Vacation workouts


I'm studying abroad in London and getting bored w/ my rountine, so I'm looking for ways to spice things up

I don't have access to a gym (too expensive) so here's what I do:

6 min running stairs followed by 20 min strenght MTW before internship

30 min run Thurs

45 min run Friday

45 mins run Sat

1 hour walk Sun

I have a green bunge chord thing for strengthening bicepts, delts, and upper back---does anyone know other moves that work with these chords. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I don't have any advice - I just had to tell you I was tired after just reading your workout! You must be in fatastic shape!!!! Power to you!
RE: Cord things

Tris-Over head press.
Stand on one end. Bring the other up over your head safely.
Tris kick backs
Stand on one end. Bend at the waist, flat back, one hand on thight to support. Bend elbow, extend and bring to your side. Changing the direction your palm faces can work the muscle differently.
Chest press
Put the chord around your mid-back, either end in each hand. Press forward and back, resisting tension
Stand on one end, pull chord straight up in front, or out to the sides.
Wrap the cord around your upper thighs and you can do lying inner thigh lifts, donkey kicks, etc.
What about pushups? I'd be doing some serious pushups if I didn't have my weights. Heck, I do them anyhow!

Use lot of different positions for variety:

Hands at chest level with a wide grip or a shoulder width grip to hit the chest; consider these same variations on flat, level, and decline angles

If you sort of push up more and round your back at the very top of a push up, you get a little rear delt and upper back too. (This idea came from MTV's Total Body Workout with Keith Byard.)

Put your hands narrow, and low by your ribs, to hit your triceps.

And my favorite--hands a little bit out in front of you to make the front delts do the work. I actually do this on my step, facing the short side, with hands in a hammer position. (From Reebok Extreme Step.) But on the floor should work okay too.

Then, of course there are tricep dips and pull-ups (well, pull ups are rather difficult and still require something to pull up from.)

With your chord and your own body weight--and a little imagination--you can definately still get a great upper body workout.

Thanks for the suggestions---I will definitely take advantage of them. I really appreciate it!!! THANKS!
You can also do squats and lunges in an endurance fashion with no weight, or holding milk jugs of something. I would do those "low-end" reps like in Leaner Legs.
Well you got great suggestions here. I can add a few more. Calf raises and planks. Also there are rubber bands that work for your lower body. They're not too expensive. I believe has one called loop challenge band that you can use for floor work (inner and outer thigh lifts) it's about $5 and no shipping so it's a good deal. Oh and if you have an exercise mat there's always pilates. I hope this helps and have fun in London:)

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