Goodmorning ladies! How is everyone doing this morning??
I just wanted to say I am so sick of this snow already I live in rockland ny and although it does look beautiful it's so tiresome. Everytime I hear about snow coming I get sick to my stomach because I get so nervous about driving in it. It always seems to come in the middle in the night for my morning commute. I'm so ready for the spring....Anyway thats my gripe for the morning. Sorry for whining
Has anyone attempted a vbac? My last delivery was a c section and I REALLY dont want another one. It was really painful for me and I've had a vaginal birth for my first so I definitely can talk from experience. My doctors and I have spoken about it already and they said my chances are pretty good as long as I dont have another big baby. However, when they asked me if I wanted another c section and I said NO WAY the doctor was almost like surprised at my response. I always though natural birth was preferred by doctors. The reason I believe for my last big baby was because I gained 80 pounds for that pregnancy. I was very lazy and sendentary and just always sooo hungry. I ate whatever whenever. So thats why she was sooo big 9lbs 5oz. (I'm only 5'2 and weighed 125 before I got pregnant)She was 10 days late and I had to be induced and still she didnt want to come. With my first child I gained only 25 pounds and when she came (I have 2 girls) she came soo fast I pushed 3 times and she flew out no time for anthing all natural.
Anyway sorry so long!!! Thanks
I just wanted to say I am so sick of this snow already I live in rockland ny and although it does look beautiful it's so tiresome. Everytime I hear about snow coming I get sick to my stomach because I get so nervous about driving in it. It always seems to come in the middle in the night for my morning commute. I'm so ready for the spring....Anyway thats my gripe for the morning. Sorry for whining
Has anyone attempted a vbac? My last delivery was a c section and I REALLY dont want another one. It was really painful for me and I've had a vaginal birth for my first so I definitely can talk from experience. My doctors and I have spoken about it already and they said my chances are pretty good as long as I dont have another big baby. However, when they asked me if I wanted another c section and I said NO WAY the doctor was almost like surprised at my response. I always though natural birth was preferred by doctors. The reason I believe for my last big baby was because I gained 80 pounds for that pregnancy. I was very lazy and sendentary and just always sooo hungry. I ate whatever whenever. So thats why she was sooo big 9lbs 5oz. (I'm only 5'2 and weighed 125 before I got pregnant)She was 10 days late and I had to be induced and still she didnt want to come. With my first child I gained only 25 pounds and when she came (I have 2 girls) she came soo fast I pushed 3 times and she flew out no time for anthing all natural.
Anyway sorry so long!!! Thanks