Hi all, I'm writing to you from my new (gift to me) notebook computer from home. Excuse any typos (I usually use an ergonomic keyboard, and it's tough to get used to the "regular" type).
As some of you may know, I teach at a university, and one of the perks of the job is having long breaks between ssemesters. Right now, we just finished finals week and I'm getting ready for a three-week break, during which I had wonderful plans to peak my exercise routine---I've already gone through a cycle of PH/MIS for 6 weeks, then went to PS for 4 weeks, planning on getting into S&H at my peak for two weeks before backing off a bit. Well, right between my last PS chest/shoulder/tricp workout, and the planned PS bacdk/bicep workout, I came down with what I finally discovered is a nasty GI virus that is sweeping the area (probably got it thanks to some students who never wash their hands when leaving the restroom!). Since Monday morning, I've been unable to eat much solid food (I did on TuesdaY and Wednesday---the BRAT diet of bananas, rice, applesauce and toast---but got sick again Wednesday night, and have been on "clear liquids" since. TOday, I'm transitioning back into "safe" solid foods. Ah, gthe joys of crackers and broth). If this had happened when I was doing a less intense routine, I wouldn't be so ticked off aboutg it. But now, in addition to wondering how much I will be behind in my weight trainig progress, due to both lack of nourishing food and lack of exercise---coming up on 6 days off--unless you count the "ab workout" I got when the virus was at it's worst!!!--I'm wondering where to start in again once I start exercising.
Now, don't get me wrong, I 'm definitely an advocate of moderation, and rest being at least as important as exercise, but I had been putting necessary rest in my program in the firswt place.
Oh, well, nothing to do but wait this out (viruses bite,k suck and blow all at once) and hope that the nasty buggers are finally out of my system, if not by today, then at least by tomorrow. Right now, I'm actaully hungray and want to eat, but the things that come to mind (Paul Newman dark chocolate!) aren't necessarily the things that my system (which has been on break) is able to digest.
As some of you may know, I teach at a university, and one of the perks of the job is having long breaks between ssemesters. Right now, we just finished finals week and I'm getting ready for a three-week break, during which I had wonderful plans to peak my exercise routine---I've already gone through a cycle of PH/MIS for 6 weeks, then went to PS for 4 weeks, planning on getting into S&H at my peak for two weeks before backing off a bit. Well, right between my last PS chest/shoulder/tricp workout, and the planned PS bacdk/bicep workout, I came down with what I finally discovered is a nasty GI virus that is sweeping the area (probably got it thanks to some students who never wash their hands when leaving the restroom!). Since Monday morning, I've been unable to eat much solid food (I did on TuesdaY and Wednesday---the BRAT diet of bananas, rice, applesauce and toast---but got sick again Wednesday night, and have been on "clear liquids" since. TOday, I'm transitioning back into "safe" solid foods. Ah, gthe joys of crackers and broth). If this had happened when I was doing a less intense routine, I wouldn't be so ticked off aboutg it. But now, in addition to wondering how much I will be behind in my weight trainig progress, due to both lack of nourishing food and lack of exercise---coming up on 6 days off--unless you count the "ab workout" I got when the virus was at it's worst!!!--I'm wondering where to start in again once I start exercising.
Now, don't get me wrong, I 'm definitely an advocate of moderation, and rest being at least as important as exercise, but I had been putting necessary rest in my program in the firswt place.
Oh, well, nothing to do but wait this out (viruses bite,k suck and blow all at once) and hope that the nasty buggers are finally out of my system, if not by today, then at least by tomorrow. Right now, I'm actaully hungray and want to eat, but the things that come to mind (Paul Newman dark chocolate!) aren't necessarily the things that my system (which has been on break) is able to digest.