Vitamins - necessary?


Cathe - and anyone else who knows - ,

I HATE taking pills! HATE IT! And I never feel any different using vitamins - in fact, I felt nauseous once using a multivitamin! But everyone says you should take vitamins, especially if you are working out. What are your thoughts?

I appreciate the help!

Hi Lisa,

I recently started taking a multi-vitamin, but it's not a pill -- it's a effervescent powder that you mix with water and drink. It's actually very similar to Airborne (not sure if you've heard of that).

Basically, the box of vitamins contains 30 individual packets. Just open one up, mix with a small amount of water, let it effervesce and drink it. It tastes good. Extremely convenient for travel, too.

Because they're not in pill form they don't upset my stomach, and their highly absorable.

I've been taking these vitamins for about 3-4 weeks and I absolutely love them. They're called VitaVescence and Multivescence (different flavors).

You have to order them -- I don't think you'll find them in stores (yet). Let me know if you'd like more info. :)
I've been taking Women's mega vitamins from GNC for a couple of years now. If I forget to take them even one day, I feel really drained and tired. Also, I never have a problem with iron when I go to the doctor. They're pretty big pills, but they're well worth it if you don't get as many veggies and fruit it your day that you'd like.
I wasgoing to take a look at this chewable kind I saw a commercial on - Viactin?

marla, please send me some more info on the powder vitamin - thank you so much!


Lisa -- here's the link to the web site:

I originally heard about these on the radio last summer. Then, in December, I got a bad cold/flu and tried Airborne, which I liked. Airborne is great, but it's not a multivitamin/mineral supplement -- it's really for reducing the duration of a cold.

I tracked down Multivescence & Vitavescence and found it. I tried a one-month supply first ($29.95), even though it's more expensive to purchase that way. Now I've used up my first box (30 packets) and I just received my new order of 4 boxes ($79), which will last for 4 months.

Check it out -- I hope it works for you. I really like them -- definitely have some great energy. I'm sure my clean diet and consistent workouts help, too. :D
Also -- you can go straight to They have a lot of different vitamins/supplements available there, as well as Vitavescence and Multivescence.

The only difference between Vitavescence and Multivescence is the flavor. Vitavescence is fruit punch (red), and Multivescence is blueberry (blue).


Viactiv - tried it. Not bad at all! the multi vitamin has 200 mg of Calcium and a whole bunch else. Tasty also. Much better than a pill! :)
With my job I couldn't live without my multi-vit. The key to it is findng a good one. I haven't been sick in 6 months and I have plenty of energy:7

I hate to sound like an old snot here, but I haven't had a cold in 15 years (pun intended). I have never had the flu in my life. I use GNC products also. This is not an endorcement - just my vitamin of choice.

Sorry you have a problem with pills.. I can't take more than one at a time or I gag. So slowly, one at a time. GNC has a product (the name escapes me) that you take two tabs three times a day. I also supplement 400 mg (real - not the manufactured stuff) vitamin E, an additional time release 500 mg of vitamin C, zinc, B-100 and folic acid. I had a nurse evaluate my intake and she just kept nodding her head and saying "good, um hum, yes, good". You have a study your vitamins and illnesses. Find out what kind of vitamins combat what kind illnesses and go from there. The book I use as my vitamin "bible" is Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch. It can be found used on line at Amazon. Again, not an endorcement but just the book I use.

In my humble and uneducated opinion, I wouldn't be without supplements every single day.

Hope this helped a little anyhow.....
Annette Bethel

Yes vitamins are necessary as well as supplements, ie Omega 3's, 6's, 9's etc. The best multi vitamin I took, I found at the Dollar Tree! They are small enough to swallow.
It would be in your best interest to check out
It is a WHOLE FOOD CONCENTRATE & has a gargantuan amount of research by many medical facilities/universities to backup their claims. Multi-vitamins & minerals----not only do they not help you, they can be potentially harmful to the body.
> Multi-vitamins & minerals----not only do they
>not help you, they can be potentially harmful to the body.

I agree that many isolated vitamins/minerals (and supplements made from them) can be bad. Vitamin A and even beta carotene, for example, are best derived from whole foods. (Studies on beta carotene for reducing risks of certain types of cancers had to be stopped because the participants were experiencing a higher rate of cancers--they were taking beta carotene supplements, not eating carotene-rich foods that are shown to reduce risks).
There will never be a universal agreement over this issue. I agree that oil soluable supplements in excess can be harmful and even dangerous. However, there are new studies on vitamin D + calcium that have some researchers re-examining their effect on dementia and alzheimers. I've read some studies that contend you need a balanced vitamin B supplement taken with folic acid for memory issues. My internist agreed with that one 100%. I'm sorry, I can't quote who said what on the other issues because I constantly read about supplements, fitness and health.

My stand remains that you may not be able to obtain all you need from processed, refined or even natural foods. And yes, you do have to know what you are doing with supplements or you could end up with everything from long bone pain (too much oil soluable vitamin A) and other assorted maladies.
>My stand remains that you may not be able to obtain all you
>need from processed, refined or even natural foods.

I couldn't agree more!--- JUICE PLUS+, as a WHOLE FOOD CONCENTRATE, gives you ALL of the vegetables/fruits & whole grains that you should be taking into your body on a daily basis; and naturally ALL the benefits therein.

check it out you'll thank yourself & have a health-filled body that lacks nothing nutritionally.

:) :) :7
>My stand remains that you may not be able to obtain all you
>need from processed, refined or even natural foods. And yes,
>you do have to know what you are doing with supplements or you
>could end up with everything from long bone pain (too much oil
>soluable vitamin A) and other assorted maladies.

We don't necessarily disagree that much!

I don't think you can necessarily get all you need from processed, refined or partial foods. But I consider most supplements just that: refined, processed, partial foods. With very few exceptions (vitamin D, perhaps calcium), I would suggest going for whole food supplements and 'superfoods' (like green drinks) rather than vitamin pills.

Some whole-foods-based supplements (concentrated nutrients from a food source) are great because they are both high in nutrients, and from a natural source.
Whole food vitamins are the best and safest. I just read that some a woman's vitamin sold at the Vitamin Shop was taken off the market because it used LEAD as a binder. I always shy away from supermarket and dollar store vitamins because I don't know what the binders are, or for that matter what is in them. Yes, diet is the best way to get our supplements but with the state of the soil our foods, unfortuately, are not as nutrutionaly dense as they used to be. Thus, the need for addtional supplementation.

I'm the same way, I simply will NOT take a vitamin pill. So, after doing some research I settled on a liquid multi-vitamin/mineral supplement. It is fruit flavored so I just add it to my morning smoothie and I get all my vitamins and minerals without the "taste". I've been taking it for the last 2 months and my hair stylist can't get over how healthy my hair has become and it won't stop growing! You can find liquid vitamins/minerals at any of the the nutrition stores. I get mine at the Vitamin Shoppe.

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