**** Watercoolers - Lazy Sunday *****


Just starting us off.

A bit of a rough night but DS temp is better. We were suppose to go bowling this a.m. but think will stay home. Overcast and rainy here so hard to get motivated.

On the bright side I have BB tonight, at 9:45 though. Hopefully the rain will have passed thru by then - that's how I'm looking on the bright side:)

Jeanette - glad to hear you got the Rhino started. DH goes out snowmobiling sometimes on his own and I always worry about something like that happening to him. At least it sounds like you know the cause and will have it fixed. I can't tell you how many times I used to see all my friends working more on the snowmobiles then actually riding them. I guess that is why I've never taken it up on my own. I watched Michale Clayton a couple weeks ago. Not what I was expecting but a good movie. Reading up on some of the summer releases and nothing that looks too exciting. Will Smith has a super hero movie coming out July long weekend I think. Maybe it will do as well as his 4th of July.:p My DS was born on July 5th - so happy it wasn't the 4th even if we are Canadian.

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday
Happy Sunday Ladies!

Life continued to get in the way again yesterday. When it rains it pours, right? After I got back from Costco, my sister called me and was ready to be released from the hospital (she was there for 3 days being treated for PID) and as my parents were out of the country (they're coming back today), I drove down (2nd time in 2 days) to my parents' house to help her get situated, etc. Of course, hospitals take their sweet time releasing people, so it was a bit time consuming, but I was home by dinner :) I was SOOOO tired out from all the driving, etc. Then DS came in the house after falling off his bike and hitting his head. I'm just glad I'm a mean mom and make him wear a helmet. He's fine :D :D :D So, I'm back on track today with the HIS workout as produced from the 4DS. I looked at Cathe's June rotation, and it looks like a goodie, but I'm still sticking with the Jan rotation b/c I want more cardio to get my butt back on track (figuratively and literally, lol). I will probably do the June rotation in July then, unless I like that rotation better, lol. I do like S&H and Pyramids, though.

Wendy -- I love cell modems :D :D :D DH's is fabulous! LOL about typing on the SureKill. Good luck with the testing and evaluation. It sounds like a royal pain, but it'll be great to have it over with!
I'm not sure which dictionary SWB recommends, but I think we have the Mirriam-Webster Elementary dictionary, and it's good. Not too stimulating.

Patricia -- I hope your DS is feeling better soon! I know all too well about boys and pants, lol. Mine fights me on wearing pants and long sleeves, though. I swear, he'd wear shorts and a t-shirt in Januray if I'd let hime!

Kim -- Great job with a 13 mile run! Good luck with your race and I hope you enjoy more cardio variety in the near future :)

Debra -- LOL about girls and drama. Way too true! I'm glad you all survived :)

Laurie -- LOL at your doggie's dreams. Our bunnies do that, too (minus the barking, of course). Their little legs and mouths and noses just twitch and twitch. It's so funny to watch! You always wonder what they're dreaming about...

Hi to everyone else! I hope you all have a great day!

Hi Ladies!

We got home from MIL's house a little before 3 AM. Phil and I took a nap in the evening before driving home. I have a massage scheduled in a couple of hours. :) :) :) I doubt I'll want to workout after my massage. Maybe, I'll do a quick sumtin, sumtin before I get ready to go.

Carol: You're not kidding about hospitals taking their sweet time. My friend was in the hospital last week. It put a whole new perspective on maintenance care. I told him that it's much better to schedule tests through a regular doctor than to be admitted and deal with the hospital's time line. I'm sure your sister and parents appreciated your help. Glad your son was safely protected! Eldest dd hasn't had a serious fall yet. Jeanette and I are going to do a circuit rotation this month. I need to get my rear back on track too. Yep, that's the dictionary she recommends in First Language Lessons Level 3. I'll probably wait and see which dictionary she recommends for Level 4 before getting it. If it's not the same, I'll probably have the girls use Scholastic's First Dictionary. But, it makes life easier to use the same resource materials. Are you all finished with your school year? I'm all set with next year. Just gotta order English books. Thankfully, Linda Hobar finished MOH Vol. 3. But, man oh man. Was it ever so expensive!!!

Patricia: Hope you little guy feels better soon. Are your doctors on call over the weekend? Once the twins had a rash and fever. Turned out to be untreated strep. UGH!!! Not saying that it's not a viral thing though. You just never know what kids pick up and bring home!!!! Oooo! I hope you like the Manduka mat. I'll be interested in seeing it in Toronto. Are you getting excited about meeting Eoin yet? What do you think about Eoin so far?

Jeanette: Sometimes ME has a huge dread factor for me. Don't remember exactly why though. :7 That was good customer service! Hopefully, the Rhino will be an easy fix!!! I agree about Will Smith, especially since he grew up in West Philly. Did you happen to curse me enjoying a nice blue zone?:7 ;) OH! I took my MyChelle paraphernalia to MIL's and gave her a facial. LOL I think she's hooked on the stuff too. She's going to check her local Whole Foods for a sampler pack. Now, you've reminded me of why I dread ME... those darn glute raises!!!! OMW! Gets me every time!!!

Kim: How exciting to have another race scheduled. Sure does push the motivation level up some notches!!!! We went to my MIL's house yesterday. She lives about 3 hours away from us in New Jersey. It's a hike for sure!!! Yep, I understand what you mean about playing songs they already know!!! Once she learns a song, she enjoys playing it. She just doesn't enjoy the process it takes to get to that point. I'm going to have a long talk (lecture) with her before she starts lessons again. I think she's more in love with the idea of playing the harp than actually playing it. LOL

Debwra: How do you like Brwan's articulation?!?!?!}( }( }( I downloaded one of his live class MP3s last fall. I still haven't used it. His voice grates my nerves. How's the head feeling?

Laurie: Nice to see you here this weekend. You and Jenn sure seem to like BBC. More power to you both!!!:p :+ Sounds like you need to get your dh to stop sewing and build a mailbox out of bricks and mortar. That'll teach those punks to take a drive by whack!!! What kind of pies did you end up baking? I need to find a good pie crust recipe using whole wheat flour. I've been itching to bake some apple pies. Oh! Yes you did say that! Must be left over hostility from watching him finish his outfit and not yours.:7 ;)

Well, it's time for me to do something.

Hi to Sandra!!!!! And everyone else out and about today.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Lazy Sunday is right!!! I just got up! Anyhoo...DD and I are headed to the pool and CBL is coming over for dinner tonight. I am fixing fish tacos...Yummy! I may get back this afternoon for a real chat...if not it may have to wait until tomorrow.

I did the Bryan Kest CD yesterday...almost 2 hours! I skipped a few parts at the end...I will get into more depth about it when I have a little more time.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Just did KV's Great Weighted W/O. I believe I'll be putting it up for trade over on VF. The UP was a joke and I'm just not that into floor work with a million reps until you're in pain in the you know what. Oh well, it was a good day to try it as don't want to be tired out for BB tonight.

Went to Costco today, exchanged a shirt. I bought a yoga/excercise top their and I swear do mfg's like to ensure we give everyone a nice view down our tops everytime we lean over? The shirt fits perfectly until you go in to downward dog. Then it's like hello for everyone who wants a good look. It's not that I've big thats for sure. Maybe thats the problem.LOL:p :p

Carol - hope life calms down for you this week. I swear it must be in the male gene to wear shorts all year round. My hubby does. The June rotation really interested me too. I'm just short S&H Chest & Back which I've been trying to acquire on VF. If I get it I'm with you on the rotation in July if you want.

Wendy - that sounds like a late night to be driving home from. Didn't get kicked out of your MIL's house did your LOL. Doctors work on weekends around here? Ha. My last dr. at least ran a clinic on Sat., plus clinics around here are only a few evenings a week. One of the 1st things I noticed the lack of when we moved here. DS seems to be doing better but nor sure if I'll send him to pre-school tomorrow. I have not spent too much time with Eoin lately, but I'm hoping to this week after baseball.

Debra - what the heck are fish tacos?

Okay, dinner is being served so better go. Will catch up tomorrow.
What did everyone jump ship today?

I've told ya'll how much I love my therapist? Thought so. She is soooo good!!! She broke up one of the knots in my glutes. I have two there that give me some aggravation from time to time, especially when I so step. Anyhow, it's an old one... a trigger point. If I had to guess when it first developed, I'd have to say when I was painting the girls' room. Ya'll remember how much pain my glutes were in from climbing up and down the ladder. I couldn't stretch my glutes. Tracy had given me some ideas on stretching that area. But, it was a tough area to stretch!!!

Patricia: Does anyone ever call you Pat for short? Sometimes I want to stop typing at the t. :) Nope, my MIL and I are very close. She loves Lindy to pieces!!!}( I think she cherishes Lindy more than Wendy.:+ I told her about this lady in the hospital wearing a jacket decorated with lighthouses in tapestry material. It made me wonder -- Does this woman have NO ONE in her life that loves her enough to tell her NOT to wear that jacket!!!! :eek: I told MIL if she had worn something like that, I would have told her!:7 She laughed and said, "Yes, I KNOW you would!" My MIL had 3 boys and no girls. Now she has 3 DILs, 7 grandchildren (6 girls, 1 boy). She's loving the female comradere!!! All of the pediatricians have an answering service on nights and weekends. If it's serious, but don't know if it's serious enough to warrant admittance into the hospital, they will meet you at the office in the middle of the night! It's a good thing because both times I've had to meet the doctor after hours, my child needed hospital care. Usually, they can handle most concerns over the phone. If necessary, they'll call the pharmacy with a prescription. That's happened to my kids on a few occasions too. Hope your ds feels better by tomorrow!!!!

Hi Coolers,
Been a good day today. Started out with a bike ride with 3 others, then 2 had to leave so just left 2 of us. Did 22 miles, with a couple stops along the way to chat with acquaintances. Ended with coffee at Starbuck's, sitting outside. Nice. Came home and weedeated everything that needed to be done, mowed our property of weeds, washed my car, dropped off the Jeep at the auto body place, did laundry, practiced golf in the front yard and helped DH make a stew. Tomorrow will be golf (9 holes) after work.

Patricia, yep, DH got a little worried when the Rhino broke down. At least we wouldn't have frozen to death as he had matches. We also wouldn't have died of thirst as we had beer in the ice chest. Am anxious to talk to the guy tomorrow about the possible defective part/solution. Michael Clayton was okay. We will be going to see Indiana Jones on Wednesday night. Looking forward to that one. I did enjoy Independence Day with Will Smith.

Wendy, ME has the bicep work that is killer in it. Also has 3 sets of leg presses on the high step. Other than that, it's not too bad for me. I have done the premix with ME and Bootcamp before and it's a good circuit. Speaking of circuits, I need to come up with something to do tomorrow. Okay, think I will do Low Impact Circuit in the morning. The next day will be some kind of Cardio, then a circuit, then cardio, then a circuit. Think I will just put in whatever I'm feeling like doing when I stare at my collection. How's that for a structure? What were some of your MIL's comments about MyChelle? Did you make some apple pies? How wonderful that the massage therapist worked her magic on those knots. I do remember when you were painting, but don't remember the injury. LOL about the lighthouse jacket! Have you heard from Traci? I emailed her this morning. Hope she is okay. I'm kind of worried about her.

Debra, how were the fish tacos? How do you make them? I've never made them before. What kind of fish did you use? Hope you just had the best day today and no headache. When is your trip to meet Wendy at the beach? I sure envy you girls getting to do that.

Patricia, I have Karen Voit's GWW. I hate to see the guy that is leering at Karen's rear end, I swear that's what he's doing. And the outfits. This was one of my first DVD's before I found Cathe. I haven't done it in ages. I wish my DH would wear shorts. His legs have only seen the light of day in maybe 2 days of our almost 29 years of marriage. I kid you not. I tried to get him to wear baggy bike shorts on an 18 mile bike trail ride. Oh no. Had to wear his Wranglers and heavy boots. Of course when he was complaining afterwards about how it felt like someone had run a rope between his legs because of the jean seams, well, I had to say "I told you so". I swear some of these guys have so much baggage, can't wear a certain color, certain style, shorts, blah, blah. Oh well, love him anyway.

Okay, must go. Pleasant dreams everyone.


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