Want to try Cathe...

Hi Cathe:

I want to try some of your videos and need some advice. I am interested in a mixture of both cardio and strength.

I'm on the beginner side for strength training, but intermediate for cardio. I've tried the FIRM a little, but I think I will like your style better. I want to build up strength and cardio endurance. I also have about 15 pounds to lose. I'm restarting after taking about 2.5 months off.

I did some step classes at my old health club and now I find beginner step videos too repetitive and not challenging, but Christi Taylor is too complex. I've done some beginning strength work, but still need good form pointers. While my muscles are fairly weak and out of shape, I need some intensity to keep my heart-rate in my target range.

Is it too soon for me to your videos? If not, which series/videos do you recommend?


I know that I'm not Cathe, and maybe I should have just let her reply, but I couldn't help myself. Sorry.
Anyway, if you are loooking for a good starter to Cathe, I have heard that the Wedding video is a great one to start with. She is also putting out some new ones this year for the beginner/intermediate. So, if you would like to wait you can do that too. But you can start with teh Wedding tape and see what you think. Just a thought. I'm sure that Cathe will be of more help though.

My recommendation for starting Cathe step is Step Heat. It's a bit shorter than her other workouts, but has a good ab section at the end.It's more basic than some, but not so basic that you won't get a good workout. It's on a DVD with two other step workouts.

For weights, I'd recommend Cathe's newest weight workouts: Supersets or Push Pull. These are full body workouts that are 45 min to an hour. You can use lighter weights in the beginning and heavier ones as you get stronger. The two workouts come on one DVD.

These will give you a good introduction to Cathe but still challenge you. I've never seen the Wedding tape, but that sounds good too.

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