

about The Intensity Series/Terminator! ARRRHHHH! I feel the urge to SPEND!!!!!! Please! Someone talk me out of ordering the new DVD's!!! :)

I've been working out with Cathe stedy since about the beg of the month. I have yet to fully complete a MIS and would love to order the new vid's but I'm wondeirng if I should. Since I'm still new to Cathe....should I go ahead and take the plunge or should I wait till I get stronger? If I go ahead - I would like to get S&H to take advantage of the free shipping.

What do you Cathe experts think????

Kali :)
Since the Intensity Series won't be shipped out until December, which is still 3 months away, you could pre-order now to get the benefit of the lower cost, and while you're waiting for them to be filmed and shipped, you can be growing with MIS and S&H in the 3 months you're waiting for the Intensity Series.
Have I helped you spend your $? :)

Kali~I totally agree with Donna. If you are like most of us here, you will buy them eventually, sooo, why not get the great discount? If you feel at the time that they arrive that you are not quite ready to tackle the "Intensity" of the series, you'll just have to order some of her older tapes. LIKE I said, or least meant, GET THEM ALL! ;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
hehe! ok ok! Both of you talked me into it - I'm going to make a purchase!

I must admit - I'm a little scared of the Cardio descriptions in the Terminator and Intensity Series - Vol. #1. Right now - I've been trying to modify the cardio on MIS at a slower pase. Do you think I'll still get fat burning benefits by going slower?


Kali :)
Kali, as long as your hr is where it should be for fat loss (75-85% I think) I think you're fine modifying. Heck, you're fine modifying, anyway! Doing moves you are not ready for only leads to frustration. Take it at your own pace. just keep doing it. The workout will still be there when you catch up!

About getting the DVD's...well, you're not going to find anyone on this forum saying you should wait, because we've all jumped in the boat too :p and can't wait for them ! Actually, I think it is a good idea because when I started doing Cathe (and i think it's the same for a lot of people) I wasn't sure that I was 'ready', but I *was* ready to try. And that is the important thing, and that's what keeps you trying, and trying, and pretty soon your doing it right along too! She makes you want to try your best, and so you do, and you improve by leaps and bounds, and you impress yourself, and you keep on going.
PS I still read the descriptions of the soon-to-be-filmed DVD's with a mixture of total excitement can't-wait-to-do-it and stark fear of what i am in for!!( But I still can't wait)


Thank you so much! It makes me feel better knowing that I'm doing alright with going slow. As for the pre-sale....I went ahead and placed an order for S&H and the 4 new DVD's! I think this order will be a perfect addition with my MIS, PH and BM DVD. I'm getting excited! Is it December yet????

Kali :)


You are always smart to modify, and before you know it, you will be doing that warm up cardio in MIS without modification! :)
MIS was my very first Cathe, and I can remember looking at the tv and thinking, "I'll never be able to do that!" So not only did I modify, I didn't even use the step for the first month, I did the warm up on the floor! But little by little it became easier, and one day I did it, I was winded as he**, but I did it, and so will you! :)

Hey, wanna really mess your mind up? Get Imax! :)


Really, IMax is a killer!!
And I was having trouble decideing on what to get. Either all 4 dvd's or just the 3 intensity dvd's
But golly gee, I've decided to get them all! Imagine that' The longer I spend here, the more I want them all!
You people are BAD!!LOL! In a "I want more Cathe way!

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