I'm studying abroad in London and getting bored w/ my rountine, so I'm looking for ways to spice things up
I don't have access to a gym (too expensive) so here's what I do:
6 min running stairs followed by 20 min strenght MTW before internship
30 min run Thurs
45 min run Friday
45 mins run Sat
1 hour walk Sun
I have a green bunge chord thing for strengthening bicepts, delts, and upper back---does anyone know other moves that work with these chords. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I don't have access to a gym (too expensive) so here's what I do:
6 min running stairs followed by 20 min strenght MTW before internship
30 min run Thurs
45 min run Friday
45 mins run Sat
1 hour walk Sun
I have a green bunge chord thing for strengthening bicepts, delts, and upper back---does anyone know other moves that work with these chords. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!