Video Trade


Hi. I know that videofitness has an exchange forum, but frankly the forum format gets on my nerves and half the time I cant login for some reason so I'll post here instead. I'm interested in trying out a few Joyce Vedral videos namely Fat Burning Workout Volume 2 and Definition Upper Body. I have a few videos I'm willing to trade, including...

Christi's Still Jumping
KV's Pure & Simple Stretch, and Energy Sprint
Kristin Kagan's Step This Way
Crunch Master Class Aerobics

Email me if anyone is interested. I'm going out of town this week so I wont be checking my emails quite as often.


Try to post them on
IF you go to the site and click on "forums" you will see a list of forums. Go to the bottom of the list, and click on "shop to swap". Here you will find many people who post their lists to trade, sell or buy. It's very easy to use. Good luck!

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