Urban rebounding & question for Wendy! (fit mom)

RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review


FYI: I was doing lots of step and high impact floor work with Cathe for an extended period of time before purchasing my rebounder. I ended up having issues with my left knee that were undoubtedly caused by the impact. It could get pretty painful when I moved a certain way and I was forced to skip my cardio one day because of it. This went on for a couple of months until I purchased the rebounder and began using it...my knee NEVER bothered me during the rebounding work outs and now it only hurts on the RAREST of occassions it's only a quick twinge when it DOES act up! I owe it to the no-impact work outs on the rebounder. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't get one when I did! :+
RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review

Wendy, I'm in a similar position. I have been having problems on and off with tendonitis in my ankle. I have to be super-careful when stepping to make sure my form is always perfect because it will twinge immediately if I do anything a bit "iffy." I am really hoping the rebounder will take the worry out of my cardio and give me something fun as an alternative. I love step and kickboxing and mostly loathe hi/lo. I have some hi/lo, though, so I am going to give it a try on the rebounder.

BTW, I broke down last night and orderd the G-force DVD along with the weighted gloves, lol. I am also looking at UR compilation #4 over on collage. There really is a dearth of workouts for this piece of equipment but it does seem like you can modify regular workouts for use. I am actually thinking of giving Cardio Kicks a try on this - my complaint with that workout is that it's such a space hog. I figure I can skip the traveling and bounce instead. We'll see!

BTW, my UR is round, navy blue with a black mat and legs and a black safety bar (which I'll likely never use), so it looks pretty modern to me. Perhaps they used to sell them in a different color combo or something?

Take care,
RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review

LOL Marie, you are as bad as me with being too impatient to wait to buy a new work out! I bought the gloves too!!! :7 :7 :7

I am now eyeing up the work outs that Ducky mentioned...Champion Rebounding. I will not allow myself to order though until I have tried G-Force though!;) :p
RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review

Wendy, did you get UR Compilations 3 or 4? Because I was looking at the Champion Rebounding, too, so maybe if one of us buys one and one buys the other (I was thinking UR 4 looked the most interesting), we can swap that way. :)


PS: I was looking at your picture trail again, and I must say, girl, you are looking mighty fine! :7
RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review


I purchased UR # 3. I am on the fence about # 4 at this point. I think I would want to give the Champion work outs a shot before buying UR # 4. If you are interested in # 3 and purchase a champion w/o then I'd be more than happy to swap for a bit. :) OR, if I break down and buy a Champion w/o before you do then we can swap out UR # 4 for the Champion one!

Thanks re:picture trail. I love seeing how my hard work has paid off. It's sooo motivating! I must admit, too, that it's nice to receive the occasional compliment as well! :+ Thank you!!!!:)
RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review

oops, i really didn't mean to put those big pictures in the message body, I thought I linked to them. Now it won't let me edit the message. Is there a way I can get those pictures out of there? It looked like my link to the Champion videos didn't work either, but you can just google Jerry James or Champion Rebounding and shop around.
RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review


I don't think you can change that post now that the editing time is up. It's no big deal though so don't even worry about it!

I was able to find the Champion website! Thanks! :)

I'm very interested in purchasing one but I promised myself I'd wait a bit! I can be a very impulsive shopper...I need to calm down!:p }( :p
RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review

Which DVDs are the best. I have comp1 and 2 and would like another. Thanks
RE: Comparison of Rebounders and G-Force Review

Hi Jackie! :)

Aside from compilations 1 and 2 the only other rebounding vids I have are compilation # 3 and G-force. I like # 3 except for the hip hop w/o...just not my style...I haven't had the chance to try G-force yet so I can't comment on it at this time.

Ducky has said that she prefers the champion rebounding work outs to the JB Berns ones.

HTH a bit.

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