Vacation next month turns out to be period week yay!


Anyone have any advice on what workouts to do for the week before my vacation to reduce bloating and feel leaner on vacation. Also, any little thing that helps you "Feel skinnier" during that week. By my calculations I am not going to be in a very good mood while packing.

"I gotta go where it's warm" JB

Another Buffett fan.
....always the way ;)

For me, circuit workouts sometimes help ease bloat. Add in tons of water and less salt than usual and that might ease a little tension. Just remember that its vacation and you don't want to stress too much.

Have fun and enjoy!
RE: Vacation next month turns out to be period week yay...

Hi to another parrothead. No real advice from me, but it's good to see the flock growing. I like to go to places where no one knows me, then who cares how bloated I am. Enjoy , you need a holiday.
I would suggest eating clean to keep the bloating down. You may want to up your magnesium (up to 1200 grams) intake to help with bloating and to help alleviate cramps. I would also suggest not eating any carbs at dinner time (with the exception of veggies) right before your period to also help reduce cramps. I went on an active vacation where I had no choice but to be active. Eating clean really helped me with my energy level. Also, the day after my period the small amout of bloating was completely gone and I felt wonderful.

Hope this helps.
It is not the bloating it is the cramps and the other thing.
Nothing more embarrasing than having an accident at the pool or beach.
I am hoping to miss over yesterday and leaving for the banks on the 2nd.
Thank God!!!
I can come home and be bloated.....and crabby....
30 years of this and once a month i wish i was a man......
Are you on the pill? Because if you are than you could adjust it so you would have it before your vacation....maybe? I do that and it's really helpful. Hate being at the beach and having my "friend."
I only go on the pill if I want to gain a quick ten pounds. I have been off it for 3 years when I started getting night sweats.

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