UGH!!! Fit TV!! Someone help me with this please!


I have been trying to find out when Cathe's "appearance" is on Fit TV. So, I went to their website and made a TON of notes so that I don't miss any.

Well, today, the written online schedule says she should have been on at 9:00 a.m. (10 p.m. Eastern).

I got ready to workout and there was NO Cathe!! I even checked the entire morning schedule on the t.v. and that program was not on ALL morning!

So, how do we find out the schedule? Is it different in different parts of the country? I wouldn't think so, knowing that this is a cable network, but hey~ something is wrong. And if it is only me, I wish someone could tell me what the real schedule is!!

I'm EST and she is on every morning at 9am M-F, 1pm Sat & 5:30 on Sunday....I need to double check the Sat & Sun times...but when I go to FitTV and check daily listings, her show is called Cardio Blast.

HTH :)


I am in the Central Time Zone. I don't think there is a difference but this was NOT on this morning here at my house, not from 6 a.m. until 1100 a.m. anyway!

Huh! I NEED to figure this out. I don't know who to contact though.......;(
That's weird. I'm in central time zone and Cathe's Step Blast was on at 8:00 a.m. this morning. Tomorrow is, I think, Supersets and Wednesday is Push/Pull all 8:00 a.m. central time.

I am going to turn on the t.v. tomorrow at 8 a.m. and if it is on, I owe everyone an apology!!! I even did a search for this program from 6 a.m. and forward, but I didn't see it! So, it MUST just be me! I am still recovering from my inner ear virus so it must be me being my "dizzy" self again!

I really have to pay better attention! this the only time that Cathe is on?
Hi again,

Are you looking for a show called Cardio Blast? Cathe's name is not mentioned in the listings section....and yes it would be 8am CST :)

Good Luck and I hope your ear is better soon :)

The FitTV schedule is listed in Eastern time which means you want to watch an hour earlier than what is listed.

Good luck!

whining again because our cable provider doesn't carry FitTV! I WANT MY FITTV!
If you go to Yahoo TV and put in your zip code, find your cable or dish co, you can then do a search for Cathe....or go straight to Fit TV and just see what is on all day and the times should be set for your time zone.

Here in Oklahoma Cathe comes on FitTV at 8 am, in fact she is on now....... depends on what part of the country you live in........ Rhonda:7
we get her here in Pa!! I'm so excited- in fact I gotta run now and workout with her workout from yesterday....I'm at work at 9 am so I have to tape and do it the next day! lovin it!

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