Using the workouts


Active Member
Hello my name is Cassandra. I am new to the Cathe workouts. I use to workout at a gym until I let my membership expire. I have joined Weight Watchers. I have the last 15 pounds to lose and I do not want to be flabby. I walk/run 3 to 4 days a week. I just purchased the Slow and Heavy series. How many days a week should I use them. I want to tone my arms and lose cellulite in my lower body.:)

I think standard advice has it that the Slow & heavy workouts can be done training each body part either once or twice per week, depending on how sore and tired you get with them. Cathe's profesional advice, which she states as the introduction to the series, is that you may want to do Slow & Heavy for shorter rotations, say 3 or 4 weeks only, simply because the slow count requires a lot of mental focus and you may mentally tire and not be able to reap full benefits from the program if you try to use it longer than that recommended time.

Having said that, there are regularly reports from seasoned Cathe exercisers testifying to the benefits of using this series for longer periods, say 8 weeks. So how long you stay on it will depend entirely upon how your body and mind react to this type of training.

Something to bear in mind: many people report getting very tired and very hungry with this series, so factor in more calories (protein) to help your muscles build that mass and extra rest and sleep to let yourself recover.

You can obtain great results from this series, so good luck!


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