

It's been a while since I've posted and I'm sorry that my first message in a while is such a downer. I hope everyone is doing well. I need a little advice please! I'm in my 34th week and really feeling a lot of pain right above my pubic bone. When I get up from a seated position, walk, or even just change positions in bed at night I get a horrible, almost shooting, ligament-type pain in my groin.

I've asked my doctor about it and he said that unfortunately it's one of the aches and pains associated with pregnancy. Something about the cartiledge between the bones of the pelvis and the weight of the baby. He suggested that I cut back on my workouts. Now, it's getting worse instead of better and I'm getting really cranky.

With 6 weeks left to go and so much on my plate with work, the holidays and getting ready for our little boy to arrive, I'm feeling very overwhelmed. I'm starting to dread just walking from my parking garage to my office. As a result of not working out I'm even less energetic and feel much worse overall.

What can I do??? Please, please help.
UGGGGGHHHHH! I've known a couple of women (including my sister) who've had what you describe, and I understand that it is excrutiating... and those last 6 weeks take at least 6 mos., don't they?

I have one thought -- does your doctor say whether you can do water workouts? Sounds like you could be a good candidate for a hydrofit class -- talk to your local YMCA about it (and a lot of Y's also have warm therapy pools... you could use the pool to walk laps or just kick around and get some of the weight off of your poor pelvis.

Does Tylenol help at all? Other than that, I'm not sure anything other than the birth of your son will ease the pressure... in the meantime, pamper yourself once in awhile with a nice bubble bath, and some hot chamomile tea.

Hope you feel better!
This was me last pregnancy!

I remember this, oh how I remember this. It is awful isn't it?! Mine began at 20 weeks and I was told no more workouts. I was told to keep my feet up as much as possible. When I didn't follow Dr's orders other than not exercising (nothing like me at all ;-)) and it got worse, he told me that I was getting ready to put myself straight into bed rest. There's really nothing you can do to make it better, other than have your baby which of course is not an option right now. I like Susan's idea of water aerobics though. Wish I had thought of that before!! The more I think about it the more getting into the pool sounds perfect for your pain. It'll help "lift" that pressure off of your pelvis. Also, maybe doing some upper body work will satisfy your need (somewhat) to exercise while giving your pelvis time to rest. Afterall, you are going to need that upper body strength after the baby is born.

BTW, my Dr told me that they are now linking chamomile with problems in pregnancy so you may want to watch that tea. I know, we can't have anything! ;-)

Big hugs to you. You need them.
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Although I really do not have any sort of advice, I just wanted to say that I hope your pain gets better. I can't imagine how low your energy must be-especially at such a crazy time of year. I am right behind you due date wise (I have 7 weeks) and starting to get uncomefortable also so pain on top of that would just be frustrating.
Good luck and hope you start feeling better. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones and have that baby early!
Hi Candori-
I had the same thing.. for a better lack of a name, I called it my "crotch pain." My Dr. said that it is the baby's head pushing down on all the pelvic nerves..
I would notice it during exercising, and being on my feet. I guess gravity pushes the baby's head down further.
The only thing that helped me was lying on my side.. try lying on your side w/ your feet up on a pillow, that seemed to relieve it a little bit.
Sorry to hear that you are experiencing such discomfort.. These last couple of month are just no fun!!

Hang in there!!
Hi Angela! Sorry to hear of your discomfort. I remember that pain and it is quite annoying. I couldn't walk fast because that would really aggrivate it. I too was having to go through the holidays with this pain (Eric was born Dec 29th)and I agree, it can be very discouraging.

At this point you really just have to take it a step at a time. Some days may be better than others but for the most part just do only what you can on a daily basis. Try slowing your workout pace down and shorten the time of each session. If that still doesn't help, then yes, I think you should cut back on your workouts as to not intensify the situation.

Give yourself extra time when shopping and sit and take breaks when needed. When you get home pamper yourself and put your feet up for 15 minutes and let your legs rest (do this in your little baby's room so that you can surround yourself with happy thoughts:)).

Also, if you have the option to cut back on work, maybe now is a good time to consider this. What ever the case, just take a deep breath and relax. Everyone knows you are expecting and therefore not expecting a lot out of you. Take Care!

...for all the support, sympathy and kind advice. It's amazing how much better I feel just knowing that other people have gone through this and can relate.

I just did some of my Xmas shopping online, which will help and I managed to snag a parking spot underneath my office, which is a huge bonus. I didn't want to ask for it, as those spots are reserved for the "big wigs"...but heck, I'm making a baby they cut me a little break for the time being. Just goes to never hurts to ask!

I did Yoga Mama last night and it helped me sleep, which was a big bonus. I think being tired has a lot to do with my mood and crankiness.

I was thinking about one of those maternity girdles that lifts the baby up a little. Has anyone used one of these? Do they really help or would it be a waste of money?

Anyway, thanks again for the boost. You've all been very helpful!
RE: Thanks...

I didn't have the exact problem you're describing, but I did have a vulvar varicose vein during my pregnancy and it was painful as all heck! I got a tummy support belt (actually I got two, one for everyday and one for working out) from and it did seem to help a lot with the discomfort. It also made my low back feel great (it's not exactly a "girdle" as you were saying -- it looks like a weight-lifter's belt, goes about your back and then fastens under your belly).

It was only about $20, so it might be worth the investment.
RE: Thanks...

I'm glad you're feeling better. My personal experience with the "tummy bra" ,as my Dr calls them, was that it didn't make any difference at all. It's worth a try though because I know it's helped so many people. If you don't like it and can't take it back, you could always sell it on ebay.
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
RE: Thanks...

One of the women in my prental exercise class uses a belly belt during class... she's 7 or 8 mos. along and carrying the baby pretty low. She says that she doesn't seem to have as much round ligament pain and general pelvic aching when she uses it. She mentioned that she got it at Babies R Us.

I may have to follow Hazel's lead and use one this pregnancy -- I have a nasty "little'" varicose vein developing in my groin area. It hurt a little last pregnancy, but only at the end -- this time it is rearing its ugly self quite a bit earlier. Very uncomfortable (and ugly...)
I see you have received alot of advice already and I don't have any more to offer, but I wanted to just empathize. I had those same pains and they are absolutely awful. To be quite honest I even had them when I used the bathroom, so it even got to the point that I dreaded having to pee. They would also stop me dead im my tracks, which kept my husband on his toes, because he kept wondering if this time it was a contraction and I would say "no just that damn pain again!"

Hang in there and remember, its all worth it in the end!


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