water bed question


Active Member
Hi! I have a question regarding waterbeds. Are they good for you? Are there different kinds of waterbeds? I have a friend who is constantly complaining of sore neck, shoulders and back. I've known her for 7 years and have heard of similar complains regularly. She went to the chiropractor and he said there's something wrong with her back. I think it could be the bed. Her husband loves the waterbed, she said she doesn't mind. I feel seasick sleeping on one! Anyway, any comments, advice or thoughts? Also if Maribeth can comment on this will be greatly appreciated.
Hi Joan! My sister had a waterbed for years and she loved it but now, she is suffering from leg and back cramps and spasms. Her doctor said it was from her bed because she was always physically active and ate well. I guess that because it isn't firm it doesn't support the body. Hope that helps. Cookiebaby
I think the same thing is happening to my friend. Thanks for responding. Does anybody else have any experience with waterbeds. Or does anyone know of a site I can go to to get more info on the subject? Thanks!
The only thing I can tell you is that we've had one for about 15 years. We always get the non-motion ones - I'll get motion sickness! Anyway, I always wake up with a sore back!! Hubby never does. He swears by the stupid thing. I want to try one of those Select Comfort beds. DH (read: DUMB hubby) is hell-bent on STUPID waterbeds!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a doggone break already! x( x( x( x(

Hi Joan,
When I got married my DH had a waterbed. After a few years I started having terrible back problems (never had back problems before). I went to a chiropractor and he said waterbeds weren't good for the back and his explanation made sense. We got rid of the bed and got a really good mattress. My back has been great and even my DH back has been a lot better.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-02 AT 12:28PM (Est)[/font][p]I was told by a sports massage guy (not a physical therapist mind you) that many people end up with sore backs due to waterbeds. He said that the way your body lay on a waterbed is too stretched out - I guess your muscles aren't supposed to be that stretched for an all-nighter. It made sense to me. I had a waterbed when I was growing up. I went away to college and the first summer home we had to sell that waterbed because I had adjusted to a normal bed and my back just couldn't take the waterbed anymore.
Thanks ladies. I appreciate your response. Anymore? Maribeth, do you care to comment on this? I am going to print and give your comments to my friend and her husband. It's sad to see her suffering unnecessary pain and discomforts.

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