Update:Best Home Method For Facial Hair Removval


Remember I said I got my Epilator Epistick Epicare for .99 cents? A lot of you wanted to know what I thought about them after I received them? Well they came in the mail (from China) and they work beautifully! No reason to spend so much money on a popular brand. With a little practice I now have no facial hair. It's amazing! From tip to tip they are 7 1/2" long.

Facial Face Hair Remover Epilator Epistick Epicare Thread...

Enjoy saving money everyone,

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Thanks for the update! I was in the drugstore and saw something similar to what you got and picked it up since I had read the thread about this form of hair removal. I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked! And there was very little pain involved. I have only a few fine, short hairs on my chin so that may be why there wasn't much pain for me. But it is nice to have them all be gone. I had been contemplating getting the No-No, but this works great!
Hi Janie. Thanks for the update as I was thinking about how it turned out for you. Does it come with instructions? I know some users had said that it's shorter than the original and was wondering if that added a bit more to the learning curve. I'm so glad it's working for you. Woo Hoo! No hair! :)

Thank you.

Thanks for the update! I was in the drugstore and saw something similar to what you got and picked it up since I had read the thread about this form of hair removal. I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked! And there was very little pain involved. I have only a few fine, short hairs on my chin so that may be why there wasn't much pain for me. But it is nice to have them all be gone. I had been contemplating getting the No-No, but this works great!

I'd love to get the No-No, but it's so darn expensive. :eek:

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