Hi Warriors,
Your senses are keen! I was hit with a boatload of stress on Monday when I returned to work. I was mentally and emotionally drained by the end of the day, so Meso 1 legs did not happen. But today, I decided that work stress was not going to keep me from exercising. So, I'm happy to say that Meso 2 chest, shoulders and tris got done! The back-off sets were killing me this time. I really went to failure quickly! The workout felt good over all---I am already beginning to feel shoulder and chest DOMS kick in.
I think this week I will do just 1 workout a day; not that I have too many days that I workout twice, but this week I'm feeling the need ease up a bit. I think after our rest week, I will kick it back up again.
Janis, what a day you had! You're not only a Warrior, but a Hero too!
I'm glad the lady was not hurt and am so impressed that you stopped traffic, ran up & down hills to light flares and saved the day! Go Girl!!! It's great when you do something and are able to see how staying fit enables you do it easier and better than you imagined!
Glad that you enjoyed Cardio Blast--it's a fun one!
Heather, glad that you are feeling better! Those asthma meds work wonders when it comes to relieving chest restriction, don't they? It's amazing how exercising can make you feel better. On Sunday, before I did Athletic Step, I was tired, groggy and not wanting to workout at all. After I finished I felt the total opposite--I had all this energy and felt great! I'm thankful that exercise often times gives us a boost!
Cathy, thanks so much for letting me know that there is a problem with the step. I hope customer service will get a hold of you soon! I hope that you didn't get too much snow. I usually love snow, but I think I've had enough this winter!
I agree with Heather--I think you can do Athletic step--just may need to modify the moves where there is jumping on & off the step. Let us know if you try it and how it goes!
MJ, I'm bad about doing Abs regularly too. Come to think about it, I haven't done Abs in a week! So, I need to get better at doing them more too. How was your workout on Monday? Hope all is well with you.
Have a good evening. I plan to do Meso 2 legs tomorrow. I'm rushing to get all my STS workouts done by Thursday as my DD is having 2 of her friends spend the weekend with us. As I'm used to only 1 kiddo in the house, having 3 will probably keep me so occupied that I will not be working out over the weekend!