****Watercoolers Happy Tuesday ****


Morning All

Off work today for Canada Day Yeah:p :p

Just finished breakfast w/Matthew and enjoying a cuppa joe.

Went to bed by 9 last night so never got back on. I left work early though as it was pretty quiet. Had to buy new work books so figured I was still on company time.:p :p Got home around 3:30 so did Low Impact Step. It was just the right amount of intensity with how I'm feeling these days. Picked Matthew up early from pre-school and had a relaxing dinner and played out side.

DH is working today but he'll probably be home early today to. May pop in to say hi to him at work this a.m. as DS likes to see the cranes where Daddy works. Haven't decided what we're going to do today to celebrate Canada Day.

I've just started planning DS's 3rd birthday for this Sat. - A little late planning but since it's just family it doesn't need a lot of extra fixins. Next year hope to have some of Matthew's friends come.

Okay, will post and go read what everone else is up to.
Laurie - running w/Cami reminds me of my boss who used to ride w/his young golden retreiver, holding onto the leash. As soon as the dog would veer off he would tip over my boss. Not a good thing on a bicycle I think! A group of co-workers went out for lunch yesterday and some had dessert and started talking about the Cheesecake Factory. For a place I never heard of, I've heard of it now 2x in as many days. A guy at work heard me coughing so came in and insisted I take his Advil for cold so I did and it really seemed to help so bought some on my way home from work and I'm feeling so much better as along as I keep I taking the pills. I loved BB the other night. Out of my hitting slump too. Went for beer afterwards too! Hmm, I had beer at lunch yesterday too. Maybe that's what making me feel better.:p :p I know you're concerned about TB, but isn't there a little bit of you excited too? Or would you rather wait a couple more years for this?

Debra - what step w/o did you decide to do? Do tell about the neighbours. I see you took a nap instead. Do I need to crack that whip? Sometimes naps are just as beneficial. Wouldn't want you falling off the step b/c of one too many beers LOL. The movie was what I expected. No academy awards. I only saw 1/2 of it as DS wasn't falling asleep so I stayed with him until he did and that took about 1 hr. By then I'd lost any interest I had in the movie. I'd seen enough eye candy though so was okay with it. We're still drywalling at the cottage so one big mess. The plan is to finish that and to paint this summer. So far the painting might be this fall LOL.

Wendy - You're brave colouring your own hair. I've been looking at all the stuff on the shelf lately and it just boggles my mind what is available out there. I'm leaning towards getting a body wave. It's been years since I've had a perm and like my hair with some curl in it.

Kim - glad you had a good time at the cottage. I know what you mean about having too much time with other adults. I lived with my sister for 12 years and we got a long great. We've lived apart now for about 8 years and now when she comes and visit for a weekend and I can hardly stand it. I swear her non-stop talking has gotten worse as she has gotten older. My DH says b/c her SO doesn't talk much she saves it all up until she sees me or Mom.:p :p

Jeanette - glad you are so flexible with your plans. I sometimes have a hard time changing up at the last minute. But now you've got to get the camper ready. Oh well, that should mean less packing as you can pack right into the camper right? I know what you mean about roughing it. I refuse to camp w/o a flushable toilet and running water. LOL. I was coughing last night while sleeping so was considerate enough to go into the spare room to sleep. My DH never does that for me.}( }(

Okay - off to get a 2nd cuppa.
Good morning,
Today was the intermediate drills and combos 1-3 of KPC. Been a long time since I've done this kickboxing. Guess I should do more of it. No ladies ride tonite, but I've put my bike in the car already so will get a hill climb or cardio coach workout in after work.

Patricia, glad to hear the hitting slump is over. I go to golf tomorrow night, hope I hit the ball well. Glad the Advil helped for you. I have to be careful that those things don't keep me awake at night. LOL about your sister saving up the talk for you to listen to. It's pretty easy to be flexible in regards to camping as I love to get out. We're fortunate to live amidst US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management property so it's pretty easy to find a place to camp. We just can't have a campfire at night due to restrictions. We'll be bringing a propane heater to huddle around at night. That drywall work is a big mess. Sheetrock dust everywhere. Don't envy that at all. I've never been to a Cheesecake Factory but have heard plenty. I think I need to stay away from anything with the word in it as I absolutely love the stuff. LOL about the beer making you feel better. I like a light tasting beer, not the heavy dark stuff. Bet it's fun celebrating after a game with friends and beer. Hey, life's too short to not indulge a bit, that's my motto!

Gotta run,

Just finished Project You Power Push - its a 1/2hr floor aerobics which I used to get back in shape after giving birth. It seems a little easier now but a good lead into the 1/2hr Upper Body and Abs w/o that is it's companion which I did also.

Might do a PY rotation this week and next as I start playing BB about 3x / week for a while so may be difficult to get in a daily w/o.

Off to have a shower and go out and play with Matthew.

P.S. it sure is nice to have my w/o done and over with but I needed to be up about 2hrs prior to it. How some of you do it right out of bed is beyond me.:p :p
Eldest ds isn't coming home as expected. I don't know what the deal is. I called his ex gf a few hours before ds's expected flight on Sunday, and she tells me that he's not coming in till Monday. She doesn't tell me the time or flight info. Doesn't answer my phone calls. Can't get in touch with ds. Finally, I gave ex the information and he gets in touch with ex gf because eldest ds isn't answering his phone because he's asleep due to the time difference. Finds out ds isn't coming home. Ex-dh is going to call the child today. I'd like to know WTH happened!!! And why did I deposit $ into his account for a ticket that hasn't materialized? Needless to say the kids are very emotional and disappointed. I'm just pissed!!! I don't know why he had his ex gf try to cancel/reschedule his flight instead of someone from the family who might actually know what they're doing!!! Not going to talk about it anymore or else I'll start screaming or crying.

I went shopping. Bought a cute pair of gray So Low yoga pants and a cute loose fitting Nike tank top.

On other news, I went to a gentle yoga class last night at a new studio. It's a couple of blocks away from where I'll be going to massage school. I'm going to their slow flow class tonight. The owner told me that she's one of his best teachers for alignment. And! They studio is having an alignment workshop on July 19th for $35.00. I'm going to try to make it.

Okay, opening up another window for personals.

Morning Coolers,

Today's workout was Speedwork for 5 miles. I had a hard time sleeping last night, just to many things to think about. And it all related to the faire. x( Can't stand not being bright and chipper in the morning. :( Tonight I also have volleyball, kind of wish this would have been a no go for this week. Oh well! :)

Youngest DD and I went to the library yesterday, and I picked up a couple of books. Youngest found a book that she liked, and will be reading 2 chapters(or more) a day. :) Oldest was home last night, because she is babysitting today. Babysitting is her summer job, and it seems to be working out well for her. I just told her that she has to stay off the phone with TB during working hours. :)

Patricia, Have a great day off today, we are having some great weather by us right now. It is just to bad that there has to be a swarm of mosquitoes to go with it. :D So happy to hear that your hitting is back on track, it would sometimes frustrate me when I would get into a slump. Oh, that is a good reason to not ride my bike with my dog. She would take me down for sure! :7 :7 Yesterday she took off after a rabit, and ended up getting swarmed by our neighbors dogs. They didn't attack her, the little one was jumping all over her. It really was like a circus, because the neighbors cat decided to make an appearance too. Cami HATES cats, so was about to take off after it. I'm just thankful that she listens to the word NO! I also enjoy my beer, it is very refreshing after eating dust during a game! :7 :7

Jeanette, Does it get cold at night when you are camping? Sure is a bummer that you are not able to have a fire. I'm wondering how it will be for us when we go up north in 2 weeks. They have not been getting the rain that we have. Glad you had a great time with KPC today. :D I always love that workout, but forget about the premixes. :D Do you know I have never been to the Cheesecake Factory either. :D The pasta place is good, and I hope they have one in Reno so you can try it out. My DD's love the place.

Wendy, How did the attempt at the do-it yourself home hair color go? I am in the same boat as you on the cost, and I'm trying to find ways to cut costs in our house too. Every little bit helps, but I'm such a chicken when it comes to my hair. I always think I will ruin it for sure. :7 :7

Kim, Sounds like you had a great time in the water this weekend. We will be heading out on vacation in 2 weeks, and hope to enjoy the same thing. My DB only has a pantoon boat, but it is fun to ride around the lake in it. :D LOL about the 11 miles on the TM that your friend did. That had to be very boring, but at least she got it in. :D

Debra, Yep the faire is a go for this weekend. And we have a understudy for our Queen. Our regular person had surgery, and will not be with us until about the 3rd weekend. It has made me realize that I need to document a lot more things, because you just take for granted how much our current queen knows. :D We are suppose to have some great weather this weekend, so I'm looking forward to a great start to our year. I really like the Plus workouts, since I don't have to spend so much time working out. It is nice to have short but effective workouts on hand. Some of the push-ups he does in these are just crazy though. I'm always doing the easier version. :7 :7 Yep Cami still goes to doggy daycare one day a week. Maybe those dogs that jumped on her should go there too, they would have better manners. :7 :7 Cami came home with a scratch on her nose. :( Hope that taught her a lesson though. You should see the report I get from the critter sitter. It tells us everthing they did. Even what the weather was like. :7 :7

Nicole, Glad you could pop in and let us know how you are. :D

Have a great day,

[font size = +.5][font color = red]Happy Canada Day!!![/font][/font]

Patricia: Glad to hear you were feeling good enough to do LIS. Yes, I refuse to buy boxed hair color. A couple years ago, an aquaintance offered to buy me the same stuff my expensive salon uses. But, she got me the wrong color TWICE! You'd think she knew what she was doing considering she's licensed. Goes to show... Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I figure it out with professional help. ;) You're brave to perm your hair!!! I have to email you the picture I took of you at lunch. It's very pretty.

Jeanette: Did you see Cathe's July rotation? OMW!!! It looks similar to our circuit rotation!!!

Nicole: So nice to see you again! Do I have a bone to pick with you!}( Do you realize it was damp and cold at Debra's during the retreat?!?!?! I hear it was your idea to travel there that weekend! I vote we get together at Sandra's in the middle of winter. :p :+ ;)

Debra: Glad I'm still not waiting. Your neighbors must have really pissed you off!!! Deep breaths!:*

Chat more later. I'm going to take some Sudafed and let the dog out.

Laurie, Look up. LOL about The Boy. If you ever make it to the Cheesecake Factory, I highly recommend their Tropical Martinis and Jamacian Black Pepper Shrimp. YUM! I never get a cheesecake there. I've only had a bite of the kids' cheesecake. It's good. It reminds me of the kind I make-- same texture. I'm learning about coloring my hair from the blog: KillerStrands. I found them a long time ago. But, I didn't realize she sold the same hair color products as my salon. They only sell to licensed professionals. It's ~ $10 more than a boxed kit. But, the results are 100% better!!!! That is if I choose the correct color. But, I've quizzed my stylist enough over the years to know what level and tone she uses. The blog owner isn't home right now. So, I'm waiting for her to get back and help me choose which color to use. I'll let you know how it turns out. But, I haven't even purchased it yet.

Beautiful weather here, spent lots of yesterday evening in and this afternoon in the backyard enjoying our little pool Lots of neighbour kids over as well. We did go check out some of the Canada Day festivities but too hot so we left and picked up some ice cream on the way home. Did get Interval+/Abs+ done yesterday and Kenpo+ done this morning. I saw Cathe posted her July rotation but I actually wasn't tempted. I'm enjoying the + rotation, the workouts are fun and I like that they are so short during the summer. I feel like we're on holidays after this extra long weekend, it's going to be hard getting up for work tomorrow.

Okay, what's up with everyone else:

Wendy- Oh I'm so sorry that ds didn't make it home. I can tell how disappointed you are. Hope you're starting to feel better. How did you like the newest yoga studio you tried?

Patricia- Hope everyone is feeling better at your house, summer time colds are no fun. Did you decide about P90X? Good for you for working out with a cold. Good luck planning Matthew's birthday parties, I hate kids' parties. LOL LOL about your sister's talking. Did you like Kathy Smith's Project You? Did you do the whole rotation? My sister bought it but I don't think she ever actually used it much

Debra So sorry that the neighbours are giving you so much trouble. How is your headache?

Jeanette Glad that the smoke didn't ruin your supper out with friends. We don't go out with friends that often anymore, we at that age where everyone is busy with kids and of course some couples have seperated from when we meet. I hope you have a great time camping, I really enjoying camping as well, I don't think we'll get to go this year though.

Laurie How was your child free evening? It sounds like the meeting with the "boy" and his mother went well. Who is your dd babysitting for the summer?

Nice to see Nicole pop in!

Sorry I haven't been by for a chat today...Long story...I will be around tomorrow....



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi gals,
Nice day at work today. Not so frantic. The fires are still raging here in northern California. I did get a bike climb ride in after work. The other ladies had stuff going so I was alone. It was warm, but I just tried to not push too hard and get my heart rate up too high. Still trying to acclimate to riding in warm weather. Came home and puttered around getting the trailer ready. Tomorrow will be golf with a girlfriend right after work, then seriously loading up the trailer.

Patricia, I actually am usually up about an hour before working out. I need my coffee time before working out. Is your little guy excited about his birthday? Has he wanted to ride his bike lately? BB 3X a week? How long is the season?

Wendy, so sorry about your DS's trip plans. Is it canceled, or just postponed? Hope you get to see him soon. The yoga top is really cute. I need some new workout clothes. My golf tops should be coming Thursday, but we'll be gone so they'll be waiting when I get back. I just briefly looked at Cathe's July rotation. I'm back to working legs so wasn't real interested in more cardio. I'm liking my MyChelle samples. My face looks so much less dry and younger (I think). Lines are less noticable, even in the bad mirror at work.

Laurie, sorry your mind was running. I hate it when that happens. Hope the volleyball was fun tonite. I talked to the guy that runs the college volleyball class tonite. I told him I'd love to play again, but if I came home with one more hobby... it would be curtains! It shouldn't be too cold in the evenings while out camping, I'm guessing in the 50's? Definitely a light jacket, but days will be high 80's to low 90's. We'll be sitting around the Mr. Heater propane heater. Need to run to Walmart and see if they have some kind of portable gas grill we can bring. Otherwise, it'll be cooking in the trailer. Wow, the critter sitter sounds really good. Our dogs will be with us for this camping trip now that the plans changed. DH and I would have missed them terribly, so glad that it's working out. They love the camping as much as we do.

Kim, glad you enjoyed your Canada Day today. Oooooh, ice cream! We were thinking about making it during the camping trip, but have decided it will be too difficult. We'll save that for another time. Think my parents are getting their trailer ready and will join us, along with my brother, DS and maybe some other family members. We all love our camping!

Debra, hope all is well with you. Give Julia, Polly and the Tick a hug for me.


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