Update on the Atkins diet situation


Ok, well I must be the only freak that gains weight on the Atkins diet. My stomach has gotten noticeable larger, and I've put on about 3 lbs!!!! Not to mention my overall yucky feeling. So.....on that note and in combination with my depressing clothes shopping experience yesterday I'm attacking this from a different angle. I'm going to ditch the low weight/high rep thing, go heavy again, do lots and lots of cardio, and maybe, Weight Watchers??? Anyone got anything to say on that?
Cbelle.. I've had great success on zigzagging my calories (also called staggering). I also follow a 50/30/20 ratio for carbs, protein, fat. Sarah (aka Imafitnessfreak) started me on this. I've been doing it since the first of July and have tons more energy. My calories before were too low and I was exercising like a maniac and getting nowhere.

Just thought I'd share. Sarah has been so great and she helps a lot of us here.
I must put in a vote for Weight Watchers because they EDUCATE you on how to eat, plus they teach you how to maintain your weight after you've reached your goal. It's a sensible plan you can live with long-term, and it WORKS.
Just Do It! :)
>I must put in a vote for Weight Watchers because they EDUCATE
>you on how to eat, plus they teach you how to maintain your
>weight after you've reached your goal. It's a sensible plan
>you can live with long-term, and it WORKS.
>Just Do It! :)

My sister has had MUCH success with WW also. I think she did the points plan to lose weight more than once after childbirth. My BIL did it with her once, lost alot of weight and has kept it off for some time now!
I would like to combine the two above comments. In the past I have done WW and am a lifetime member. At one point, I staggered my calories doing WW and it was highly successful. There was once a web site for that purpose. I don't know if it is up anymore, but it was called something like wendy points or wendy's plan. It is not associated with WW. You culd try a google search to get more info.

WW is more sensibe than many "diets." Diets in general are made to go off of. WW is something you may be able to live with long term. JMHO

"Likes2bfit" since 1999
Well, when hubby first went on Atkins, he got a little sick, not because of Atkins, but because he wasn't used to eating that way. when his body got used to it, everything was so much better and he did lose weight about 30lbs or so....
And this diet is NOT high in fat, its only that way if you eat fatty meats and such. We ate clean on Atkins....

Cbelle, my mother has had much success with Weight Watchers. She lost over 130lbs and has kept it off for over 5 years. They taught her well and it was worth it for her.

As far as Atkins goes, many people have had success, but I must say when I gave it a try (twice) I began to feel very sick and light headed during the day. You do lose weight if you stick to it correctly but it takes a very big toll on your body in teh beginning. I gues it's an adjustment period but I couldn't get past it.
I would never attempt atkins...I can't stay away from carbs!!!! With out carbs I am useless and might as well not even eat. :p
Ok, here's a question I've often had concerning weight watchers. Does the "look" you get with the weight loss look differnet than the "look" you get with doing a more traditional body building type diet that is based on ratios like 40-30-30 (sort of the BFL type diet)? Does this question make sense? Kind of goes along with the age old question of is it the ratios or just plain old calories in calories out.
I think different diets can make you look different, but with Weight Watchers, you can pretty much follow whatever way of eating you want and still do Weight Watchers. With the points plan, it is really just a guide of portion control. With the core plan, you at almost all of your food of a list they give you, which is just a really health clean diet. So, WW is what you make of it.
I tried ATkins a couple years ago. I had no energy and got really sick of eggs. And I only did it for two weeks. It made me feel really greasy. The only thing that worked for me is quitting sugar, and I love sugar. Love it, love it, love it. I am feeling kind of sad now, I want sugar. I must stop this. "Eat some vegetables", I think.
I'm voting for WW too but only the core plan, not the flex plan (counting points). The core plan is clean eating. You get a list of foods that you can eat. Portion control is left up to the individual. Other than the list of foods, I didn't receive any nutritional education at the meetings but that information is easy enough to dig up on your own. Weighing in every week and paying for the meetings helped keep me on track. I met my goal, became a lifetime member and have had no trouble maintaining the weight loss. As with anything else consitency is the key.
I've tried Atkins, and I never felt good on the diet. I did lose a good amount of body fat in my abs, but I always felt like I was in a fog. I know others have had much success with that diet, but it just doesn't work for me.

I think WW is a great idea. Like others have said, it teaches you about portion control. I think that is very important in losing/maintaining weight.

I also zigzag my calories and have had a lot of success with it. I was able to lose an additional 5 lbs. from my setpoint with relative ease. Here is a link to a website I use. It will calculate everything for you. It has been extremely accurate in my case, and I know others have had success with it as well.

Another WW lifetime member here! I joined 2 years ago, and love the CORE (clean eating) plan they introduced last August. It is really a great starting point for learning about how the quality of foods can affect your body. When I did the points plan, I was always looking for the most food per calorie (essentially), but I like not counting or measuring food on the CORE plan. It also makes it easier to add in those extra calories your body begs for after an Imax!

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