watching the holiday treats ??


or do they watch you?? how do you handle the extra goodies hanging around?
I try NOT to buy them but for some things.. like kids, you have to have something.
I try to buy stuff I don't like.
how about you?

I am having a really hard time this holiday season staying away from the "goodies". My "plan" was to eat healthy until Christmas Eve, and indulge then and on Christmas Day, but it is not working. We have been to lots of holiday parties, brought lots of baked goods home, etc. I'd love to hear how others are doing. Any advice?
Wretched, wretched, horrible, horrible!

Yes, they do watch me, probably saying, "Keep her away!"
As I sit here, I've eaten 2 pieces (and not small ones, either) of apple pie for breakfast. We celebrated Christmas last night at my sister's since my mom is going down to Florida to celebrate with my step dad's parents. It could have been worse, I suppose, I COULD have brought home some of my sister's carmel brownie cheesecake and the almond toffee bark that she made. (My sister really needs to have her head examined for making such sinful desserts!) I have absolutely no resistance to goodies at any time, let alone Christmas. I guess I could try..... nah! Oh well, just know that as bad as you might feel about your dietary transgressions, someone out there is outdoing you at this very moment! And more likely than not, it's ME!!!!

Happy Holidays!

Elizabeth Kelly
I'm with you Elizabeth

Last night, I bought a goodie tray from a lady for the season. Before I froze it, I had to try one of everything and that would have made at least 6 things to try. I cut small pieces off some but had to eat the whole butter tart. Before that, I had a craving for nacho chips (baked)with light cheese melted on top with salsa. Supreme cheat day.

It is difficult at this time of year to say no to everything and I do have good days and bad days. The bad days seem to be really bad lately.

This is probably not the time of year to take a hiatus from exercise even if we are more busy.

One of my strategies is to take goodies to my job and share with everyone there. They enjoy them (after they swear at me) and then there is not so much left for me to indulge in.

Did I mention that I love dark chocolate?

Take care and keep working out. (as I plan my hour of cardio for today!)

I use my "pregnancy strategy"

When I was pregnant, I would allow myself a diet Coke and a small bag of Hershey's kisses every week on Tuesday. The rest of the week I could eat fairly well and resist temptation because I knew Tuesday was coming. This was during my middle pregnancy (couldn't eat during the other two!! --sick, ick!). During Christmas, my BIGGEST temptation is fudge. So ONCE a week, for 3 or 4 weeks during the season, I make a batch of fudge. On "fudge day" I enjoy myself tremendously. The rest of the time, I am a good girl. I try to eat lower fat treats on other days (candy canes, hot chocolate, fruit basket stuff) --stuff that's still a little fun but not really too bad. I also love Celestial Seasoning's "Nutcracker Sweet" tea--it has a wonderful flavor and is an enjoyable holiday taste to me. But on fudge day, LOOK OUT! I eat myself sick. hehehe. And can you guess when fudge day is this week??? TOMORROW!!!! hehehehehehehe (evil snicker) -susan p
Watching the holiday treats? Yes and No!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-99 AT 01:49PM (EST)</font></center>

I loved your interview with Cathe on that site that you mentioned ( my memory is short sometimes)!

On to holiday strategy is the same as it is all year, to indulge just once a week. Although last week and this week I'll have two "cheat" days. It gives me something to look forward to. For weeks like that, I up my cardio sessions. Longer and more often.

I am lucky because I don't eat sugar during the makes me sleepy, so I don't eat the junk people bring to work. I react like a drunk to sugar...get sleepy and disoriented.

At home, all the junk is kept in the freezer or in the basement...out of sight, out of mind.

This method works fine FOR ME!!! I know everyone has to work out their own system.

Happy munching!!!!!

(for my holiday baking this week I'm making Mississippi Mud Slide Bars and Death by Chocolate. If the first one don't get ya, the second one will finish you off!
Mississippi mud slide bars and death by chocolate?????????

oh my what is that??
wait don't tell me. I am a devoted chocoholic
and I have real trouble.
And normally it would not matter but I had some pre cancerous stuff removed from my face, so the doc does not want me sweating because the salt will make it burn and hurt and all that.
Can you imagine a work out where you didn't sweat??
So I am bummed. I am doing a modest weight thing and lots of ab work, but my cardio is suffering a lot.
anyway.. thanks for the kind words about the interview. I am doing an update for a new site. But Cathe can announce it when it is done.
email me if you want more info.
death by chocolate

I am curious. What is death by chocolate. Feel free to give the recipe.

Does it have dark chocolate?

Death by Chocolate-How to

I brownie mix
1/2 c. kahlua
1 pkg choclate pudding, large size - NOT INSTANT
1- 12 oz. container Cool Whip
2 Heath Bars, chopped
Chopped Walnuts

1. Prepare brownie mix using the recipe for "cake-like" brownies.

2. While still warm and in the baking pan, poke brownies with a fork.

3. Pour all of the Kahlua over the baked brownies.

4. Prepare chocolate pudding according to instructions and refrigerate until slightly set.

5. Use half of the pan of brownies and line the bottom of a glass serving bowl. ( do not crumble them, but try to get pieces as large as possible).

6.Press lightly up the sides of the bowl.

7. Cover with half of the chocolate pudding; then half of the Cool Whip.

8. Sprinkle with 1 chopped Heath Bar

9. Repeat layers with remaining ingredients.

10. Top with the Walnuts.


Enjoy! Then lie down on the floor with your feet in the air like a contented puppy.
The trick is not to eat it all the time!

I pig out one day a week, and eat NO junk the rest of the week. I do Cathe's weight tapes (PS series and MIS) alternating with weight machines at the Y. I do 4-5 cardio sessions per week

It works for me. And, sister, do I ever enjoy my pig out days!!!!!!

I'll post my Mississippi recipe maybe tomorrow. I don't have it one me now.
holiday treats

Stevie, you're smart not to keep treats on hand. I know when we have them in the house they become irresistible. We've been given so much junk in the guise of gifts it isn't even funny. No wonder the average person gains 7(!) pounds this time of year. I am very serious about my healthy diet but I have been tempted and have given in to those temptations! I never thought I'd live to see the day I was sick of chocolate but that day is here! Remember it's ok to indulge occasionally, just cut back for a day or so after and don't forget those workouts. Merry Christmas
I'm no expert but something is working.

This is the first Christmas that I haven't baked. One of the neatest things about it is I don't feel guilty. Usually I feel guilty if I don't because I think my kids will feel deprived or that I'm trying to take all the fun out of Christmas for them. Then when I do bake I can't stop eating it so I feel doubly guilty. Some how I have finally resisted baking it for the first time in 20 years. And Christmas has been stress free. Granted I did most of my shopping online, which helped. But my kids are not cranky and craving sweets. Tempers are pretty mellow and I feel pretty relaxed. I need this with everything else going on with my family right now. Maybe feeling better all around is worth not baking Christmas treats? I will have to try it next year too to see if it really works. Lora

P.S. I do plan on eating some treats on Christmas day when I go to my sisters. I don't need to get legalistic.
No baking for me, either

Hi Lora,
I am not doing my normal holiday baking either - just the bare minimum (like when I'm required to bring dessert somewhere). I do feel guilty because of my kids, but they seem fine and are still getting plenty of goodies from parties, grandparents, etc. When I bake, I also wind up eating way too much and then feeling bad so I decided it just isn't worth it right now. Like you, I am planning on enjoying treats at Christmas though!! Happy holidays everyone!
Mud Slide - How to

Mud Cake:
3/4 c. margarine
1 3/4 c. sugar
3/4 c. unsweetened cocoa
4 large eggs
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 c. flour
1/2 c. pecans, chopped
1/2 c. flaked coconut
3 c. mini marshmallows

Fudge topping:
5 Tble margarine
1 oz. unsweetened chocolate
1/3 c. unsweetened cocoa
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 c. evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 c. confectioner's sugar
1/2 c. pecans, coarsely broken
1/4 c. flaked coconut

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour 13" by 9" metal baking pan.

2. Prepare the mud cake: in 3 quart saucepan, melt margarine over low heat, stirring occasionally. With wire whisk, beat in sugar, cocoa, then eggs, vanilla and salt until well blended. Remove saucepan from heat. With spoon, stir in flour just until blended. Stir in pecans and flaked coconut. Spread batter in pan.

3. Bake cake 25 minutes. Remove pan from oven. Sprinkle marshmallows on top of cake in even layer. Return cake to oven and bake 10 minutes longer or until marshmallows are puffed and golden. Cool cake completely in pan on wire rack.

4. When cake is cool, prepare Fudge Topping: In 2-quart saucepan, heat margarine and chocolate over low heat until mixture melts, stirring constantly. With wire whisk, beat in cocoa and salt until smooth. Then beat in undiluted evaporated milk and vanilla. Beat in confectioner's sugar until smooth and blended.

5. Pour hot topping over cooled cake. Cool fudge-topped cake 20 minutes; sprinkle with pecans and coconut. Wrap cake in pan to store. Can be frozen up to 2 weeks before serving.
This is WICKED!! OH my.. maybe I will have to double my workout time

this sounds devilishly delicious.
hmmm when to make it so I can get rid of it QUICKLY
. I often make stuff and give it away to people right away

thus I get a piece or two and voila' gone!

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