Cathe Friedrich

:-jumpy Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to announce that we will be filming FIVE NEW VIDEOS THIS SPRING.........Yippee, I can hardly wait:-jumpy

We will film the following videos between May 29th and June 2nd.

1) RHYTHMIC STEP........60 Minute, All Step, Workout.

Breakdown: Warm up; intense step combinations filled with rhythmic changes and dynamic movement (guaranteed to keep the heart pumping); cool down and extended stretch.

2) POWER HOUR........60 Minute, Hi-Rep, Hi-Intensity Total Body Weight Training Workout.

Breakdown: Warm up; variety of barbell/dumbbell exercises targeting each major muscle group(one muscle group at a time)and working them to exhaustion; core/ab training; overall stretch(a brief and specific stretch period will also be offered after each body part is completed). Although the heart rate will be elevated during this workout, the focus is muscular conditioning vs cardio conditioning.

3) SLOW AND HEAVY SERIES........Three Part Series Designed To Improve Muscular Strength Through Slow And Heavy Weight Training (this three part series will be designed with the influence of the push/pull principle).


Tape One: CHEST,BACK,ABS. Warm Up; effective barbell/dumbbell exercises for the chest and back; abdominal and core training exercises; thorough stretch.

Tape Two: BICEPS,TRICEPS,ABS. Warm up; effective barbell/dumbbell exercises for the biceps and triceps; addominal and core training; thorough stretch.

Tape Three: Legs,Shoulders. Warm up; effective barbell/dumbbell exercises for the legs and shoulders,
thorough stretch.

The length of time for each of these three videos is not yet available.

All five videos mentioned above are pretty well established, however, times and content are subject to small changes.

Hope you like the line up!!!!!!!!!

I just wanted you to know that I have never been so excited about exercise in my life. Thank YOU!!!!

I have been checking in all day. I was like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning.

I hope you realize what an inspiration you are. I know that I will never be as tiny as you are but I am in the best shape of my life thanks to your instruction.

If you were here in Utah, you would be getting a lot of hugs!

Keep up the good work and never forget how much you are appreciated!

Melissa :7
Paragonah, Utah
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-01 AT 02:11PM (Est)[/font][p]Will they be available on DVD?

Lydia L
Hi Lydia! Glad you like them. Yes, they will be available on DVD but we don't have those details worked out yet. We'll let everyone know as the information becomes available.
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

That's the way I feel right now!!!

If you're half as excited about making these tapes as we are about doing them, this should be quite a spring/summer.

JUST CAN'T WAIT!! Thanks Cathe :) :) !!

It's beautiful and sunny here in San Francisco (for a change). I had a great bike ride in to work this morning. I just bought a new 25 lb. dumbbell for lat rows and will use it with PS BBA tonight.

And now this ... definitely the icing on the cake! Thanks for the great news, Cathe! Life is good! :) :) :)

(Not adding any more jumpie things here because I'm doing that myself!)

Thank you, thank you and thank you!! And dittos to all the above comments. You and your wonderful videos have changed my life. You are the greatest!

Yippee! I already know what I'm going to be asking for for my birthday in September - pre-orders for new tapes. Hooray!

HOLY COW!!! :-wow Seems impossible, but this is even better than I had hoped. Can't freakin'wait!!!!!! :-jumpy Cathe, you are the GROOVIEST!!!

You made my day!!!

Hi Cathe!

This is sooo exciting...I can't wait! My birthday is in July and now I know what I want!

Thank you! You're the best!
Yes, Yes, Yes!

DVD's!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy Now, just to figure out how I can afford both the PS Series AND the new tapes on DVD!! I'll think of something. I'll have to use some of that charm I used to get my spin bike! LIFE IS GOOD!! :7 Thanks, Cathe, for listening to all our wants. You're the best. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: You made my day!!!


This is incredible. You read my mind. Thank you so much! Now I just have to be patient. Five new videos. I am almost speechless. I am so excited. You are the best Cathe.
Take care!
RE: You made my day!!!

yipee!! Will there be a presale???? And when???? Hot credit card is now out of my purse!!!!!!

I love you, Cathe Friedrich!

The new videos sound great. I've been dying for a new all step tape from you, so Rhythmic Step is probably the one I'm most excited :D about. Judging by the title and the description, I'm going to love this one. Somebody take my temperature, I feel a choreography spell coming on!

Oh and I've got to believe that you'll be looking for some awesome soundtracks for Rhythmic Step and Power Hour. Have you made any music selections yet? (Don't need to know what you've selected, I'm just curious to know if you already know the musical tone you're going for.)

By the way, I really love the strength training music in the cross trainers, especially Leaner Legs. Great unique music and loud enough that I can hear it over my own gasping and cursing.

TGIF Indeed!
Daphne M
PlyoJacking Once Again!

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