Update ,anyone??


I haven't been around much these days.My sister-in-law was home with her baby so I spent all of my free time with her.Thus leaving me with not much time to play with the computerx( But thats o.k...I am really not mad:7 :7
I know that sometimes people post things and then you wonder what every happened after so I figured you might be wondering what is going on with my job interview.I should of heard LAST week about the position but I haven't heard a word in a week.I know that they checked my references last week.But thats it, thats all I have got.I am getting pretty pissed actually.3weeks of waiting isn't fun.
Then my trip got cancelled AGAIN.Thats 2 airlines that decided not to go so we booked a trip to CUBA for this tuesday comming.I am getting pretty excited, although, I don't realize that it is really close.I didn't have my passports done so I had to drive 7 hours yesterday..to and from the passport office.That was bit of a drag but I got it done.
Hopefully I will find out about the job in the next couple of days and I will let everyone know....have a good day everyone.
Lori - good to have you back. Sorry you're in the waiting game about your job interview; that does seem to be the modern method, doesn't it? Get people's hopes up and then keep them gasping for weeks. Am doing the A-Jock Good Vibes Dance for you as I write this.

When are you gonna go to Cuba? That sounds exciting!

Don't give up hope yet! It took a month of waiting for me, and I was a referral. Also, I had to call after a month of waiting just so I could know either way. I just knew that I wasn't getting it, so when the HR woman called me back I kept telling people to put her in my voicemail so she could break the news that way. Well, she didn't so I called her back and she told me they wanted to give me an offer. So the point of this long story is that you are not out of the running yet! You could possibly call just to let them know you are still interested and were wondering if the position has been filled. I think the fact that they actually checked your references is a VERY good sign!

Good luck!:7
You are so lucky to be going to Cuba. I have heard it's magnificent. Have a wonderful time!!!

Hi Lori!

Whereabouts in Cuba are you going?

I went to a Superbreezes all-inclusive in Holguin last July and LOVED it! The people were absolutely lovely and most important, the food, was to die for. (They even had pastries and ice cream at the bar! DANGER! DANGER!!!!)

I am going on Tuesday, I can't beleive that it is so close! We are going to Melia Varadero,in Varadero.I am going with my hubby, my sister and her husband.
I am not totally at loss with the job b/c I don't think anyone as really heard but they seem to be awfully slow with stuff.Don't you think? This is three weeks now.I would give them a call but I think I threw out the number.Maybe I will go into their website and see if I can e-mail them.

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