

Ok, on Friday afternoon I had my ultra sound and everything went great. There was a heartbeat and it was strong. The doctor could see the brain development and said that it looked good as well.
Now for the rest.. it looks like there could be, or was at one point a twin. Yup, I could be pregnant with twins! He said that the second sac was hidding pretty well, there was only one point that he could see it and that was just a very tiny bit. But there was definately something there. He said that it could be a twin that didn't make it, os I shouldn't be too concerned if I start to bleed, I may just be losing the one twin. He obviously coulnd't get at the second sac well enough to see if there was anything in it much less a heart beat. So, I go in again here in 2 weeks and then we should know more.
YAY! I'm so happy that it looks good, the last two didn't go so well, so I was very nervous going in. But it was all good news, so I am thrilled. I was a very spoiled girl for christmas this year, I got everything I asked for now!

Kathy,I"m so happy for you! Congrats on the great ultrasound results. Twins? That could be interesting. Keep us updated on the progress, okay? God has truely blessed all us preggos, hasn't he?!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Apparently I wrote a reply and forgot to actually post it--post partum brain, I guess.

Anyway--great news, Kathy. I am so happy for you. To see a heart beat and all that is really good news--and maybe twins on top of that. Oh boy--keep us posted:7 :7 .

take care
Oh I sure will. I celebrated all weekend long by eating. Ha, ha! Needless to say I am watching my portion control a bit more this week. I dont' need to be the size of a house before I begin to show now do I?
You all have a great New Years!

Kathy~That is wonderful. What a great gift! Keep us posted on your next appointment. BTW, I'm a twin!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
That is very cool. Are you an identical twin or fraternal? I have a freind that has fraternal twin boys, and then my husband has cousins that are also fraternal twins. So I know that it is physically possible to take care of two babies at a time!;) I'm just not so sure how, ha ha! I'm not too worried just yet. It might be nothing, and I am only having one baby, which is enough for me.
That is great Kathy! Keep us posted! Enjoy being spoiled... I have no doubt you are worthy. :)


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