Vertical stepping


How about using the step in a different way? That could inspire some new choreography and a different perspective on step aerobics! Moves that are done on the high step can also be incorporated here.

Some I'd like to see:
Low Max 2: Vertical step (along with Low Max 3:Off the step->floor cardio)
Step and Kick: Vertical step (step/kickboxing)
Functional fitness (using medicine balls in athletic cardio moves and balance moves and one-legged moves, incorporating the vertical step--or high step: both versions could be shown)( Maybe "core step"?)
>Kathryn, what's vertical stepping? Maybe I'm dense but I
>can't envision it. Help me out! ;-)

It's just turning the step so it's longways (narrow end forward and back) instead of sideways (horizontal). It just adds some different movement possibilities and a differnt perspective to things. More "front-to-back" types of moves, and lunges off the sides, etc.
that way works great, we used to do this in my high school body works class (awesome idea for a high school btw, only girls class that did step and weights). did lots and lots of A steps and T steps. i agree it would be interesting.

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