Very Disappointed


Hi Everyone,
I am 31 weeks and feeling so disappointed I gained a whopping 50 pounds already but the worst part is my doctor says I have to limit my workouts to 3 days and I can only walk or swim because I am carrying such a big baby that it would not be healthy to do anything else.
Is it possible not to lift weights or do anything other than walk and still be able to get back in shape quickly after the pregnancy.
My fears are because this is my third pregnancy and I want to know that I will be able to get back in shape after the baby comes I am 28 years old so I am hoping that there is hope.
Any advice would be appreciatted,
That's got to be tough. Remember that our muscles memory is excellent so once you start to workout with weights again, you should start snapping back in shape right away.

You only have 9 weeks before delivery so it's really not all that long. Hang in there and remember, the most important thing right now is you staying healthy and bringing a healthy baby into this world. The rest will all work itself out.

{{{Hugs Marisol}}}
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Don't you worry, I gained over 50 with both my pregnancies and came back no problem. Are you going to breast feed the baby? That is a big help, esp. when the baby is older, 4-5 months and takes alot. I was still doing the step at you stage, but only a couple times a week and other than that only swam and walked. You are going to have one big, healthy baby, and you will be back to your normal self, you've done it twice already! Hang in there, once that baby is born you'll feel like it went by so fast.
That makes me feel so much better I actually am going to breastfeed.It's great to hear that others have done it that means that I can KEEP HOPE ALIVE
Thank You,
Hi Marisol,

I just wanted to echo the same thoughts and also try to make you feel a little better. Over the last several years I have had to completely stop working out due to various things (pregnancy, surgery and an injury). The one thing that I have seen consistantly is that no matter how much muscle I lost or weight I put on the body can rebound back remarkably fast once you can resume a regular workout schedule. You will be amazed once you have the baby and get the go ahead to start working out again how fast your body will respond. The others are so right in what they have said.

I know how frustrating it is to be told you can't workout when you have the desire to continue. However, carrying around that baby at this point in your pregnancy is a huge workout in itself! Try not to get too down you are doing the most miraculous and selfless job in the world right now. Pretty soon you will have that sweet baby in your arms and all these concerns will seem so small. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your last few weeks of pregancy :)

Hi Marisol,
Brisk walking is much more effective in keeping a person strong and healthy than most people realize. It's all I did when I was pregnant and I was back to pre-pregnancy shape in 6 or so months. If you are raising 2 children and still wanting to do it over again, then you girl can do anything!!! Trust me, you will be fine afterwards especially since you're only 28.
Wishing the best for you.

It'll be okay :)
You are at that point in pregnancy where it seems like it will never end... but it's coming sooner than you think... and, you'll probably find that your weight gain will slow considerably in the last month because your poor stomach will be squished up to places you don't even want to think about :)

I gained 43 lbs. with my son (who was 9 lbs. 2 oz. at birth), and I took every pound off in 4 mos. I nursed, did postpartum variations in my prenatal class, and started a stroller exercise class at 6 weeks postpartum. I was typically doing 4-5 workouts a week by 3 mos. postpartum.

One thing I've mentioned before -- when I was taking and later teaching stoller exercise classes, the thinnest and most fit women in the classes all seemed to have gained 40 or more (one as much as 60-something) pounds during the course of their pregnancies. The common denominators in taking it off seemed to be eating normally (not dieting) and exercising. I wish I could send you a picture of the group of women who were in the class. They really did look great.

For now, just take care of you and enjoy the baby kicking around inside of you. You can only do as much as the doctor recommends... and keep in mind that this is a temporary thing. When you do exercise, try to remember that the purpose of exercising during pregnancy is to feel great, and not to lose weight ... you're doing a good thing for your baby and for yourself even with moderate exercising a few times a week :)

I didn't exercise at all during my last pregnancy, and gained about 45 pounds (and I had a small baby). Post-pregnancy most of it was still there. So I was very out of shape and a bit overweight. But that didn't stop me from bouncing back! It just took me a bit longer. I began slowly after approx 4 weeks, and added gradually. After 5 months I was in great shape, running a 5K race and doing heavy weight lifting.

As for the extra weight, it took me a total of 2 years to loose it all. Of course most people can loose weight faster than that, but it didn't really bother me. I knew I was doing the right thing for me.

My point is that you got your whole life ahead of you! Small setbacks happen all the times, and one shouldn´t fret about it too much (although it easy do do so)

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