water retention


New Member
Maybe it was those evil peeps and the Easter dinner but I can't get rid of this water retention. Any suggestions for getting rid of water retention?? Also what does LOL mean that I see in so many of the postings?
"LOL" stands for laughing out loud.

The best way to get rid of water retention is to drink a lot of water. You can also get some dandelion root at the "hippie store" or another herbal diuretic of some sort. The important thing is the water - if you take an herbal diuretic it only works if you drink a lot of water with it. Try to avoid extra salt, too. HTH! (Hope that helps). - Kath
I do all of the above, plus I quit drinking pop (soda) which eliminated a lot of bloating. I use Mrs. Dash a lot. Mrs. Dash and Butter Buds can do a lot for Ore Ida potato wedges, my favorite!

Ha! I didn't know what "lol" meant either so I just assumed it meant "lots of love"- I guess I was wrong!

Thanks for the info!
I agree: avoid sodium and drink lots of water. If you do decide to use a diuretic, ask your pharmacist for a potassium- sparing one. Note also tea is a natural diuretic. Hoping you "deflate" soon! :)
RE: LOL and DH

You know, I first wondered what LOL meant too, but after reading it in context so many times I took it to mean something like "Holy S--T!" haha

Also, does DH mean "dear husband" or something to that effect? Again, I'm trying to figure it out from the context in which it's used. I posted recently about my hubby and almost used DH, but then thought I'd better not, just in case it meant something completely different and no one would know what in the world I was talking about!:)

Sorry I went off the subject here...

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