Want to purchase my next lower body strength video. Need recommendations!


Hey everyone,


I have had great success doing 2 strength training lower body workouts a week with Cathe. I want to CONTINUE building muscle definition in my entire lower body, challenge myself physically, add variety with another video, and complete my workout in 45-50 mins.


I have Cathe's Pure Strength: Strong Legs & Abs video and her Leaner Legs videos. I do SL once during the week and LL once on the weekend. I find that LL is an ultimate challenge for me as I move from 1 thing to another; she really challenges me with her low-ends, enhausting of each muscle group and balances with hamstrings and calves. Believe it or not, I skip the LL ab workout and follow my LL workout with the floor section of SL--needless to say I feel great when I'm finished.

YOUR RECOMMENDATION (please spell out videos for my benefit...THX!)

Based on my goals and what I have at home already, what other videos that target the lower body (strength training videos only -- do not want any cardio videos) would you recommend. Looking to add 1 more for variety and to keep my body completely on its toes.

Thanks so much!

I would suggest Pyramid Lower Body. I have it but haven't done it yet. I'm currently working with LL.

I have previewed it and it looks like a good one. Everyone else seems to like it.

Also, there is Powerhour, which has endless squats in it, but this does not focus just on lower body. Maximun Intensity Strength also is a total body workout with about 20 minutes ( I think) dedicated to legs. Hope this helps!
I agree with Sarahs's first reommendation of Lower Body Pyramid. I saw a big improvement in the shape of my thighs after a month of doing this one (once per week). After that rotation, I went on to 3 weeks of Slow & Heavy - that made a huge difference! I still have some inner thigh flab (ouch! It hurts just saying that!) but the shape is looking good! Finally! Even though I really like Leaner Legs, it didn't actually do much for the shape of my thighs.

I'm doing pretty much what you said you did...PLB & PUB for a six week rotation. When you switched to Slow & Heavy did you bulk up?

Hi Sue! Yes, I did, but in a good way! I was shocked at how I craved meat (especially grilled chicken!) which is strange for me - I usually don't eat much meat. I didn't over-eat at all, just my cravings changed. I gained 2 pounds (which I lost after a couple of weeks off of S & H) but my clothes are MUCH looser! I still have the muscle that I put on (at least it looks like it). I'm going to do Pyramids for 6 weeks (maybe less) then try the Slim Series for a few weeks and then go back to S & H for 3 weeks. I guess Cathe's new workouts will be available then! LOL!
Hi Sarahs - I would definitely give the Pyramids a try! Truthfully, at first I wasn't so sure about them, but then all of a sudden I noticed a change, whereas with LL my legs felt stronger but looked the same.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I will purchase the pyramid lower body video and interchange with my other videos. I'll keep ypu posted. Have a wonderful weekend!!!
One more question...I'm still a semi-newbie. You referred to the Slim Series...what is that?

Hi Sue:

The Slim Series isn't a Cathe workout. It's by Beachbody.com. I heard about it over at a few other fitness sites, and I couldn't resist. I ordered it a couple of weeks or so ago and haven't gotten it yet. Well we'll see...if it's awful, I'll go back to the Pyramids early.
Thanks, Barbie!

My legs feel stronger but I am still looking for THE change! LOL

Well, I hate to give up LL, since I love it. Do you think it would be too much to do LL and PLB once per week? Just a thought. Maybe it is a crazy thought }(

One more question...is there a way to view Slim Series anywhere? Maybe I just missed it on the web site?

That's exactly what I'm doing. Maribeth - one of our resident fitness experts - recommended doing one heavy, low rep strength workout and one lighter, high rep endurance workout for the legs each week. This will work both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers.

I use either PLB, PSLA or SH Legs for strength and LL for endurance. For my current rotation, it's PLB and LL.

Thanks! Tomorrow I would normally do LL but I think I will attempt PLB. The Stability Ball work kind of scares me because I haven't done it yet. I can just feel the soreness thinking about it.
RE: Want to purchase my next lower body strength video....

I don't know how you feel about combos, but if you combine the leg work from MIS legs and Power Hour legs you will get a workout equivalent to LL in intensity, but it'll be a nice change of pace. The bonus is that you get two excellent upper body workouts to do as well.

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