Upper body focus Cardio and strength split - SNM

Hi SNM/Cathe,

I have varied my upper body strength routine recently by adding upper body cardio prior to strength training. The outcome of this has been serious DOMS:D:D:D.

Can we please have 10-20 minutes premixes for upcoming Rockout knockout?
I really would like short premixes for any upper body cardio, not just the heavy bag. I do not own a heavy bag as restricted in space.

Kind Regards,
Short Premixes

We always have shorter premixes, but until we film we won't know the time lengths. I doubt you will see a premix as short as 10 minutes since the warm up and cool down will take that long, but you will certainly see shorter premixes than the original main workout.

You can always select individual chapters on our DVDs and play them if you prefer as a way to have a shorter workout. Also, if you select a chapter from our chapter menu the DVD will play from that point forward. So, this is another option you can use for shorter workouts.

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