
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has ever used or tried the product Veinish?
If you have, did you have any results from it?
Good or Bad?
Because I was thinking about purchasing it.

Thank you in advance
Love yourself:+
I actually just rec. a sample in the mail. I was scheduled to have the injections done but just don't have the extra cash right now. It was going to take about 3 sessions for me to get mine cleared up. So anyways I thought I would give the Veinish a try. I can not tell you if it works b/c I just started. However, I would be interested as well to know if anyone has had any success. I did get a sample for free, I think I only paid like $5.95 for S&H. Not sure if this was the offer you heard of but the number is 1-800-991-2854.

I'll be interested to hear if it works. On the back of my right leg is the driving directions from Chicago to Milwaukee.
Hey Jessica,
Thanks for your reply and also the phone number. Please keep us updated...:D if the product works...maybe in a couple months?

Thank you in advance
Love yourself:D :D
I will keep you posted. Hopefully I can report back with some great results. I have spider viens pretty bad on the back of my legs (thanks to grandma!!) So I should be able to tell very easily if it is working.

Do you have to use this forever, or do they come back eventually?

K60, loved your description! I personally have the Finger Lakes in New York!

Just wanted to give an update on Veinish. I tried it and actually saw no improvement. I thought that at this time I should see some changes and have not. I cancelled any further shipments. I wanted to believe that there was something out there besides the injections. However, I guess sometime this winter (better to do in the cold months because you have to wear support hose for awhile) I will go ahead with the injections so that my legs will be ready to bare next summer. My previous experience with the injections for those of you who have not had it done is that it does work. It is somewhat painful b/c they inject each of the viens and you do not have anything to numb the area. It is worth it though. The main reason they came back for me again was because it was over 5 years ago and I have had two kids since that time, which is known to aggravate them. Wish I had better news to report!!! If anyone finds anything else that works keep me posted.

I had/have broken veins on my face, under both eyes. I went to the derm who told me it would cost $600 to correct it. He used a machine with a nedle that sent an radio frequency though the vein to destory it. After treatment my face was very red and sore. Days later it scabbed over and i was left with brown, tiny scabes under both eyes. Three weeks on...the veins have gone. BUT ... i'm still left with red/pink skin underneath my eyes. Which was one of the reasons i went in the first place! I am told this may take 3-8 weeks to heal and may never actually go compeltley! This they dont tell you! Though i'm happy the veins have gone, i still have to cover up the pinkness. Sigh...just thought i'd share. These creams, Vit k Cream, etc... don't work, if they did, don't you think we'd all be trying it by now...
Jessica, I had been waiting for your update. I, too, have spider veins (and I am only 28). My sister, luckily, is a dermatologist. I get to be her guinea pig at times. When she was doing her residency, she tried out the saline injections (a.k.a.Sclerotherapy). It burned a lot, and I did use the support hose, but it didn't work. She tried two other times, but it didn't work. Two years ago, she took a position in a hospital where they use laser. She tried that on me in April, and it worked the best. She said that I will have to go back so she can get the rest (they turn an unsightly shade of purple and red before disappearing so I will wait till winter). I recommend getting them lasered.
Thanks for telling me about the saline injections. The last Dr. I spoke with was going to perform this on me. I will check out the laser procedure. Do you have any idea how much it cost??


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