Update on my tick bite!


some of you have personally emailed me about my tick bite. It is nice to know that you were concerned.

I am being treated as if I have Lyme disease. I will be on Zithromax until Sunday. I have decided not to work out for the rest of the weeek. I have also abandoned my Body For Life eating until I am through with the meds. I am hopful that the meds will take care of the constant dizziness that I have been experienceing.

I still have the bull ring around the bite. It is scary to think that a tick bite me in Kansas in February. My only explanation is that I do hang our sheets out to dry on the clothesline. We do not live in a wooded area (In Kansas, no woods!) and we have no pets.

IF YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN EVER GET A BITE, WATCH THAT BITE CAREFULLY! A ring will appear around the bite after a few weeks.

Just wanted to update all of you!

Thanks for posting an update. I was wondering how it turned out along with wondering why ticks would be an issue in Feb.

More wondering - Can you be tested to determine if you actually have lyme disease? You're a runner aren't you? Do you run on trails?

Read that the only U.S. manufacturer of lyme vaccine has discontinued production because of low demand.

Oh, we don't live in a wooded area, it's coastal scrub, but there are plenty of ticks. We usually get a respite from tick checks from Halloween to Easter. Guess we better rethink that.
Even some of us who didn't reply were thinking about you and were/are concerned. I hope it all turns out as well as possible for you. Good luck! Jeanne
Wow! So glad you're being treated. Hope you can get back to your routine soon!

Do all tick bites result in Lyme disease? I thought it was only deer ticks. Maybe I need to be more educated since I go hiking & trail running quite often. And I guess geography doesn't matter since you live in Kansas

Yikes! Feel better soon!

My test results came back negative! Tomorrow is my last dose of Zithromax. I no longer feel dizzy. I will begin working out again on Monday.

Today while making my sons bed, there was a spider/tick? in the bed sheets. I had hung that load out on the clothes line. I put the sheets in the dryer to kill anything else that might be on them. It freaked me out to see that little thing!!

Even though I did not have Lyme, whatever bite me made me sick. I will probably have a scar from the bite. And, it really does look like a Lyme bite.

Great Natalie!!!

So happy to hear your good news! Glad you are feeling better too. Take it easy as you ease back into your normal routine. Have fun!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I saw this post and thought I would give my two cents worth. I actually had lymes disease (and live in california) and did a tremendous amount of research. first thing to know is that there is a high pervalence of false negatives (meaning it could say you don't have it and you actually do), especially with the early tests they do. Also, you have to be on medication for one month to properly treat this disease and it is an awful disease. if you don't have a physician who is well versed on the subject, then get the information yourself on the internet. the ring around the bite is usually a sure sign of lymes and many doctors will rely on physical signs rather than test results (because of the high rate of false negatives). so, make sure you are being treated properly for it and good luck with it. it's good you caught it in time.

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