Watching Sharon Mann at the moment....


I am working but have Sharon Mann on (waiting to digest my coffee to do some Cathe :) ). If I am totally objective, her workout is really not bad. However (and this is a huge however), I can see what you guys mean about Sparky in the background.... I get the concept that she is supposed to be the more "advanced" exerciser to "take it to the next level," but haven't they noticed her form is AWFUL? I mean, she is doing nothing but flinging herself around up there. If I was the guy behind her, I'd be afraid she'd be landing on my feet at any moment! LOL

I wonder what criteria instructors use to select background exercisers? Do you think they are friends or something?

I call Sparky, "Spazzy Sparky". I know that sounds awfully mean, but she just really gets on my nerves! She seems to always want to show everybody else how supremely more "in shape" she is, but I think her form is awful. She may be able to do high impact, but she's got to have some serious back problems with all the flinging and out-of-control movements she does.
That's funny -- I was just watching Sharon Mann the other day.

I was curious about this "Sparky" character everyone talked about in a previous discussion "Annoying Instructors"(?), so I kept my eye out for her. And there she was -- you're right, her performance is too "over the top" and sloppy. Or maybe, it's just I can't take that kind of manic enthusiasm so early in the day (tee hee!).

But if you think Sparky's form is bad, you should see this girl at the step class at my gym! She flops around like a 5"10 ragdoll, head lollying (is that are real word?) like one of those toy dogs people put on the rear shelf of their cars. She lands quite heavily. An injury in the making! (Truth to tell, she reminds me of a human version of Marmaduke.)

"Sparky" (aside from being a very odd nickname for an adult woman) is very annoying! When they do jump rope moves, she jumps as high as she can, not the proper way to increase the intensity for jumproping anyway, and what a bad model for the home exerciser.
Sparky must eat crap all day! Seems to me that if you jumped around like that on a regular basis and ate clean, you would be as tight as a knot!
I have to completly agree with Catwoman. When I wake up in the mornings and I need and exercise chuckle I turn on Sharon Mann and just set back and watch sparky. At the time Im drinking my morning coffee and almost lose it every time.
Denise Burner
>Sparky must eat crap all day! Seems to me that if you jumped
>around like that on a regular basis and ate clean, you would
>be as tight as a knot!

Yes, her jiggly overhang is a bit difficult to watch (though it wouldn't jiggle so much if she didn't jump around so much!)
Yes you are talking about the lady in front of the man. I always thought she exaggerated a tad too much. I think she is a riot to look at. And her form is horrible.


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