Vitamin question


It seems I read somewhere that when taking a multivitamin it should be one with not more than 50% of your daily requirements of vitamin A. I looked at the store today and I did not find any this way they all had 100%. Did I dream this???

Jessica...we get so much misinformation from every kind of media today as far as how much of this and how much of that we should be taking. I'm not a pill taker so I am always skeptical of recommendation's for mega doses of one vitamin or another...let alone all the supplements you see advertised in the fitness magazines these days! Uf-dah! I do take a multi-vitamin everyday, one with 100% RDA for iron since I am always borderline anemic and still having regular periods so that is something I have to stay on top of. But as long as we are eating a well balanced diet everyday, and taking a regular multi-vitamin for insurance (my Gyn likes to have all of her patients taking a multi-vitamin every day), I feel most of us are getting the nutrients we need.

And thanks for the link to that article, Gina!

I may have more "misinformation" but I read an article in Prevention??? magazine (I think) recently that stated that the amount of Vitamin A should be much less than 10,000 IU. Newer vitamins are now starting to contain the lesser amount. This is because research shows that an abundance of Vitamin A was leading to osteoporisis in older men and women. I wish I can find the article for you, but I don't remember where I saw it. Maybe you can do some research.

Nonetheless, I take Nature's COde vitamins (from QVC) and I love them. It's a pack of 6 pills, but I can definitely feel the difference when I take them!

Hope I didn't confuse you more...


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