really liked them and would "deflate" during that time. It would take until around Thursday for that to happen for me, but I enjoyed that tighter feeling for a few days anyway. I'm not sure I ever even did an entire YogaX during my rotation. 90 minutes was just a bit much for me. My haircut looks okay, but is a little short. Oh well, a couple of weeks and it'll be where I want it. At least when I took my helmet off tonite, the sweaty hair wasn't all flared out every which way. I absolutely love my laptop. If it wasn't for my DH wanting me to update, I'd still be stuck in the other room on that old Windows ME powered thing. The Haunted Tour sounds so interesting. We like watching stuff like that on the Travel Channel and such.

Laurie, do you have Faire this weekend? Raining, huh? Please send it this way. We have terrible fires still (not real close to us) that are in such steep country that they are just letting them go. I hear the winds have been such that air attack isn't possible at times as they can't even see where the fire is due to all of the smoke. Glad your DD didn't have any pain at the dentist. Hope the next appointment goes as well.

Wendy, LOL about the drama at the retreat with the "intruder". I'd forgotten about that. That lunch today sounds sooooo good! I've never had Thai food before. When is your appointment with the dr for your shoulder? I was looking for a shorter leg workout today so picked S&H, which is a little over 30 minutes long. I was doing the plie squats with a heavy weight and DH "goosed" me from behind. I hate it when he does that to me when I'm vulnerable. Of course it's just plain funny to him. I asked him if he wanted me to have a back injury due to his silliness. No answer there. Paybacks are a bi*ch, you know. Can't wait to see your before/after pics of your hair. When are you doing your first session? Guess it will save you a bundle. My Mom dyed her own hair for years. She never seemed to use the same color(s) twice. She was into mixing her potions. Once, before my Grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary, she dyed it and it turned out BLACK, whereas she normally colored it brown or reddish brown. We have pictures. Wow, I didn't know that about CA cosmetology haircoloring requirements. Hope it works out better next time for your DS. Is he enjoying Germany? Think that's where you said he was stationed. So sorry you aren't real excited about starting the massage school. Bet it will all be fine. Know you will be an awesome masseuse.

Patricia, hope the BB game was a success tonite and you got a good hit or two. What did you think about your first P90X workout?

Gotta concentrate on the race now,


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