**** Watercoolers Cold Thursday *****


Morning All

Yesterday it was warm in the a.m. and when I left work there was a definte chill (wind) in the air. When I left to play BB I walked out of the house and turned right back around to put track pants on.;( ;( I joked with a player last night that this past weekend was our summer and now were starting into winter already. I forgot it was cold and walked out this a.m. in a skirt and shirt and turned right around for a jacket. 11c feels cold compared to it being in the 20's just 2 days ago. We are getting the worst summer that I can remember in a long time. Oh well, hopefully winter will make up for it next yr.

Jeanette - I used to do the books for a bicycle store and often wondered who would buy videos of bike races then when I was on mat leave I watched the Tour de France with Lance Johnson (his last one I think) and understood the excitment. Not sure I'd watch a race that I knew who won though.

Wendy - I started watching Shear Genius last week and find it fun to watch especially to see what kind of hairstyles they'll come up with. I saw it Tues. night. Do we get it one night earlier than you? I think Tabitha was the judge this week (blond b**tch).

Hope all is well with everyone today.

Morning Coolers,

Well no workout for me yet, I had to come in to work early. Have to bring oldest to the dentist this afternoon. x( But I'm hoping to get in a 4m run after I get home, and get myself to church too. Will have a house full of girls tonight. Oldest has a friend staying the night, and we also have our friends GD staying too.

Patricia, We have been having chilly weather too, but I'm liking it a lot more than the humidity. ;-) Congrats on the win, and having a good time at bat. My oldest has had her BFF since she was 2 years old. She can make my oldest crazy at times (she has ADD), but they always manage to chat.

Wendy, Ok now you have me interested enough to run over to VF. Hope what I read is good, because I was a little hesitant at the price. ;-) I have not watched the current episode of SG yet, so good thing you didn't reveal who the loser was. So far I don't have anyone that I truly don't like. Last year Tabatha was not my favorite. I'm sure the personalitites will start to show through. I just finished watching the last episode of Hell's Kitchen last night, so that is how far behind I am. :D Will have to check out that sunscreen, I'm always up for something that smells better than what is on the store shelves. That is why I hate putting on bug spray too. I just can't stand smelling like OFF!

Jeanette, I hope that one day you are able to ride your bike in Europe too. Would be lots of fun, but wouldn't the countryside be a distraction? :D Yipee on getting your hair done. When I went on Tuesday, I almost fell asleep in the chair. :D It was just so relaxing. :D Ok pudgy pies actually have their own cast iron maker. http://www.pudgypies.com/ This site is where you can actually see what I mean. We always use two pieces of bread and some pie filling. Basically you place one slice of bread on the iron, put some pie filling on top, place the second piece of bread on top and close the iron. Cook over the fire, and you have a tasty treat! You can get these things at any outdoor store. It is really nice to make hot ham & cheese with too. :9

Debra, Hope you are feeling 100% today! You are heading out to visit with your BFF today. Have a safe trip, and enjoy your time. :D I hope that you do not have to go drag yourself through court, but if it necessary to get what you and the Diva need then it has to be. ;-)

Have a great day!

Today was All Step cardio, then the abs from it. Tonite is my haircut/color. Good thing or I'd be taking a scissors to it myself pretty soon. Have been getting my walks in during my break too.

Laurie, I'd never heard of Pudgy Pies! What a great idea. Might have to splurge on the irons. Know the kids would love to cook those up. It's been warm here, 90's, but I'm getting used to it again. Takes me a little bit. The ole body just moves a bit slower. My golfing girlfriend said that when she played with her group the day before, one of them brought Mojita's to drink while they golfed. I'd never heard of them, then saw a commercial last night for them. What's the chances of that happening?

Patricia, wish we had a bit of that chill you are experiencing. When Lance Armstrong was racing, we were all glued to our TV sets. Not quite the same now, but maybe someone will emerge that we can cheer for this time. I'm always inspired by all of the racers and how tough it is.

Gotta run and turn on the Tour.

About to head out the door for art class.... once I brush my hair, get dressed and post a little.

Love CC's short sweet HIIT. Parts of Lunar Flow are too tough for me. Modify. Modify. Modify.

Patricia: Yeah, your broadcast of Sheer Genius is a week behind us.

Laurie: The reviews over at VF that I read were based on previewing 1 on 1. They hadn't actually done it yet. Last year my favorite was Tabitha. I loved her snarkiness. I didn't watch the entire season. Heck, I thought she had won until I heard differently this season. I also liked Dale (asian guy) and Hung from Top Chef. I totally got where they were coming from. I guess I root for the biatches!!!}( However, I'm not lovin Charlie much from Sheer Genius. Okay, enough about reality tv. LOL Hope your dd has a pain-free experience at the dentist and not traumatizing like Sandra's dd!!!!

Jeanette: Love how you schedule your pampering time after a camping expedition!:7 I'm jealous of your haircut. My last appointment was with my current stylist instead of who I sub for her when I can't get an appointment with the regular lady. Anyhow, I like how the sub stylist cuts my hair. I think I'm going to change stylist within the salon for haircuts. Would this be terrible of me?

Debra: I'm concerned about you hon. Not hearing from you makes my mind wander and think things didn't go well at the attorney's office.

Okay ladies, I best get dressed. Doubt dh would appreciate me walking out of the house in pj bottoms.:+

Okay...I'm here!! I ended up calling my BFF and postponing our trip until tomorrow. I really needed to get a few things done with the house and, you know, PACK...and that just wasn't happening yesterday. My tummy is definitely better today...Thanks for all who were worried...Maybe a little food poisoning, or perhaps a little bug. I am not 100% today, but I should be fine to make the drive to SC tomorrow. The attorney's visit went well. There are a few things I am willing to bend on....but I am at the end of my bending. It will just depend on if XDH accepts my most recent offer. WTH is this taking so long, though?? Is he insane?? It is just taking a toll on me to have all of this drag out for so long. It would be nice to have it all settled and not have to worry about that any more.

Anyhoo...I thought I explained the urine thing before, too...my mind wanders a bit...LOL! DD has had kidney stones and is currently on medication to prevent any more from forming....so we periodically have to test her urine for a 24 hour period. She has an upcoming visit with her nephrologist in a couple of weeks, so we needed to get it out of the way so we would have the results by the time of our visit.


Sounds like you are having a fun vacation week...between the camping, biking, golfing, and the Tour de France, what else could you ask for???? At least you are still pedaling up the steepest grade....I am sure I would have to stop and walk...LOL! Hope your hair turns out as lovely as Laurie's...I am sure it will be nice to have it done. My hair always feels so soft after I get it colored...I don't know why it doesn't feel that way all the time since I use the same products as my stylist...Maybe she is just more talented in brushing it out. I never got the hang of drying my hair with a round brush to make it wavy. Oh well. Have I mentioned that I LOVE Mojito's???? My faves during the summer! It has been hot here too. I saw some more about the fires out there in USA Today...I hope you guys are far away from all of that.

Sorry you guys are having such cold weather....It has been unbearable hot here lately. We have gotten some rain over the past week....which was waaaaaay overdue! Congrats on winning your BB game last night...cold and all. I am still good friends with a gal that I have known since I was 7 years old. We keep in touch through email...and still visit a few times a year. So, you never know with childhood friends! Must be that loyalty thing that Wendy was talking about...lol.

Sorry I am such a ditz. I thought I explained about the urine before....lol. What are you going to do with me?? So, I am assuming that your classes are at night and that Phil will be around to watch the Swans while you are studying away. I can't wait for you to use me on your anatomy practices! I am sure your instructor will be fine. I was worried when I started at my community college...and I loved my first instructor. And I know you, if you aren't satisfied, you will definitely let someone know...LOL! What kind of doctor did you end up calling for your shoulder?? If you said, I must have missed it...I'm still a little blond here and I feel like I have a lot on my plate right now. Tell Phil to lighten up about the pj bottoms...I leave the house all the time in mine...LOL! Except I am sure yours are probably more sexy...I wear sweatpants for the most part, so no one really knows...lol.

My DD went to the dentist yesterday...I had my mom take her..lol! It actually isn't that bad, but my attorney's appt. was at the same time. Sounds like you will have a house full tonight! How does Cami take to all the comings and goings with the kids?? Polly just loves everyone and wants to give them kisses. I thought of you and Cami last night...I saw a sign for some sort of fundraiser for abandoned/rescue/orphan German Shepherds last night. LOL about the pudgy pies!! Never heard of it before!

Okay...that's it for me now...laundry and the vacuum are calling my name!

kisses to all....


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Do I hear crickets chirping?!?!?!

While Jeanette was getting pampered at the salon, I went to Ulta and splurged on some goodies:

Wall-mount swivel mirror (so I can style and color the back of my head)
Marilyn Boar Bristle Round Brush: because metal brushes are BAD!!!
Lanza Healing ColorCare Shampoo: It's sulfate free
RE:NU Age Defy Serum: A scalp serum that stimulates melanin production, inhibits growth of new gray hair, reduces gray hair up to 50% over a 5 month period.
OPI sampler kit for dd
OPI green nail polish for me. :)

All that's left is for Phil to install a water filter in the shower and for me to buy color, conditioner, and purifying shampoo --to gently strip my current color out before going lighter.

Phil wants to know how coloring my hair is saving me money!:7 :7 :7

No plans for a workout tonight. I've got LaundryMax, VacuumMax and DishMax on tonight's agenda. ;)

Debra: Thanks for explaining the need for a urine test. You probably already mentioned it in the past and it didn't register into my short/long term memory bank. I didn't even realize you were leaving on a trip with your BFF. To where? How long? Will you take your laptop with you? Yes, I will let the president of the school know exactly how I feel if this instructor isn't a good communicator/teacher. I have his cellphone number.}( I think by the next month, he'll start ignoring my calls.:p :+ Well, normally Phil wouldn't care what I wore out in public, except my pj bottoms are technically very short tap pants type underwear.}( I once joked about buying a thong bikini:eek: and he didn't think it was funny.}( :+

OH! Thanks to Kim :* I was able to narrow my search for a qualified doctor. My appointment is with a Harvard grad. (both undergrad 1977 and medical degree 1981), board certified orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine doctor. He completed his residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in 1986. He is a faculty member at Thomas Jefferson Medical College and voted as the area's Top Doctors by Philadelphia Magazine.:D He's also the team physician for Villanova University. He has restricted his practice to specialize in only knee and shoulder injuries. I went on an internet, background search before I decided on him. :7 :)

Debra: Glad you asked?;) :+ Enjoy your BFF time away!!!

Okay ladies, the dishes aren't getting done with me gabbing nonsense.

:* :* :*
Glad you had a good time at Ulta! It sounds like you got lots of goodies! So glad you have found a doc you are comfortable with for your shoulder ailment. A sports med doc is probably just what you need. Poor Phil...I am sure he doesn't want you walking around the neighborhood...or even out to get your mail in a thong...LOL! I am just going to my BFF's house in Mt Pleasant, SC which is about 20 minutes outside of Charleston...and 5 minutes to the beach! All good! I am not taking my laptop...but I will have access to my BFF's computer, so I will be able to get online for a couple of quick hellos. I will be back in town Monday afternoon late. Seems like CBL is planning on missing me a whole lot whle I am gone...He keeps telling me how much he is going to miss me...poor, sweet man! Do you guys have any big plans for the weekend...Or just gearing up for the excitement of massage school??

Okay...gotta get my beauty rest so that I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for my drive to SC tomorrow!!

kisses to all...


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi girls,
Sitting here watching the Tour and typing. Hey, I'm a woman, I can DO 2 things at a time. Haircut and color done. Feels and looks so much better. Like a new woman... LOL!

Wendy, I think you should change stylists if you feel it will be best. Bet they are used to having that happen. Hey, it's your hair! Sounds like you have done a ton of research on coloring your own hair. Is it to cut costs? My weave,cut and blow dry was $75 today. Of course a tip on top of that. Actually, I gave up getting massages in favor of getting my hair weaved and colored. Will you be highlighting your hair too? Did your DS ever get to come home? I'm sure enjoying trying all of the MyChelle samples. I liked the Incredible Pumpkin Peel this morning. I really think my crowsfeet lines are less noticable. Really. The surgeon sounds well qualified. When is your appointment?

Debra, glad you are feeling better today. Sure hoping the divorce settlement stuff is over soon. Seems like it's been going on for a LONG time. Has to be wearing on you. Now I remember about Julia's kidney stones. Poor girl. Hope everything is okay and she never has another attack. I wish it was a vacation week still. I went back to work yesterday, sigh. Think I will do a bike ride after work tomorrow (Cardio Coach) and will work on the back porch with DH on Saturday, another bike ride on Sunday and try to hit the driving range at some time for some practice before my Wednesday game. Seems like I have something going every single day, huh? Never dull anyway. Hey, the Mojita commercial is on right now. What a coincidence, huh? Must be a sign that I should have one sometime soon. Have a great trip to SC tomorrow. Drive safe! The fires are still raging, thankfully not close to our town. However, we get smoke, depending on the wind direction. Looked like fog last Saturday night, the smoke was so bad. I haven't been too affected by it but I know lots of folks that are bothered.

Night all,


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